May the stories of the old ones,
the ancient ones, the land and the trees,
the plants and the earth be whispered to you.
May you warm your toes by the hearth side
as the land starts to speak in the cold and old icy voice of winter,
the voice that appears when we pass the mid winter mark;
the voice that talks in stories of growth, of becoming,
of new slates and brand new mossy gateways.
May you be comforted by the fire that can be lit inside your body
by the light you hold inside, the light of love, forgiveness and passion.
Rest well dear one, warm your bones and listen
in the silence, in the cold,
for the rustling of truth telling that comes from the earth and the air,
the rustling of the newness that springs from the compost of the old.
~ Brigit Anna McNeill, The Wild Path
The holidays are over, a new year has begun, and all of us at Soarin' Hawk are looking forward to 2022, but we want to take a moment to look back, and say thank you.
Maybe you found an injured raptor, other bird, or animal and called us for help. Maybe you donated fresh fish for Jefferson, Ehr, Poe, and the rehab eagles and osprey. Maybe you gave money or went on a "Raptor Adventure." Perhaps you participated in our Spring Fundraiser or Fall Online Auction, or maybe we presented some of the resident education birds to your organization, class, community group, or private event.
Thanks also to the many Soarin' Hawk volunteer rescuers, maintenance and avian care workers, ICU staff, presenters, coordinators, and board members who made donations of time, materials, expertise, and money.
We could not have done all we did this year without you all.
We are so happy and proud to congratulate Maraiah Russell, our wonderful vet tech, and her husband, Heath Hurst, for being awarded the 2021 Allen County Department of Environmental Management Sustainability Award!
From the Allen County website:
Members of the community who have contributed to improving our environment over the past year were honored as winners of the 2021 Allen County Sustainability Awards. The awards were presented by the Allen County Board of Commissioners and the Allen County Department of Environmental Management.
Nominations were accepted from the public to find individuals, organizations, and businesses that demonstrate exceptional leadership in conserving natural resources and advancing sustainability in the community. This year’s recipients have gone the extra mile to reduce, reuse, recycle, or compost and spread the word about why it’s important to everyone.
Maraiah Russell and Heath Hurst set an example for friends and neighbors by making sustainability the center of their lives in all they do, every day.
Congratulations Maraiah and Heath!
Soarin' Hawk still needs new volunteers desperately! If you like what we do and want to help, you can find descriptions of all the opportunities available
There is a job for everyone who wants to help. We need you!
Soarin' Hawk is pleased to offer two brand new education program series for home schoolers and adults.
Thanks to this month's donors:
V. Downs, L. & S. Goshorn, M. Lewis, S. McInnis, E. Root
. . . and thanks to the donors who give each and every month.
S. Bowman, P. Davich, M. & D. Freed, B. Norton, L. Ostergren, R. Simpson, E. Wilson
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Last month's releases:
BDOW 11172021 - Barred Owl
EASO 11292021 - Screech Owl
COHA 12282021 - Cooper's Hawk
Window strikes claim millions of birds' lives each year. A simple fix can save many, many lives.
Red-tailed hawks are the most common hawk in North America. Take a closer look at these amazing birds!
what's cuter than a mother otter and her baby?
Thanks to people like you, we were able to rescue, rehabilitate, and release this beautiful Red-Tailed Hawk. After a few weeks in our facility, she was released in her home territory, to continue life in the wild. Won't you make a donation, so we can help others like her? No contribution is too small!
Your donation is tax deductible.
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