Palm/Passion Sunday
Holy Week Begins with Jesus Entering Jerusalem 
Sleepy Hollow Presbyterian Church Newsletter
Weekly Happenings at SHPC    
March 22, 2018
Palm/Passion Sunday
Holy Week Begins

      This Sunday, March 25, at 9:30 a.m., we celebrate Palm/Passion Sunday, the beginning of the most holy week of the Christian year.
We start by joining Jesus and his followers at the gate to the holy city of Jerusalem.  In keeping with prophecy, he enters the city astride a small donkey.  The crowd shouts "Hosanna!  Hosanna in the highest!  Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!"  They seem to love him, but how lasting will this love be?  The temple elite and their Roman overlords are watchful; they are assessing the situation, asking each other, how can we safely dispose of him?  And the Passion drama unfolds.  

     We know where this story is going, but what meaning do we make of the holy mystery?  Let's travel together to ancient Jerusalem to experience the unfolding of the week that changed the world.  
In This Issue
Quick Links
Bev piano
A Note from Pastor Bev

We are entering Holy Week, where we are invited to experience the mystery of Jesus' betrayal, death, and resurrection.  Here's a spiritual experiment:  Take a few moments to ponder the familiar story of Jesus' last week in Jerusalem, the cross, and the empty tomb.  Now write down any questions you have, old and new, small and large.  There are no stupid questions.  Don't feel you have to look anything up or be a Bible expert.  

Then fold up your paper and tuck it away, or save it on your computer and step away for 24 hours.  Come back to the questions and see which ones matter most to you.  And then send them to me!  Just click here
Or leave them on my desk at the church. 
Put your name on them if you would like a direct reply.  Otherwise, I'll be replying in the newsletter or in sermons or at a Let's Talk.  Which doesn't mean that I'll be able to answer them all!  For many, the answer might be, "It's a mystery."  But we can start the conversation.  And as poet Rainer Maria Rilke advised, we can love the questions, and live the questions!  We are on this spiritual journey together.  What a blessing!

With blessings of peace,

March/April Calendar
Friday, March 23

Bible Study 

Sunday, March 25
                 9:30 a.m.    
               10:30 a.m.
           11:30-12:30 p.m.
Palm/Passion Sunday- 
Holy Week Begins
Coffee & Fellowship - All Welcome!
Mexico Mission Meeting
Tuesday, March 27
               5:30 p.m.
               8:00 p.m. 
Newsletter Items Due
AA- Men's meeting
Wednesday, March 28
                7:30 p.m. 

SHPC Singers 
Friday, March 30
                7:00 p.m.

Bible Study
Good Friday Service

Sunday, April 1
               9:30 a.m.
             10:30 a.m.
             10:45 a.m.

Celebration of Easter- 
Christ is Alive!
Coffee & Fellowship - All Welcome!
Easter Egg Hunt

Game Night April 6th at 6:00 p.m.! All Are Welcome!

Robin & Ahmed
Fellowship time is now organized by your Hospitality Team, and we're excited to get everybody on board! 
We need everyone to sign-up to help out at least 2  times from March through August. 
Sign up for set up/snack, snacks, clean up/snack.
Sign up on the bulletin board at church (for the next 6 months,) or  click Robin and Ahmed to sign up for   
April:  Robin and Ahmed
Sign up now and keep the hospitality

Calling Gracious Organized Friendly People 
to Lead Our Hospitality Team 2018!
We are off to a terrific start!  Thank you!
Sue Burr- March
Robin and Ahmed - April
Karen Baigrie- May
Linda Peltzman- June
??- July
Sharon Adams - August
Charles and the Youth - where needed

We're trying something new, and inviting all members and friends to sign up 2-3 times for set-up or clean-up plus snacks.  Sign-up sheets are on the bulletin board!  The hospitality team leader of the month will teach new folks how to make coffee etc.  This will be fun! If you're thinking of leading a month,  Yes, you can co-host with a friend!  
             To volunteer to lead a month, click HOSPITALITY

Please Welcome Our New Members!

