May 7th, 2021
News from St. Andrew's
See what's happening at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
This Week
6th Sunday of Easter
Join us this Sunday, online or in-person, at 10:30 a.m. as we continue to celebrate the resurrection of Christ! This week we will have (masked & spaced) congregational singing as well as sung Eucharist.

We will again have a full offertory and will receive communion at the altar rail! For the offertory, please allow the ushers to come to you with the plate. For communion, please wait in your pew until you are directed to stand at the altar rail by an usher. Please keep a comfortable distance between family units.

The number of Covid-19 cases and the positivity rate in Jacksonville has GREATLY improved, but is still serious. We encourage you to join us in person if you feel comfortable, or join us online for as long as you need!

Please Welcome Kathleen!
Ok, most of you already know Kathleen. Kathleen has been a member of St. Andrew’s since her family moved to Jacksonville from Montana in 1974. She was confirmed here by Bishop Cerveny and has been a Sunday School teacher, youth group leader, choir member and money counter. And as of Monday, May 10th, Kathleen Slama will be joining the St. Andrew's Staff as our new Parish Administrator! 

Kathleen graduated from Jacksonville University with a major in Computer Science and Spanish and worked as a programmer and project manager at Prudential for a little over 31 years. Kathleen has extensive organizational, computer, and communication skills that will help to support and grow St. Andrew's as we continue to expand our programming.

Kathleen and her sons, Adam (17) and John (14), share a house with her mom, Jane Palmer, and a large collection of pets. When she’s not doing something with the boys, she enjoys reading, watching murder mysteries and crafts such as scrapbooking, card-making and creating t-shirts for her family.

Starting Monday, you can reach her at [email protected] or at (904)725-6566. Welcome to the St. Andrew's Staff, Kathleen!
Godly Play
Godly Play, a Montessori-style children's formation class, is here! Check out a Godly Play story this Sunday on YouTube.
Bible Study Returns to In-Person!
Join us at 9 a.m. in Classroom 1 this Sunday as we continue our Adult Bible Study in person.

Wear your mask and bring your bible!
Graduation Sunday!
Whether you are graduating High School, College, or beyond, we want to honor your accomplishment!

If you have a graduate in your life for whom you would like us to pray, email the church office and let us know their name and from where they are graduating. We will say a special prayer for those graduates on May 16th.
Ushers, Intercessors, & Hospitality, Oh My!
Are you an Usher who would like to be added to our upcoming schedule?

Are you an Intercessor who would like to pray one-on-one with folks during communion?

Would you like to help set up coffee hour in the Emmanuel Hall Garden?

Contact the church office and let us know! We're building the schedules for the upcoming months and we'd love for you to be on it.
Want to be Baptized?
Entry into the church is always through the waters of Baptism. If you or someone you love wants to be baptized, please let Mtr. Lisa know.

Our next Baptism Sunday will be May 23rd, Pentecost Sunday!
Prayer List
Please Remember in your Prayers:
Sarah M., Anthony L.
Mike D., Gail R.
Alina M., Dick M., The Family of Carl R.,
The McAlpine Family, Dianna E., Tammy T,
The Joshua Family,
The Family of James H.
Mike Dupes 5/6
Vance Carrillo 5/7
Kimberly Hubbard 5/7
Lauretta Ashley 5/9
Linda Lang 5/9
Thomas Bryant 5/9
Kay Brim 5/10
Linda Jenkins 5/10
Johnnie Fisher 5/13
We all need extra prayer sometimes. If you or someone you love is in need of prayer, please submit your prayer request here: Prayer Request. We will publish the prayer list weekly so the entire parish can keep you in their prayers.

Thank You, St. Andrew's!
Thank you to all who contributed to a special collection for Tracy Joshua and her family who experienced a house fire two weeks ago. This week, they received a negative asbestos test on their former house (so they can finally get some of their items), and they moved into their new home this week! Your gifts were much appreciated and will be a great help with starting this new chapter in their lives.

From Tracy: "My family and I would like to extend our most sincere gratitude to the St. Andrew's church family. The incredible outpouring of love and support given to us during the past week has been truly humbling. We are now, and will forever be grateful to those who have given their assistance, as we attempt to make a fresh start in our lives. There is no way this would have been possible without all of you. This example of loving our neighbors as we love ourselves is the exact lesson we have been teaching our children since birth. When the time comes, we vow to show the same love and support to those who need it, just as you all have shown us. May God bless you and keep you always."
Want to Share an Event?
If you would like to highlight your event or program in our newsletter, all submissions are due the Wednesday before publication at 5:00pm. Please email submissions to Mtr. Lisa.
Those Who Serve
If you are a Lector or Usher who has returned to church in person, call the office and we'll add you to our upcoming schedule!