Work Day 2013
This Sunday is TLC Day
Patti and Sharon Showing the Love for God's House and Garden
Sleepy Hollow Presbyterian Church Newsletter
Weekly Happenings at SHPC    
May 4 , 2017
All Church TLC Day and FEAST
Where Me Becomes We

     Why, you might ask, should I spend Sunday morning cleaning out the refrigerator or weeding at church, when I haven't gotten to those tasks at home yet?  Because at Church TLC Day, we do these small tasks while basking in the love we share for God's house and this beloved community, and wow, that fills us up!  This Sunday, May 7, 2017, at 9:30 a.m., come to church in your work clothes and bring work/garden gloves, and a hat/sun lotion if you like.  We have small tasks inside and out, and then we'll enjoy a delicious FEAST courtesy of our delightful Deacons. Come feel the love!
In This Issue
Quick Links
Bev piano
A Note From 
Pastor Bev

If a picture is worth a thousand words, this is a jam-packed newsletter!  I will be brief and leave you time to enjoy the delightful photo galleries below.

This weekend I hope to see many of you at the Saturday Financial Resiliency Retreat (9 a.m.).   In advance, huge thanks to our Finance Elder Doug Eisinger, and to his team of past Finance Elders: Alan Burr, Steve Derr, Chris Lopin, and Peg Maclise.  They have put in a tremendous effort to bring the church accurate information so that we can have a healthy clarifying conversation, and be led by the Holy Spirit together.

I also hope to see a big crowd Sunday for TLC Day and the Feast.  Thank you so much to Ahmed Abu Aly, our Building and Grounds elder for organizing the TLC, and to Kit Argilla and the Deacons for the Feast!

This weekend we'll be showing the love for the church, and feeling the love coming right back at us!

With love,

May Calendar
Friday, May 5th

Bible Study
Saturday, May 6th
                   9:00 a.m. - Noon
Church Finance Retreat - All Invited!
Sunday, May 7th  
                   9:30 a.m.
                 10:30 a.m

                 12:30 - 4:30

Mexico Mission Work Day
Wednesday, May 10th
                   7:30 p.m.

SHPC Singers - All Welcome
Friday, May 12th

Bible Study
Sunday, May 14th  
                   9:30 a.m.
                 10:30 a.m

Celebrating the Gifts of Women
Coffee and Fellowship -- All are welcome!
Wednesday, May 17th
                   7:30 p.m.

SHPC Singers - All Welcome

Thursday, May 18th
                   7:30 p.m.

Let's Talk: Church Finance
Friday, May 19th

Bible Study
Sunday, May 21st  
                   9:30 a.m.
                 10:30 a.m
Guest Preacher: Alonzo Johnson, coordinator for PCUSA Self-development of People in conversation w/ Bev
Coffee and Fellowship -- All are welcome!

Bible Study Friday, May 5 at NOON 
Acts 2:41-47 and Acts 4:32-5:11!

Please Remember in Your Prayers

Jeri Rayford and her family, grieving the loss of Prentis,  for God's loving presence, strength, and support in their bereavement;
Jody Brockett and her family, grieving the loss of Jody's mother Jeanne, prayers for the family to feel God's comfort and peace;
The Saunders - Burr Family, for God's love and comfort to be with them as they mourn the loss of Sue's beloved father, Ron Saunders;
Kelsey Lopin, for continued flourishing, creativity, and energy as she pursues her education and excels in art;
Andrea Proster, sister of Nancy Elberg, for complete healing, and for Nancy to continue to feel God's abiding presence in companioning her;
Our students, as they prepare for exams, graduation, and next steps;
The hungry, especially all those depending on the US government for food aid here and abroad;
Those fearing loss of medical insurance, for accurate information and honest, humane decision making by our leaders in Congress;
Those living in the shadows and fearing deportation, for safety, security for their families and children, a path to citizenship, and sanctuary;
Our country, for a way forward where we live our values of justice and equality for all people; for a well-informed citizenry; for government of, by, and for the people, with leaders of integrity, and for an end to hate crimes;
The refugees and displaced , almost 1 out of 100 people in the world today, for safety, homes, the basics of life, and freedom from being scapegoated;
Our Muslim neighbors, subject to Islamophobia and hate crimes;
Our planet, the world's poor, all who suffer from disruptive climate change, may we continue our work to keep the planet livable;
Praying Hands
The PC(USA), for the way forward to be illuminated, and for our mission and ministries to be salt and light for the world;
Dr. Doug Tilton, our PC(USA) mission co-worker in Southern Africa;
Our church community, for health, respect, open-mindedness, maturity, and Christian love in our financial discussions ahead.

