The Last Judgment by Michelangelo 
Sistine Chapel
Christ as Judge
Sleepy Hollow Presbyterian Church Newsletter
Weekly Happenings at SHPC    
September 22, 2016
September Series Concludes- Location, Location, Location
Heaven and Hell in Matthew 25
     Are heaven and hell locations?  In the language of Matthew 25, how do we locate ourselves in eternal life, and not in eternal punishment?  This Sunday, September 25, 2016, at 9:30 a.m., we'll conclude our exploration of Matthew 25's call to locate ourselves with the hungry, thirsty, naked, stranger, sick, and imprisoned, and the fulfillment that ministry brings us. The SHPC Singers will be singing for us!
In This Issue
Quick Links
Bev piano
A Note From 
Pastor Bev 
Last Sunday we talked about Matthew 25's call to care for and visit the sick, those struggling with illnesses of body, mind, and spirit.  In Marin we tend to put a high value on health, and if you aren't always hardy and healthy, you could feel like you're doing something wrong.  

Jesus taught his disciples not to blame the victim, and his teachings remind us today not to judge, but to befriend those suffering with illnesses of all kinds. This is especially true for those stigmatized for suffering from mental illness (18% of the adult population per the NIMH) and substance abuse, and the people who love and pray for them.  Let's reach out in non-judgmental compassion to those who are lonely and struggling.  Thank God for a truly welcoming church!

In peace,

September/October Calendar
Friday, September 23rd

Bible Study with Pastor Bev
Sunday, September 25th
9:30 a.m.

10:30 a.m.

Heaven and Hell in Matthew 25
Coffee and Fellowship -- All are Welcome!
Let's Talk - The Fulfillment of Visiting the Prisoner
Wednesday, September 28th
7:30 p.m.

SHPC Singers rehearse - come join us!
Friday, September 30th 

Bible Study with Pastor Bev
Sunday, October 2nd
9:30 a.m.

10:30 a.m. 

featuring African Beats 
Coffee and Fellowship -- All are Welcome! 
Wednesday, October 5th
7:30 p.m.

SHPC Singers rehearse - come join us!
Friday, October 7th

Bible Study with Pastor Bev
Sunday, October 9th
9:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
4 - 6:00 p.m.
Forgiveness & Letting Go Begins
Can We Forgive Ourselves?
Coffee and Fellowship -- All are Welcome!
Youth REST Cooking Kick-Off Meeting
Please let Judy or Jen know if you can join us [email protected] or  [email protected]

Bible Study - Friday, September 23rd NOON with Pastor Bev
Matthew 25:31-46 with attention to verse 46
Bring your reflections on heaven and hell

Friday Yoga - September 23rd 5 p.m. with Karen Baigrie

Sunlight & Shadow (Tao. 5.6)

Go within.
Focus your senses.
Face the challenge.
Balance sunlight and shadow.
Blend the path.
This is the way of Tao.

Tomorrow we will be celebrating the start of Fall and these Equinox days we are in, where there is a balance between night and day, dark and light. We will practice  balancing opposites and find harmony.
A quick reminder that class is now from 5-6pm.

Please Remember in Your Prayers

Innocent people who are in fear of being stopped by police, those who have lost their lives and loved ones, and for our police, we pray for an end to racial injustice and for reconciliation;
The Syrian humanitarian aid workers who lost their lives and the refugees without the basics of life;
All those who are struggling with illness of body/mind/spirit, and for the people who love them; 
Our vulnerable seniors, and their loved ones and caretakers;
Our country, for a national discourse of respect and dignity for all;
Ryan Burk s, son of  Warren and Jackie Burks, for healing, and for strength and hope for his family;
Praying Hands
Carolyn O'Hara, mother of Laurie, for God's comfort, companionship, and strength, and healing;
Kelsey Lopin, for healing and full recovery from complications of Lyme disease;
Andrea Proster, sister of Nancy Elberg, for complete healing, and for Nancy for continued strength in companioning her;
Betty Swalberg, for God's presence and peace, and  Wil Swalberg, for God's comfort and community support;
Paul Lambert's Mom, blessed assurance of God's constant presence; 
The PC(USA), as it discerns and follows God's call to be a Matthew 25 church, and its new Co-Moderators, Revs. Denise Anderson and Jan Edmiston, and Stated Clerk, Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson;
Dr. Doug Tilton, our PC(USA) mission co-worker in Southern Africa;
Rev. Kate Taber, our PC(USA) mission co-worker in East Jerusalem;
The world's poor, and all who suffer from disruptive climate change;
Our church community, keep us faithful to the love and justice of Jesus, strong in our commitment to the church, and make us hope-bringers to the world.