Bridget Clark (left), Vanike Stewart (right) w/ mom Janel
John Grubb w/ wife Koren
Erin Corbiere (left) w/ Merle

Bible Study this Friday- March 23, Noon
Mark 11:1-10 and Matthew 26:17-35
Please Remember in Your Prayers 

The families of Anthony Stephan House and Draylen Mason, who were killed, and all those wounded and impacted by the Austin bombings, for healing, God's comfort, peace, and strength in their mourning;
Ahmed AbuAly on the loss of his dear mother, Sherifa, for God's loving presence and for God's peace for Ahmed and Robin and their family in their mourning;
Those who lost their lives, their loved ones, and those injured in Florida International University's tragic collapse of a pedestrian walkway, for God's healing and comfort.
Those who lost their lives and loved ones in the Florida school shooting, and all those whose lives have been disrupted by gun violence, may the bereaved feel God's comfort, and may God continue to energize the youth of Parkland and all of us who stand in solidarity with them to advocate for a solution to this epidemic;
Marie Ongaro, for full and speedy recovery for her injured right knee, and for God's peace to continue to comfort and uplift her; 
Ellarie and Andy Bane, for successful recovery from surgeries;
All asylum seekers and those living in the shadows and fearing deportation, for security, a path to citizenship, and sanctuary; for a humane solution to the DACA crisis;
Our mission partners in immigrant detention visitation, CIVIC, for restoration of visiting privileges:
Dennis Latta and Diane, Juliet, and the extended family as they mourn the loss of Dennis' father Leroy, for God's accompaniment, comfort, and peace as they grieve;
Nance Rosencranz, recovering from a stroke, for full and complete recovery, and for God's healing presence;
Peg Maclise's sister Kim, for God's healing presence, and for PegGod's strength, love, and peace; 
Kelsey Lopin,  for total healing, renewed strength, continued flourishing, creativity, and energy to share her God-given gifts;
Andrea Proster, sister of Nancy Elberg, for complete healing, and for Nancy to continue to feel God's abiding presence in companioning her;
Our Muslim neighbors, subject to Islamophobia and hate crimes;
The incarcerated, and their loved ones, for a justice system and prison system that uphold our highest values;
Our country, for a way forward where we live our values of justice and equality for all people; 
The people of Puerto Rico, still suffering from Hurricane Maria, and the refugees and displaced , almost 1 out of 100 people in the world today, for safety, homes, the basics of life, and dignity;
Our planet, the world's poor, all who suffer from disruptive climate change, may God energize us to continue our work to keep the planet livable for all people;
Praying Hands
The PC(USA), for courage and energy to continue our world-wide mission of love and justice for all people;
Dr. Doug Tilton, our PC(USA) mission co-worker in Southern Africa;
Our church, for Spirit to continue to guide us and fill us with energy for mission and love for all our neighbors!

Please take time this week to pray for those on our list.
REST Sign-ups!  Our Life-Giving REST Ministry to the Unhoused Community Concludes in April
Thank you to all who have served!

Bringing dignity to our unhoused friends @ St. Rita's on Monday, March 5: Scott, Nancy, Sharon, Ana, Steve, and Katie

Thank you to all who have signed up for the last REST meal. There is only one slot left for the women's Main Course (Protein). Please sign up to help bring friendship, food, and dignity to the unhoused community through the REST program -- the men on the first Monday of the month at St. Rita's in Fairfax, and the women on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at the Wellness Center in San Rafael. We need YOUR help!
Please volunteer to make food, set up, serve, share the meal, clean up:
To volunteer to be a part of the women's program, sign up here
To volunteer to be a part of the men's program, sign up here
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our REST coordinator, Carolyn Goodman, or 415.250.6264.
After REST, how will SHPC continue to answer God's call to serve the unhoused community?  

We are in the process of  discerning the Spirit's call and identifying how we are being led to continue our commitment to serve the unhoused.   Sign up now to be part of SHPC's NEW Homelessness Ministry Task Force by clicking 
Thank you to Howard Schwartz, Ph.D., of the HOT (homeless outreach team) program for these thoughtful suggestions about our next steps:
"I would call on each congregation to have their own homelessness task force and dedicate themselves to helping in one or more of the following areas from least effort to most effort.  
Take that energy put into REST and help us move the goal forward. If you get on board, those of us working at this full time will work with you to help you.
  • The old REST dinners can be dinners that get delivered to newly housed individuals who don't get a home cooked meal often
  • We need visitors of our newly housed people as they can feel isolated when they leave the streets
  • Some of our newly housed individuals need mentors or coaches or just rides
  • Churches could sponsor events for our newly housed people (bowling, barbecue, picnic, outing to the beach. We can staff it if you can help us organize it.
  • Churches can get their members to sponsor junior second units in their homes and have a campaign to bring x number online a year. This will help affordable housing
  • Churches could take a tiny home on their property
  • Churches could sponsor a homeless person in housing (This is a new idea from our MCHAT subgroup- that a church or a group of people could contribute to cover rent for a person that is put into housing)
  • Churches could help raise money for some of our housing projects"
A warm thank you also to Supervisor Katie Rice for her time Sunday 3/4 addressing our questions and concerns about the end of the REST program.  Supervisor Rice affirmed the meaningful contribution SHPC volunteers have made over the years in bringing dignity to the unhoused community through our ministries to the men, the women, and with our youth's cooking from the Justice Garden.  
A message from:
Suzanne Walker
Deputy Director
St. Vincent de Paul Society of Marin
REST friends,
At the St. Vincent de Paul Society, we are excited to be partnering with the Downtown Streets Team as they launch their new Mobile Shower program.  On March 21st,they will be celebrated the launch with a ribbon-cutting ceremony at their Novato site:
  Novato Mobile Shower Site
816 State Access Road, Novato, CA  94949 (adjacent to Homeward Bound's Next Key Center)

