Game Night - Friday, November 17
6:30- 9:00 p.m.
Sleepy Hollow Presbyterian Church Newsletter
Weekly Happenings at SHPC    
November 16th, 2017
Gratitude Sunday

"Joy is the Simplest Form of Gratitude" -  Karl Barth
"Happiness Springs from a Grateful Heart" - the Buddha
     Does life have to be in great shape for us to experience gratitude, or can we feel grateful in tough times?  The Bible tells us to practice gratitude in all circumstances (1 Thess. 5:18).  This Sunday, November 19, 2017, at 9:30 a.m., we'll explore the transformative practice of gratitude, the bridge to awe, wonder, and peace.
In This Issue
Quick Links
Bev piano
A Note from Pastor Bev
What gets in the way of feeling grateful?

Rushing around
Illness, sometimes
What helps us to practice gratitude?

A little bit of spaciousness in our daily life
A good night's rest
Caring community
God's wondrous creation
The Holy Spirit, our Holy Companion
Setbacks, sometimes

It's our choice whether to live with a glass half empty or a cup overflowing. With spiritual growth, we come to accept the reality that there is much we can't control.  We can choose our attitude.  We can choose to practice gratitude. Gratitude will open our eyes to the miracles of everyday life, and melt our hearts with compassion.  

I am so grateful for each of you.
I am so grateful for the church, the body of Christ in the world.
I'm grateful for every raindrop on my roof right now!
Thanks be to God for all of life!
With blessings of peace,

November Calendar
Friday, November 17
                6:30 p.m. - 9 p.m.

Bible Study 
Game Night
Sunday, November 19
                 9:30 a.m.
              1 0:30 a.m.       
Gratitude Sunday
Practicing Gratitude
Coffee and Fellowship - All Welcome
Wednesday, November 22
                 7:30 p.m. 

SHPC Singers- All Welcome
Friday, November 24

NO Bible Study -
Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 26
                   9:30 a.m.
                  10:30 a.m.

Sunday Before Advent
Out with the Old, In with the New
Coffee and Fellowship - All Welcome

Bible Study this Friday, November 17th - Noon
Luke 17:11-19, Luke 19:1-10
 All are welcome!
Please Remember in Your Prayers

Those impacted by the shooting in Rancho Tehema, California, for God's comfort for the bereaved, and for healing for the whole community as they live in the aftermath of tragedy; 
Those who lost their loved ones and are injured and suffering on account of the Texas church shooting, the NYC truck driving tragedy, the Las Vegas shooting, may God comfort and heal them, and may God guide us to bring less hate and more peace to the world in a meaningful way;
Those who are still suffering on account of the wildfires, the hurricanes, and the earthquakes, may God bless them and bring them strength and hope, and accompaniment through rebuilding, 
Nance Rosencranz, recovering from a stroke, for full and complete recovery, for God's loving presence to be felt;
Carolyn Goodman's sister Wendy, who lost her home to a house fire, for God's loving and constant presence, and for the loving support of all around her to be with her as she rebuilds;
Dennis Latta's father Leroy,  recently diagnosed with dementia, for God's loving presence to be with Leroy and his family;
Kalli Bane,  for relief from abdominal pain, and for restful sleep surrounded by God's love for her and her family;
Peg Maclise's sister Kim, for God's healing presence, and for PegGod's strength, love, and peace; 
Kelsey Lopin,  for total healing, renewed strength, continued flourishing, creativity, and energy to share her God-given gifts;
Andrea Proster, sister of Nancy Elberg, for complete healing, and for Nancy to continue to feel God's abiding presence in companioning her;
All those suffering from racial discrimination, racial violence, and hatred, for God's justice and healing;
Those living in the shadows and fearing deportation, for safety, security for their families and children, a path to citizenship, and sanctuary;
The incarcerated, and their loved ones, for a justice system and prison system that uphold our highest values;
Our country, for a way forward where we live our values of justice and equality for all people; 
The refugees and displaced , almost 1 out of 100 people in the world today, for safety, homes, the basics of life, and freedom from being scapegoated;
Our Muslim neighbors, subject to Islamophobia and hate crimes;
Our planet, the world's poor, all who suffer from disruptive climate change, may we continue our work to keep the planet livable;
Praying Hands
The PC(USA), for courage and energy to continue our world-wide mission of love and justice for all people;
Dr. Doug Tilton, our PC(USA) mission co-worker in Southern Africa;
Our church, for the Spirit to continue to guide us and fill us with energy for mission and love for all our neighbors!