Please take time this week to pray for those on our list.
Family Ministries Thanks All Youth and Their Parents

We had a great HUDDLE!

  • FAMILY MINISTRIES ELDER Janel will be sending out a report of our terrific meeting with 2 dozen youth and parents;
  • Coming Soon:  Youth Music and Hand Chimes
  • This is is a shout out to send us updates about what your kids (all ages) are doing/have done in school, sports, drama, life.  Share with the SHPC Community so we can cheer them on in the stands or even just a high five from the pews! 
    Submit here: 
  •   Report from your Clerk of Session

    pcusaYour Session met for its regular monthly meeting on Wed. Sept. 14 at 6:30 p.m. at the church.  Here's our report:

    Clerk, Dennis Latta:  The Interim Report of the Manse and Capital Improvement Study Team was distributed for review and will be discussed with that team at the October meeting.

    Finance, Doug Eisinger: Church finance overview presented and Stewardship/Budget discussed; Stewardship Celebration Sunday will be November 6 with String Quartet and Harvest Feast.

    Building and Grounds, Fred Morfit: Fred is still in Colorado.

    Family Ministries, Janel Stewart:  Janel's report highlighted the upcoming Family Ministries Huddle and a job posting to replace Charles and Katie.

    Mission, Patti Vance:  Justice Garden and Farm stand are huge successes and great outreach.

    Membership Nurture, Linda Peltzman:  Linda was ill.

    Worship, Jody Brockett: September attendance has been significantly up from summer.  Advent theme is Isa. 11:1-9, focus on v. 6, the peaceful kingdom, a little child leading us to ecological harmony.

    Come harvest at church Fridays at 8 a.m. and help with the Farmstand (at the corner of Butterfield and Green Valley Court) Saturdays from 8 a.m until noon while our tomatoes last.
    This might be our last weekend! 
    Photos courtesy of James Baigrie 


    Calling Short School Volunteers!  It takes a village!

    Find your bliss in our gorgeous Justice Garden, harvesting, at the Farm stand, or volunteering in the classroom at the Short School to build a more just, kinder, and more peaceful world.  

    Contact  Patti or Bev 

    If you were unable to attend the event on Monday for Time to Lead on Climate Change, you can go to
    and/or talk to Judy, Doug, Dennis, Robin, Wil, Sophie,
    Michael and Bev (Go Green Team!)

    Also thank you to Sophie for compiling these resources about how we can combat climate change in the most efficient ways possible:
    Let's Talk about Visiting Immigrants in Detention

    At  Let's Talk  on September 11th, we viewed an educational, revealing, moving 20 minute film from the PC(USA) about the warehousing of immigrants for profit in the USA called Locked In A Box and the life-saving difference visitation makes.

    We encourage you to click here to view the trailer as well as the PC(USA) article describing more in depth. 

    Trailer for
    Trailer for "Locked in a Box"

    Many immigrants sit in cells without visitors for years.

    If you or a reliable, trusted family member, friend, colleague, can be available Fridays between 1 - 3 p.m. twice a month, consider joining the visitation team now being organized and trained by Nick Castro, CIVIC (Community Initiatives for Visiting Immigrants in Confinement) coordinator.

    Nick will be contacting those who've indicated an interest for a phone interview/training soon.
    The West County Detention Facility is located at 5555 Giant Highway, Richmond, CA 94806.  Refer to the map below for the route to take, it should take between 35-50 min. to get there when leaving San Anselmo on a Friday at noon. 

    Fall 2016 Speaker Series 

    Please see below and attached for information on the Fall Speaker Series events brought to you by our Ross Valley Healthy Community Collaborative.  

    Dear Friends,

    This week began with sorrow as bombs were found in New York area neighborhoods, one of which injured many innocent people.  In our grief though, we do not want to forget others who have also suffered from violence.  The conflict in Syria has displaced millions of people.  Millions more are currently displaced by violence in other parts of the world.  We are in the midst of the worst refugee crisis since World War II.  These people need our help.

    Unfortunately, some of our politicians are attempting to slam our doors shut in the face of those seeking refuge.  Refugees have been compared to poisonous "skittles" and some in Congress have called for including a provision banning refugees in the continuing resolution currently being debated in Congress that will fund government for the next few months. 