We are thrilled that the implementation of the mobile unit means that the under-served homeless community in Novato will finally have regular access to shower services.  In addition, this service is intended to eventually replace the shower services currently being offered at the Ritter Center in San Rafael, as they phase out homeless support services at their downtown San Rafael location.  Our hope is that a successful program might be able to expand to other parts of the county as well - they will need strong community support to operate effectively for the extended periods necessary to properly serve the needs of this population.

Marin Mobile Showers is looking for some reliable early bird volunteers to welcome people to the showers, and work alongside paid staff from the Downtown Streets Team.  They also need donations of toiletry items, towels and other items needed for clients utilizing these services.  This seems like an excellent opportunity for REST volunteers and potentially, teams of REST volunteers who are looking for ways to stay connected with our neighbors experiencing homelessness after the REST Program comes to an end in April.
I encourage you to check out this new service and see if it seems like a good fit for you and your congregation.  I've attached their flyer for more information on where and when the showers will be offered during this early stage.  Please let me know if you have any questions about how the program fits in with other services for our REST guests and other people living outside.  If you want to volunteer or have specific questions for Marin Mobile Showers, please contact Karen Strolia at the Downtown Streets Team directly at or (415) 991-5267.

Click the link for the flyer.  Mobile Shower Program 

Cook's Cozy Corner

Michael's  Preserved Lemons
Available this Sunday!
Awesome Easter Gifts!

This year we had a flood of winter Meyer lemons (thanks to Koren and Frankie!)  A lot of them got turned into preserved lemons through salt curing, and now they're making their way to our produce table, where your donations benefit the Justice Garden.  Since many of you probably haven't cooked with preserved lemons before, here's a recipe to start you off.  This has been adapted from a Florence Fabricant recipe in the New York Times.

Moroccan Chicken Tagine with Olives and Preserved Lemon

  • 5 cloves garlic, finely chopped
  • ½ teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1 teaspoon sweet paprika (fresh!)
  • ½ teaspoon ground cumin
  • ½ teaspoon turmeric
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 chicken, cut in 8 to 10 pieces (or 8 bone-in chicken thighs)
  • 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 3 medium onions, sliced thin
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • kalamata olives, pitted and halved
  • 8 cracked green olives, preferably castelvetrano, pitted and halved
  • 1 large preserved lemon 
  • 1 cup chicken stock
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon (about 1 T.)
  • 1 tablespoon chopped flat-leaf parsley
  1. Rub chicken with 1 tsp salt and 2 T olive oil, cover, refrigerate and marinate 3 to 4 hours.
  2. Heat 1 T. oil in heavy skillet or dutch oven. Add chicken, and brown on all sides. Remove to platter. Add onions to skillet, and cook over medium-low heat about 10 minutes, then add garlic, ginger, paprika, cumin, turmeric and the ground pepper (or chili flakes) to taste. Saute gently another 5-10 min.  Transfer to a tagine, if you are using one, or leave in the skillet. Add cinnamon stick.
  3. Put chicken on onions. Scatter with olives (use more if you like olives). Quarter the preserved lemon, remove pulp, rinse the rind and cut it in strips. Scatter over chicken. Mix stock and lemon juice. Pour over chicken.  Taste, and if you need salt, use some of the lemon pulp.
  4. Cover tagine or skillet. Cook over low heat about 45 minutes, until chicken is done. Scatter parsley on top.
  5. Serve with plain couscous, or rice.
To Middle and High School YOUTH and their PARENTS from Charles

Hello everyone,

If you haven't already viewed our Youth Group's video on immigrant detention, here it is:

The youth were very moved by our January 21 speaker, who was incarcerated for 6 months in Richmond, and now feel called to educate and advocate against unjust detention of immigrants.  This Sunday, they will be asking you to sign their letter (approved by the Session), which is to be sent to elected officials, asking them to stand with us against this unjust treatment of innocent people.