Please take time this week to pray for those on our list.

Stewardship Update 
from James and Karen Baigrie,
Stewardship Chairs

As of today, $133,250 has been pledged towards our goal of $147,000!  Thank you very much to our 43 pledgers (8 first-time pledgers).  For those who haven't pledged yet, please bring your cards to church this Sunday or send them in as soon as you can; Session is working on the 2018 budget right now.  We are dreaming big and hoping to fund our part-time youth director and a pastoral intern to support Bev; we'll need to exceed our goal to realize those hopes.  If you have any questions about church finance, you can email Doug Eisinger, Finance Elder, by clicking here, and if you need a pledge card, click here. Together, we are building up this caring community of peacemakers for the good of the world!
          With gratitude, 
          James and Karen 

Worship is Our Sacred Gathering 
church view with bev

Sunday worship is sacred time, a co-created safe and supportive space for the beloved community to gather and worship and pray together, so that all can be spiritually nurtured and renewed.  It is not a time for discussion of church finances. 
Questions and feedback about church business may be brought to the Session as a whole by emailing the Clerk, or to any of the elders, your elected representatives, individually:

Dennis Latta, Clerk of Session,
Jody Brockett, Worship Elder,
Doug Eisinger, Finance Elder,
Patti Vance, Mission Elder,
Janel Stewart, Family Ministries Elder,
Merle Ongaro, Membership Elder,
Ahmed Abu Aly, Building and Grounds Elder,
Rev. Bev Brewster, Pastor,

Church Financial Resiliency Update
FAQs from Session 
If you are just tuning in to the church finance discussion, Session has prepared FAQs for you.  Click here.  At t he most recent all-church financial meeting,  Let's Talk #4 , last Sunday, 40 people engaged in a lively discussion with many excellent questions.   The Session presented its financial reorganization option (downsize from 110 Tarry to a less expensive property, rental of which will fund immediate needs of the church, pay off interest-bearing debt, create a capital improvement fund to care for the church facility, income from which will fund church need).  Mark Sarkisian and Chris Lopin then presented an alternate to Session's option, subdividing 110 Tarry into two units (the "Junior Suite" proposal.) Some raised the question of whether God is calling the church to be in the real estate business; the Session was asked to investigate non-real estate investment options with the Synod. 

Over the last year, Session has heard from many voices, and is still in the process of receiving informal feedback and discerning the way forward.  A survey of preferences may be conducted to help to guide Session. We are planning to wrap up the financial resiliency discussions for this year and focus on 2018 budget. In January, at budget approval time, and before the 110 Tarry lease runs out, the current Session will discern whether a strong consensus exists in favor of selling the church property at 110 Tarry, and if so, will call a congregational meeting for a vote on the sale of 110 Tarry.   

Here are The Sustainability Criteria:

(1) pastor housing option which is affordable to the church and a future pastor;

(2) reduce our interest-bearing debt;

(3) establish a capital improvement/maintenance fund to meet the significant needs of the church facility, so that we invest in our church;

(4) i ncrease the operating budget without putting additional stress on our pledgers, so that unmet staffing, facilities, and program needs can be met (unmet needs, aka "the structural deficit") and the church can continue to grow and flourish;

(5) direct precious volunteer energy and hours into God's work. 
In peace,
Dennis Latta, Clerk, Doug Eisinger, Finance Elder, Jody Brockett, Worship Elder, Patti Vance, Mission Elder, Janel Stewart, Family Ministries Elder, Ahmed Abu-Aly, Building and Grounds Elder, Merle Ongaro, Membership Elder, Kit Argilla, Board of Deacons, Moderator, Rev. Bev Brewster, Pastor