    Please write now   - now is a critical time for refugees who face violence and persecution in their home countries, and political scapegoating in our country.  We must not leave them to stand alone.


    Matt Hawthorne
    Policy Director
    Wil LOVES an invite for lunch or dinner!

    Thank you and bless you to all who have reached out to invite him over for a meal.  You are lighting up his life!

    And thank him for his faithful and continuing FOOD BARREL MINISTRY.


    Fellowship time is organized by your Deacons. We need everyone to sign-up about 3-4 times a year. 
    Click below to sign up: 

    SEPTEMBER: Robin's Parish

    Sign up now and keep the hospitality going!
    Don't be shy, Greeting is a Treat!

    We are in need of greeters to sign up through the signup genius website. 

    Help with our ministry of hospitality by signing up to be a greeter! All you have to do is get to church by 9:15, light the candles, and hand out bulletins with a smile. Thank you to all who have signed up so far!

    Thank you all for your continued support,

    Jody Brockett, 
    Worship Elder
    Getting Through or Moving on from Divorce is a Life Changing Event

    If you have been through it, or know someone who has, you will relate to many of these thoughts today. I have had the privilege, with three other partners, to create the website First Wives World which has 1.4 million annual users. It is the largest online destination for divorced women.
    I repeatedly see and read things like -  "I've never gone through a rough patch like this"; "I really want revenge"; "My kids think it was all my fault"; "Socially, I feel like such a third wheel" ; "It is the emptiness that gets to me" ; "I'm so messed up I can't think straight or make good decisions"; "I've never felt this lost".
    Divorce literally means ... divided force. Most couples were once ... a united force, one that was solid and in sync. With most divorces there are painful repercussions. Ones that create feelings of abandonment and insecurity. Since half of the married couples today end in divorce, these feelings are things we should all realize. 
    Often, we leave divorced people alone. Ignoring their situation. On the other hand, sometimes it's hard to know what is the right thing to say or do.
    I'd like to suggest that we remember our friends, family members, or whoever is going through divorce in our prayers. We can always be sure that God knows their situation. And God is the source for new beginnings. Divorce is something hard to talk about, but much easier to pray about.
    Divorce leads to a transition. One that effects finances, social activities, home life, parenting, and a totally different outlook on life. 
    In Matthew 28:20, Jesus assures us "I am with you always" and in Romans 8:38 the Apostle Paul writes  "Nothing can separate us from the Love of God" and in Joshua 1:9 " Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord God is with you wherever you go".
    These are a big help to all of us, no matter what we're experiencing or what challenge is irritating us. So, in addition to facing our own problems this week, let's pay special attention to those grappling with divorce. Let's be "doers of the Word", and remember that we are God's hands and feet, and that there's someone somewhere who needs us.
    One final thought ... divorce may be the beginning of a wonderful new horizon for some, and not a complete negative circumstance. It may actually be the start of something very positive. I certainly hope so whenever possible.
    Your friend,

    Paul Lambert is a member of SHPC who travels extensively for his career as a producer of Broadway-bound musicals.  He is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute who studies the Bible daily and attends our Bible Study whenever he's in town. He posts this blog each week no matter where he is, to the delight and comfort of many.  SHPC thanks you, Paul.
    Foster Parent Outreach

    Become a Resource Family
    1. Attend Orientation
    Learn about the process of becoming a resource parent at one of our monthly
    orientations with a social worker and an experienced resource parent.

    Orientation Calendar 2016
    September 22 | October 18

    7-8:30pm at 3240 Kerner Blvd, Room 110, San Rafael
    November 17 | December 8
    7-8:30pm at 3250 Kerner Blvd, Room 107, San Rafael

    2. Apply
    Complete an application and background check.

    3. Complete Training
    Complete a training course and become CPR/First Aid certified.

    4. Get Approved
    Work closely with a social worker during a 60-90 day approval process. There  will be interviews with family members and a home safety inspection. The  interviews help make matches between a family's strengths and children's  needs.  Become a Resource Family

    Resource Family Orientation
    Learn about fostering opportunities!

    July 26 | August 31

    7-8:30 pm
    3240 Kerner Blvd. Rm 110
    San Rafael 94901
    Questions? (415) 473-2200

    Sleepy Hollow Presbyterian Church
    100 Tarry Road
    San Anselmo, CA  94960
    Sophia De Quattro,  Editor
    E-mail us at [email protected] or call us at 415-453-8221