Our next video will address gun violence.
Some important dates are coming up:
April 1 - Easter Sunday - The Youth Group will be hiding the eggs for the little ones' Easter Egg hunt. We need your help!
April 6 - Family Game Night - Everyone is welcome for pizza and games! Join us for fun and fellowship!

Grace and peace,

Director W
Collective Voices Initiative
Youth Director
Always feel free to contact me with any questions or feedback by clicking here.
CIVIC's Visitation to Immigrants in Detention Terminated; ACLU NorCal Responds with Letter to ICE & the Contra Costa County Sheriff to Reinstate Visitation Program

SHPC signed on the letter and it is in progress. You can find the final version as well as our press release here:

From the CIVIC Coordinator:

All of us (both folks on the inside and outside) are so grateful for the outpouring of community support we've seen over this past week for the visitation program we've built together over years. Thank you again for being in this fight with us.

In solidarity,

Rebecca Merton 
Program Coordinator, National Visitation Network 
Community Initiatives for Visiting Immigrants in Confinement (CIVIC) 
(408) 471-7841

A message from Wil!

Wil dropped off 39 pounds to the SF- Mar in food Bank! 

Let's all thank him, and let's all re-fill the Food Barrel!

Mexico Mission Meets this Sunday, March 25

Our next meeting will be
This Sunday, March 25th at 11:30am at Sleepy Hollow Church.
Andrew and Charles are presenting and leading activities to prepare for the trip.

The remainder of the forms and your deposit are due on March 25th. Please bring them to the meeting if possible.

You can find these forms as well as other information on our website

The completed information can be mailed to Sleepy Hollow Presbyterian Church (c/o Mexico Mission, 100 Tarry Rd San Anselmo), e-mailed to Katie  or dropped off in the black lock box at the church on the outside wall of the building to the left of the ground level fellowship hall window/door.

Spread the word!
Click here for Katie in the church office
One Great Hour of Sharing gifts transform lives far and near
We will be collecting for One Great Hour of Sharing on Palm Sunday (3/25) through the envelopes that will be in the bulletin that Sunday as well as through the fish banks that will be given to the children. Below you will find some information about the program.

Around the world, millions of people lack access to sustainable food sources, clean water, sanitation, education, and opportunity. The three programs supported by One Great Hour of Sharing -Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, and Self-Development of People - all work in different ways to serve individuals and communities in need. From initial disaster response to ongoing community development, their work fits together to provide people with safety, sustenance, and hope.

Received during the season of Lent (February 14 - April 1), each gift to One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) helps to improve the lives of people in these challenging situations. The Offering provides us a way to share God's love with our neighbors in need. In fact, OGHS is the single, largest way that Presbyterians come together every year to work for a better world.

Works alongside communities as they recover and find hope after the devastation
of natural or human-caused disasters, and support for refugees
Receives 32% of funds raised

Takes action to alleviate hunger, care for creation, and the systemic causes of
poverty so all may be fed
Receives 36% of funds raised

Invests in communities responding to their experiences of oppression, poverty
and injustice and educates Presbyterians about the impact of these issues
Receives 32% of funds raised

Learn more about the One Great Hour of Sharing offering by clicking here.
SHPC Session Gives $500 to CROP - 
Church World Service
We weren't able to organize the walk this year, but we are donating $500 to this worthy cause to help end hunger.  
March 21, 2018 Session Report

The meeting opened and closed with prayer.  Dennis, Clerk, Scott, Finance, Koren, Worship, Patti, Mission, Janel, Family Ministries, Merle, Membership Nurture, Ahmed, Building and Grounds, and Pastor Bev were in attendance.  Guests were:  Steve Derr, for a report on the sale preparation for 110 Tarry, which will probably go on the market shortly after Easter; Doug Eisinger, former FE, for a review of the Sale and Investment Fact Sheet (distributed 2/4 at the congregational meeting), for disposition of sale proceeds and next steps; and Charles Wei, Youth Director, for a viewing of the youth's Immigrant Detention video and approval of their advocacy letter.  Financial reports were reviewed, worship attendance was reported (it has been excellent), building maintenance report given, mission update given, and calendar of membership activities discussed.  Bev reported that the compassionate care deacons are meeting for organization and training this Friday, and that the Hospitality Team is off to a great start, with Sue Burr's enthusiasm.  She signed the ACLU letter and we are continuing to advocate for immigrants in detention.  
Report from Building and Grounds
from Ahmed, your B and G Elder
Richard Peltzman repairing the roof over our historic church bell

If you feel called to work on repairing and updating our building and grounds, please contact Ahmed by clicking here.