Report from Session - November 
Your Session met Nov. 5, Nov. 8, and Nov. 15.
Items of business included: approval of baptisms of Ava and Oliver Farbod, examination of members Cami Brunjes, Andy Eisinger, and AJ Torres; presentation on Mexico Mission finance by Chris Lopin, review of Stewardship campaign, meeting with potential pastoral intern; review of financial reports, work on 2018 budget; financial resiliency discernment; approval of Justice Garden volunteers' recommendation for donations, update on Youth Climate Summit, date is March 10, 2018 at MAGC.
In peace,
Dennis Latta, Clerk, Doug Eisinger, Finance Elder, Jody Brockett, Worship Elder, Patti Vance, Mission Elder, Janel Stewart, Family Ministries Elder, Ahmed Abu-Aly, Building and Grounds Elder, Merle Ongaro, Membership Elder, Kit Argilla, Board of Deacons, Moderator, Rev. Bev Brewster, Pastor
Come join us for Family Game Night 
Friday,  November 17th, from 6:30pm to 9:00pm. 
Bring your favorite games and bring your friends! We'll have lots of games there for you to choose from, and plenty of hot, yummy pizza. Come and play some games with your kids, or if you have older kids in middle school or high school, feel free to drop them off and we'll keep them out of your hair for a few hours. 
Charles and Janel
To Middle and High School YOUTH and their PARENTS from Charles
Hello everyone!
The kids had a great time with our first contribution to this season's REST program. After planting chard, onions, and garlic in the church garden, they harvested zucchini, tomatoes, and basil. We chopped up the vegetables and combined them with cheese and bread crumbs to make delicious casseroles which were brought to the grateful women and men who were sheltering with the REST program last week. These folks often don't have easy access to fresh vegetables, so I am sure that these, warm, nutritious, and tasty casseroles were a welcome sight.
Here are the kids, and one very enthusiastic mom, waiting to try a sample of the wonderful food that they helped prepare!

Don't forget that w e have our Family Game Night coming up this Friday, November 17th, from 6:30pm to 9:00pm. Bring your favorite games and bring your friends! We'll have lots of games there for you to choose from, and plenty of hot, yummy pizza.
Come and play some games with your kids, or if you have older kids in middle school or high school, feel free to drop them off and we'll keep them out of your hair for a few hours. :-) 
It's gonna be a great night! See you there!
Charles Wei
Youth Director

Save the Dates:
Advent/Christmas Art Workshop Fun for all Ages Friday, Dec. 8th - 5-8
Youth Christmas Pageant - Sunday, Dec. 17 at 9:30 a.m.
Welcome Our New Members!
Andy Eisinger
Cami Brunjes

AJ Torres and mom Laurie O Hara

Welcome New Members!
Lucas Russell
Bill, Lucas, and Lisa O'Callaghan
Maureen (Mo) and Damon Blechen
Justin and Anna Welch

Kristen and Greg Rivers
Pim and Warren Brouwer and Judy Ford

(Top row) Ava Podboy & Jordan Gauna
Welcome New Members!
Maira Strauss
Arde Farbod
Ana Nathe with Aiden and Nathaniel 
Katie McKee with daughters Allie & Elsie 
Isabel Torres

Lisa and Andy Bane with daughters Ellarie and Kalli

Kristel Frank
Juliet and Diane Latta

Mary and Brian West

Order Your Holiday Wreaths Sunday from Warren 
Happy wreath customer Lisa Bane with Warren

Dear church fellows and participants, and all others who contribute to the church,
My name is Warren Brouwer, and some of you will know me as the "Wreath Scout", as I have been likewise selling wreaths to you for three years at the autumn fest in the first weekend of November. These wreaths will benefit my boy scout troop 59 and me to embark on new camp-outs and will also make your front door look beautiful. I am here to announce  that once again I am selling these wreaths on the first and second weekends of November this year. If you would like to buy one of these wreaths from me again or for the first time, make sure to bring your checkbooks on those to Sundays. If you cannot make it to these two Sundays, feel free to order online from my website.

                                  Thank you all,  Warren Brouwer

The Marin Interfaith Street Chaplaincy will be holding its 20th Annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Eve Service at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 22, 2017 at the First Presbyterian Church of San Rafael, 1510 Fifth Avenue in San Rafael. All are invited to come and support our ministry to our friends on the street. Please bring offerings of clean or new sleeping bags, tarps, blankets, rain gear, and socks for our friends on the street (no other clothing please).  A free-will offering will also be received to support the work of the Marin Interfaith Street Chaplaincy. 
                                  Rev. Bentley Stewart, Chaplain
                                           (415) 870-1347

Food 4 Good,   SHPC's Youth R.E.S.T. Cooking Program has started! W e also planted our winter garden as seen in the pictures.

Come join us next month. We meet the first Sunday of every month from 4-6pm to cook. 

Hope your kids can join us! Please sign up online here.

Questions? Contact   Judy or Jen

REST Sign-ups!  Our Life-Giving Ministry to the Unhoused Community

Rest Update from Suzanne - " One week into the program, REST has a full 40 men and 15 women attending.  We have had standby lists for the men the past few nights; luckily we have not had to turn anyone away. 
Thank you to all of you and your volunteers for getting us off to a very smooth start this season!"

