The last couple of years have been strange all over the world: Covid shutdowns, division, riots, protesting, and political unrest seem to be the new normal. South Africa is no exception. So, do you want the good news or the bad news first?

Let's start with the bad. Southern Africa Bible College had to shut down twice for several months during the pandemic. Students went to online learning and, even though SABC covered the cost of online access for students, it is still a difficult learning situation. Many students requested deferments until we were able to be back in person on a regular basis. Our student body has dropped over 60% in the last two years.

Second, the economic downturn associated with Covid has negatively impacted donations in South Africa, and to a lessor extent, in the US.

Third, the value of the Rand to the Dollar fluctuated by 25% this year. This caused us to increase the monthly amount sent from the US in order to for them to receive the same amount of Rand.

Now for the good. Graduates are still able to conduct Bible studies and meet with congregation members. People are still coming to Christ!

Churches are learning to reach out via internet and many are able to meet in-person again, albeit in smaller groups.

Students have returned to in-person learning. Plans are being made for lectureship in 2022.

While several faculty members contracted Covid, it did not prove fatal to any at the college.

Finally, donors have been very generous to support the school during this time.

I hope you enjoy the attached pdf of our annual mailed newsletter. It is a more complete report and introduces some students and graduates.

Your donations and prayers during this time are greatly appreciated. You can give online by clicking the link below. You can also send checks to SABC, 900 Echo Lane, Houston, TX 77024.

Kirk Eason
Director of Development - USA