Please take time this week to pray for those on our list.

at least one:
Retreat - Saturday May 6, 9 a.m. - noon
Moderated by Ruling Elder David Jones of 1st Pres. San Anselmo
Let's Talk about Church Financial Resiliency
Thursday, May 18 at 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, May 21 after the service*

From Pastor Bev's note last week:  The Presbyterian decision-making process is to gather with open minds, respectfully listen, and discern together with the help of the Holy Spirit what is the best way forward for the church.  The church decides the way forward AFTER doing the hard work of gathering information and listening.  Let's all be a positive part of this process by maintaining open-mindedness, respect, creativity, and faithfulness, and making plenty of room for God to be in this process.  After all, this is God's house!

If you would like the packet of information prepared by the finance elders and the manse study team and the agenda for Saturday before Saturday morning, please contact the office.

If you know that you won't be here this Saturday, you can send your questions or input to the office to be shared by Friday at noon.
Dennis Latta
Clerk of Session 
*There is some possibility of a reschedule of May 21 due to a very special speaker from the PC(USA)
Work Day 2013
Frankie and Millie on TLC Day last year
    TLC Day This Sunday 
Sign Up Sheets in Fellowship Hall-  Fun for all Ages!
Inside and Outside Jobs!
Many hands make light work and a good time--
Wear casual clothes to church on Sunday, and if you like outside jobs, bring hats, garden gloves, and sunscreen.
Calling all weed whacker owners: please bring yours to church; we could                                                   a couple for the hillside.  
on Sunday, May 7
All Invited!

Your Deacons are preparing a wonderful Taco buffet after service this Sunday.  While they are setting up the buffet, check out the list of fun chores to spruce up our church for TLC day.  Many hands make light work, and fun lunches!
If you'd like to bring something to round out our bounty, like dessert (easy to pick up) or fruit plate, please do!
Prom Photos
Our Children's Program Teachers Andy Eisinger and 
Ryan and Sydney.
A Terrific Church Picnic at SP Taylor!

First Marin Youth Climate Change Summit Brings Education, Inspiration, Hope

What a transformative event, thanks to our visionary Patti Vance, Ethan Russell, Ellie Cohen, Cynthia Scharf, The Marin Community Foundation, The Good Earth, and above all the courageous and inspiring student environmental leaders!

Thanks to our Green Team led by Judy Ford, and to all who helped make Earth Sunday great!
Thanks to all our Solar Donors! Success!

To see more pictures taken by Ethan click here.
 Report from Your Clerk of Session 

On Wed. April 19th, the Session meeting consisted of  OFFICER TRAINING on BOOK OF ORDER, and committee business as follows:
Report from Finance on May retreat and Let's Talk preparation; Report from LMP Renewal Team on excellent renewal meeting; Report from B& G on sunshade status; Report from Family Ministries on Youth Director's summer vacation and replacement options; Report from Mission on REST, MM, JG, and YCCS; Report from Membership on Church Picnic and Ladies' Tea.
Dennis Latta
Clerk of Session 
Presbyterian Polity Highlights of the Week

"Ruling" in the title of ruling elders is about measuring, not flexing power (G-2.0301).
It is their role to measure the spiritual health of the congregation entrusted to their care and make decisions that equip and strengthen the congregation's discipleship. Ruling elders follow the example of Christ and lead by service while working with moderators of session and pastors.

Compassion is one of the characteristics of ruling elders.
In many Presbyterian churches there are deacons who carry out ministries of compassion, witness and service (G-2.0201). In the Presbyterian churches that have chosen not to have deacons, "the function of this ordered ministry shall be the responsibility of the ruling elders and the session" (G-2.0202). In either case, part of the role of the session is to be a compassionate witness in the congregation and community.

Mexico Mission 
Next Meeting: Sunday 
May 7th 12:30-4:30

This meeting is our worksite preparation day! We'll be preparing ourselves for the trip by getting our hands on the come of the tool's we'll be using on the trip. 

Please bring:
1)        Framing Hammer- Needs teeth on head of hammer
2)        Closed toe shoes-preferably boots or thick soles- No converse
3)        Long Pants- loose- No Leggings, No Tight jeans
4)        Shirt with short sleeves- No tanks
5)        Hat
6)        Sun Screen
7)        Tool Belt
8)        Water Bottle
9)        Full Tummy- please eat lunch before
10)       Gloves
11)       Great Attitude

Also a reminder to bring any outstanding paperwork you have/copy of your passport and any fundraising you have to turn in. The deposit due May 7th is $260.

Our Mexico Mission Team has 63 youth and adults ready to head down to Mexico in June to help build houses! 
Please consider becoming a mission co-worker through donations of your thought/prayers and or monetarily. 

You can donate online or if you prefer, by checks. 