As we've done for so many years, SHPC volunteers to be part of the REST program in Marin County to feed our unhoused neighbors in Marin County.
This year, we'll feed the men on the first Monday of the month, and feed women on the 2nd Tuesday of the month -- but we need YOUR help!
Please volunteer to make food, set up, serve, share the meal, and clean up -- either with the Men's and/or the Women's program. 

To volunteer to be a part of the women's program, sign up here
To volunteer to be a part of the men's program, sign up here
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our REST coordinator, Carolyn Goodman, or 415.250.6264.


TUESDAYS 5:30-6:30PM



  • Wear comfortable clothes that you can move in. 

  • Bring a mat if you have one (we have extras if you do not). 
  • We are a donation based class ($10 suggested)
  • 10% of proceeds will be giben to the SHPC Hunger Programs
  • This is a community class which means all skill levels are welcome

Yoga is defined as a combination of three things: breath, movement and a single point of concentration. If you can breath and move (nothing fancy, just breathing while moving...) then you are two thirds of the way there! Join us as we breath and move meditatively, opening up new places in our bodies and hearts. 


     Karen x

Big thanks to Wil and all who contributed to Sleepy Hollow's donation to the Marin Food Bank. 

Our last donation was 76 lbs!
Call Now to Oppose a Harmful Tax Plan 

We Need a Just Tax Plan.  Leaders in the U.S. House recently released a tax plan that would dramatically shape tax and spending policy for decades to come. This tax plan is moving extremely rapidly. The House is expected to vote the week of November 13 and the Senate is expected to vote on its tax plan after Thanksgiving.
If passed, this tax plan would have a devastating impact on the federal budget, resources for federal programs and priorities, and further exacerbate America's income inequality. The three points to keep in mind about this bill are:
  1. This tax plan is fiscally irresponsible, surging the federal deficits and debt. This bill threatens the fiscal future of our country and the future funding of important federal programs, services, and priorities.
  2. This tax plan disproportionately benefits high-income households and corporations while leaving behind low- and moderate-income families.
  3. This tax plan makes harmful changes to the EITC, the Child Tax Credit, and the American Opportunity Tax Credit, preventing many low-income individuals and families from claiming these credits, which have a proven track record of reducing poverty and promoting economic mobility.
What specifically is in the House proposal? Here are some of the key pieces:
  1. Balloons the deficit by more than $1.5 trillion over ten years. The increased deficits and debt will lead to spending cuts in essential federal programs as Congress tries to balance the budget.
    1. The rising deficits and debt will put tremendous pressure on Congress to cut Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP (food stamps), environmental protection, housing assistance, job training, education, scientific research, international peacebuilding, and countless other federal programs and services.
  2. Makes the tax code more regressive.
    1. Gives millionaires a tax break. All income earned between $480,000 and $1 million is taxed at the lower 35% rate, rather than the current 39.6%. This is a $24,000 tax cut.
    2. Nearly eliminates and then fully repeals the estate tax. Under current law, only the wealthiest 0.2% of estates pay the estate tax.
    3. Provides a huge tax cut for pass-through businesses. 88% of the benefits for this tax cut go to the top 1%. This provides another avenue for executives and high-earners in partnerships, sole proprietorships, and S corporations to lower taxes on their salaries.
    4. Cuts corporate tax rates, where the benefits will go mostly to CEOs and shareholders, not workers.
    5. Raises the lowest tax rate from 10% to 12%
    6. While it nearly doubles the standard deduction, it eliminates the personal exemption.
  1. Incentives companies to shift profits and investments overseas.
    1. Cuts the tax rate for multinational foreign profits to 10% while the tax rate on domestic profits is at 20%.
  1. Leaves behind low- and moderate-income families.
    1. The proposal increases the Child Tax Credit by $600 per child and raises the cap at which families can claim the credit. Thus, households earning between $150,000 and $300,000 can now claim the credit. However, low-income households get absolutely no benefit. The CTC is partially refundable, allowing working families that don't earn enough to owe income tax to receive a partial benefit. Because this proposal does not expand the refundability of the credit, 10 million kids in low-income working families get no benefit from this proposal. Another 13 million kids get only a very modest benefit increase.
  2. Cuts and eliminates critical tax benefits for low- and moderate-income families.
    1. Denies the Child Tax Credit and American Opportunity Tax Credit (AOTC) to many immigrant families. The CTC helps offset some of the costs of raising a child. The AOTC helps support higher education. By requiring a Social Security Number to claim the CTC or AOTC instead of an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, many families will no longer be able to claim these credits. This will cut 3-5 million children from the CTC. 80% of those children affected are U.S. born citizen children. The other 20% are Dreamers.
    2. Makes it harder for low-income families, particularly small business owners and self-employed parents, to claim the EITC. The EITC prevents more than 6 million Americans from falling into poverty, including more than 3 million children. It encourages and rewards work while promoting economic mobility. The House tax plan establishes new administrative burdens for self-employed individuals and small business owners to be able to claim the credit, requiring significantly more paperwork, documentation, and understanding many minute details of the tax code.
    3. Eliminates the student loan interest deduction.
    4. Eliminates the deduction for high medical expenses. Currently, if medical expenses exceed 10% of your income, you can deduct that. Eliminating this deduction will especially hurt people with disabilities, the elderly, and nursing home residents.
    5. Eliminates the adoption tax credit. Currently, you can get up to $13,000 towards the cost of adoption.
    6. Eliminates the New Markets Tax Credit. The New Market Tax Credit encourages businesses to invest in economically depressed communities. The tax plan eliminates it.
  3. Threatens state and local budgets by eliminating the state income tax deduction and capping the deduction for state property taxes.
    1. This tax plan not only punishes higher tax states, it will make it harder for states to raise state income or property taxes. Thus, when state budgets get tight, the states will be more likely to cut services or turn to increasing regressive taxes, such as sales tax.
  4. Hurts charities and non-profit organizations. Far fewer people will be itemizing their taxes due to the larger standard deduction so few people will be able to take advantage of the charitable deduction.
What can you do? Contact Congress today. Call (202-225-3121, Capitol Switchboard) to tell your representative and senators to reject H.R. 1, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, or similarly concerning legislation. Urge them to vote against any tax plan that:
  1. Increases the deficit
  2. Leaves out low- and moderate-income families
  3. Makes harmful changes to the EITC and Child Tax Credit.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance delegation travels to Puerto Rico