We are still in the process of getting our plumbing and irrigation lines repaired and upgraded.  And getting our MMWD bill reduced!

Upcoming Projects:

The Fellowship Hall closet doors continue to be a problem despite great efforts by the B and G team.  The Fellowship Hall needs a fresh coat of paint, at least on the high impact spots!  

We are in the process of planning and design for wheelchair access from upstairs to downstairs.  Last Sunday we had two visitors on crutches and faced the dilemma of no access between sanctuary and restrooms for the disabled.

Our outdoor lighting needs to keep the building illuminated enough for safety and be earth-friendly.  

We are evaluating what to do about the sanctuary windows, which may not be repairable.

Most exterior doors need repair or replacement.  Wheelchair access needs work!

Our sidewalk around the church is uneven and needs leveling so it's not a tripping hazard.

The kitchen is not adequate for our youth REST cooking program and needs immediate attention for stove/oven safety.

Previous surveys have shown a great interest in updating the kitchen and bringing beauty to the grounds next to the patio.
Yoga with Karen



TUESDAYS 5:30-6:30PM


We will move our bodies and in so doing, our spirits will move too.
We will make time for silence as we build community.

Karen x
Don't be shy, Greeting is a Treat! 
From Koren Grubb, Worship Elder

Help with our ministry of hospitality by signing up to be a greeter! All you have to do is get to church by 9:15, light the candles, and hand out bulletins with a smile. 

To sign up, email Koren Grubb 

From Marin Moms Demand Action: We've had enough. Thoughts and prayers are not enough to honor the victims of gun violence.  What we need now is ACTION. Lawmakers have had enough time to come around to common sense, and we're done waiting. We must now elect leaders who will finally act to save lives from gun violence.  It's time to throw them out.  You can find out more at  

The local chapter, Marin Moms Demand Action, will be joining in the wider community for the March for our Lives which is a rally in support of the National #MarchForOurLives movement in support of the children of Stoneman Douglas High School. If you would like to ride together to the Sat. March 24 1 p.m. MARCH for OUR LIVES convening at SF Civic Center, sign the clipboard in the narthex. To register for the event, click here. SHPC is working with Marin Moms Demand action to bring a sensible gun law event to our church. Stay tuned for more information as it arises.

Report on Congressmember Jared Huffman's Student Summit for Gun Violence Prevention - Sunday, March 18

From Jan Ardell:

It was excellent! The teens representing local public and private high schools were amazing and inspiring. They were intelligent, articulate, knowledgeable, passionate and raised razor-sharp questions. Jared Huffman lent his well-honed skills, depth of experience and competency in facilitating the discussion.  Representatives were present, also, from Moms Demand Action, the Brady Campaign, Students Demand Action and Beyond Differences.
This senseless suffering brought about by guns is being effectively confronted by this youth led movement. I have faith it will continue to appeal to citizens' common sense and outrage at what has been allowed to happen in this country. The Republicans will be motivated, if for no other reason than self-interest, as they experience the chill awaiting them at the ballot box. Cherishing guns at the expense of our children's lives is being called what it is ....disgraceful and intolerable. The absurdity inherent in the notion that we are "protecting our freedom" by making assault rifles and guns massively available is being unmasked for what it is....a cynical ploy to fill the pockets of the NRA and fellow travelers. Truth to power, by these young activists and others, is loud and getting louder. Thank God!
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM Drake High School

Panel Q&A - Community Discussion
  You will hear about recent research on local teen substance use and practical strategies for beginning the conversation with your child. Parents/caregivers will receive information on the top substances kids are being exposed to and will leave with conversation starters to begin and continue conversations with your children. RSVP appreciated, but not necessary.
Zephyr Experience June 24-29, 2018
Bridges to Hope: Exploring Diversity in Religion and Politics

Join a community of progressive Christians 
Learn from scholars and church leaders-
including Pastor Bev
Look more deeply together into pressing issues
Celebrate in worship and song
Enjoy Lake Tahoe at your footsteps

Zephyr Experience 2018 offers five days of morning classes for adults and children. Afternoons are free to explore a choice of activities, and evenings offer a time to worship together, watch the sunsets, and play games. 

Register by phone or mail (we have brochures in the narthex), and find more information online at 

Sleepy Hollow Presbyterian Church
100 Tarry Road
San Anselmo, CA  94960
Katie Brendler,  Editor
E-mail us at or call us at 415-453-8221