If you are donating to a specific person, please note their name in the comment section of the donation page or memo line of the check.

checks (MM on the memo line): Sleepy Hollow Presbyterian Church, 100 Tarry Rd, San Anselmo CA 94960

We are currently taking a break from our Friday evening time slot and hope to return with a time and format that works better for more of you. 

Stay tuned for other offerings at Sleepy Hollow Pres.

I am currently teaching private lessons, let me know if you are interested. 

With love and light,

This Sunday's hike has been canceled. 
Thanks to all who have joined us this year!

Food 4 Good - Sleepy Hollow's Youth Cooking Program will return to cooking in the fall when the REST program starts up again.

If you have questions, contact 
    Judy Ford or  Jen Gauna
Church World Service Ecumenical Advocacy Days
from the Presbyterian News Service
PC(USA) United Nations Office staff 

Hundreds of clergy and lay leaders headed for Capitol Hill this week, urging Congress to reject what they called the President's "sinful and immoral" federal budget proposal. The group is opposed to increased Pentagon spending and used the opportunity to voice their objections.

The group held a prayer vigil and news conference on the hill on Monday, wrapping up the annual three-day Ecumenical Advocacy Days gathering in Washington, where Christian denominations gathered for wo rship and workshops around important national and world issues. This year's theme was "Confronting Chaos, Forging Community-Challenging Racism, Materialism and Militarism."

The Rev. Jimmie Hawkins, director of the PC(USA) Office of Public Witness, was among those speaking at the vigil. He said Congress should increase funding for programs that support people living in poverty in America and abroad, address systemic racism and exercise responsible care for the earth.

"Budgets can do great good when put to the service of the poor, or they can do great harm," he said. "When implemented with compassion and vision, they can lift millions out of poverty or doom them to a life of despair. They can provide health insurance or make bankrupt, those who do not have it. They can fuel wars or promote peacekeeping and diplomacy."
Learning about sweatshops in the Adams Parlor

The faith leaders also oppose any financial resources going to private prisons or the border wall.

"Some of our leaders worship the false gods of money and power," said Patrick Carolan, executive director of the Franciscan Action Network. "We need to remind them that they will be judged by voters and by God."

After the news conference, seven faith leaders were arrested in an act of civil disobedience including Carolan, the Rev. Traci Blackmon, Bob Cooke, Doug Grace, Elizabeth King, Eli McCarty and Scott Wright. The seven were arrested as they knelt in prayer in the Hart Senate Office Building.

"Christ began the passion week with civil disobedience, which leads with arrest and crucifixion and ends with resurrection," said Blackmon. "We stand in this season, unified in rejection of this budget, committed to be the hands and feet of God, steadfast in our commitment to the least of these."

"In 2017, we have been drawn together at Ecumenical Advocacy Days to challenge racism, militarism and materialism," said Hawkins. "We reflect God's call to love our neighbor through our advocacy for a budget that advances the common good and builds toward the beloved community God intends."
Pastor Bev Pays Tribute to President Lincoln 
at the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church
for Ecumenical Advocacy Days
The pew where the President sat in worship
and the green settee in the Lincoln Parlor where he was counseled by the Pastor (now under a copy of an early version of the Emancipation Proclamation

Wil LOVES an invite for lunch or dinner!  On May 3, Wil celebrated his 94th Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Wil!

Thank you and bless you to all who have reached out to invite him over for a meal.  You are lighting up his life!

And we thank him for his faithful and continuing FOOD BARREL MINISTRY.

NEW FOLKS - We will match you with a veteran so that you can be trained on our highly complex coffeemaker and have FUN!

Fellowship time is organized by your Deacons. We need everyone to sign-up about 3-4 times a year. 
Click below to sign up: 
Sign up now and keep the hospitality

Don't be shy, Greeting is a Treat!
We've updated the signups for the new year!  

Help with our ministry of hospitality by signing up to be a greeter! All you have to do is get to church by 9:15, light the candles, and hand out bulletins with a smile. Thank you to all who have signed up so far!

Thank you all for your continued support,
Jody Brockett, 
Worship Elder

Join us at ZE!

A spectacular setting and the friendliest folks 

Hope to see you there!

To learn more or to register for the event
check out their website:

Alcoholics Anonymous is a worldwide fellowship of men and women who help each other to maintain sobriety through sharing their recovery experience with others. 

Looking for more information? Check out the San Francisco/Marin AA website for more information including meeting times and places, including meetings at Sleepy Hollow Presbyterian Church every Tuesday at 8:30pm

24-hour hotline is also available for immediate listening and guidance if wished -
·        6pm-10am in Marin 415-499-0400
·       10am-6pm - SF Central Office (415) 674-1821 (they will refer Marin callers to Marin resources)

Sleepy Hollow Presbyterian Church
100 Tarry Road
San Anselmo, CA  94960
Katie Brendler,  Editor
E-mail us at or call us at 415-453-8221