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico - Spirits were high as services began Sunday at Monteflores Iglesia Presbyterian Church near downtown San Juan. The people were warm and welcoming to the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance delegation that had come to worship and fellowship. There was no power, but that didn't stop the congregation from lifting its voice amidst a light breeze and brief downpours.

If not for the power outage and the boxes of donated goods in an adjoining room, it would be easy to forget about the devastation caused by Hurricane Maria over 50 days ago. Even without lights and music from an electric keyboard, the musicians turned to guitars and drums to set the tone for worship.

The PDA delegation is spending the week visiting with churches, church leaders, Federal Emergency Management Agency representatives and communities to assess needs and determine how Presbyterians can help.  But before those meeting began, the team split into three groups, worshipping at separate churches within San Juan Presbytery.

At Monteflores, the Rev. Arelis Cardona Morales preached from 2 Corinthians 8: 1-15, and focused on the need to keep reaching out to those who are suffering.
"Even after 53 days of no electricity, we should be asking what have I given instead of what have I received. Generosity is necessary," she said. "Our generosity makes us feel richer inside. Generosity changes everything. The disaster in some ways has been a blessing. At first, we were so full of fear. But now we see this an opportunity to be together to share and work together among all churches in the presbytery to provide food and water, but also to exchange ideas."
Electric power is spotty in the blocks surrounding the church. One member was forced to leave their home across the street from the church when Maria destroyed the roof.
Despite the joy of worship, hundreds of people in the area are still without jobs and power restoration could take months if not years. "This is a poor community and poverty is high," says Marcos Garcia, a college senior and church member. "Dominican immigrants in the area struggle to find jobs and a source of income. "Most of our efforts are about trying to provide relief for them".  Garcia says simple things like drinking cold water, are like being "touched by God." Ice is a precious commodity.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance is the emergency response and refugee program of the denomination, committed to the long-term journey of recovery of communities adversely affected by a crisis or catastrophic event. It is funded by the One Great Hour of Sharing and raises designated funds for responding to specific disasters.  To support recovery efforts in Puerto Rico,  click here . You'll be taken to the PC(USA) website to donate securely and quickly.

To read the article in it's entirety, click here.
Stated Clerk issues statement on Texas church mass shootings

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) General Assembly Stated Clerk J. Herbert Nelson, II, issued the following statement on November 8 on the mass murder of twenty-six worshipers at First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, Texas, on Sunday, November 5:

Solidarity statement on the mass shooting at First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, Texas, November 5, 2017
This past Sunday, November 5, the Church celebrated the Feast of All Saints, a day to commemorate those "saints" of our lives whose lives on earth have ended, but whose loss is still felt and whose memory is a blessing and an inspiration to us. This All Saints' Sunday, twenty-six saints, ranging from a few months to seventy-two years of age, were unexpectedly and violently robbed of their lives when a gunman opened fire in the midst of worship at the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, Texas. The small congregation has lost a significant number of its members, including the pastor's fourteen-year-old daughter and multiple generations of one family, who lost eight members to the violence. The small, peaceful community of Sutherland Springs, in a matter of seconds, lost 4 percent of its population, and no one in that town was untouched by the gunman's malice. Nearby congregations and communities have extended their care and support to Sutherland Springs, including the leadership of the Presbytery of Mission.

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) extends its deepest condolences, its prayers, and its support to the congregation, its families, and the community of Sutherland Springs as it begins to grapple with the enormity of the evil committed in their midst.
But our prayers and our condolences are not enough. As the prophet Jeremiah noted: "they have treated the wound of my people carelessly, saying 'Peace, peace,' when there is no peace" (Jer. 6:14, NRSV). There are no words or prayers eloquent enough to describe the horror and outrage this atrocity evokes. The PC(USA) notes that this is the second largest modern-day mass shooting in U.S. history; and further notes that the largest, which took fifty-nine lives in Las Vegas, Nevada, was a mere five weeks ago. The president of the United States, in expressing condolences following the Las Vegas shooting, said though it was not appropriate in the wake of tragedy for a national conversation on the prevention of gun violence, there should be a conversation in the near future. Five weeks later, we are no closer to such a conversation and twenty-six more people are dead in a mass shooting, and countless more in smaller acts of violence throughout the U.S.

Quoting from  Gun Violence, Gospel Values : "The PC(USA) and its predecessor bodies have addressed gun violence through the actions of [many] General Assemblies in the last [fifty] years" (p. 7). Beginning in the late 1960s, in response to the assassinations of public leaders, the General Assembly called for "... control [of] the sale and possession of firearms of all kinds." Similar resolutions were passed again in 1976, 1988, 1990, 1991, 1996, and 1998. Each resolution reflected a sense of moral urgency in response to rising gun violence and the cultural trends that contributed to it. These resolutions have called on the church to be involved in education and advocacy at the federal, state, and community level to prevent gun violence. The 219th and 221st General Assemblies (2012) and (2014) reiterated and intensified this call, urging the church at every level-local, regional, and national-to participate in gun violence prevention, to provide pastoral and spiritual support to victims and survivors, and to engage in acts of public witness and policy advocacy to enact stronger legislation to systematically address the complex causes and work to reduce and eliminate the scourge of gun violence in our neighborhoods and nation.

It is long past time for such a national conversation to commence. Too many lives have been shattered, too few efforts have been made, and the laws that regulate gun acquisition, gun shops, and shows, and the types of weapons available for persons intending violence, are entirely inadequate. The time to reason together is now. The time to act is now. The vision of "a new heaven and a new earth" (Rev. 21:1), a holy city where "no more shall the sound of weeping be heard in it" (Isa. 65:19) is not just a hope for God's kindom, but also a compelling moral and ethical imperative that demands the action and engagement of people of faith.

In the faith we share,
The Reverend Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, II
Stated Clerk of the General Assembly
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

NEW FOLKS - We will match you with a veteran so that you can be trained on our highly complex coffeemaker and have FUN!

Fellowship time is organized by your Deacons. We need everyone to sign-up about 3-4 times a year. 
Click below to sign up: 
November: Peg's Parish
Sign up now and keep the hospitality

Don't be shy, Greeting is a Treat!
We've updated the signups for the new year!  

Help with our ministry of hospitality by signing up to be a greeter! All you have to do is get to church by 9:15, light the candles, and hand out bulletins with a smile. Thank you to all who have signed up so far!

Thank you all for your continued support,
Jody Brockett, 
Worship Elder
Sleepy Hollow Presbyterian Church
100 Tarry Road
San Anselmo, CA  94960
Katie Brendler,  Editor
E-mail us at or call us at 415-453-8221