Welcome to St. Barnabas Episcopal Church
We are a warm and welcoming faith community celebrating 70 years of ministry with the people of Bainbridge Island. We have a passion for beautiful worship, compassionate outreach, rich community life and learning together to follow the way of Jesus of Nazareth. Our doors are open to all people and we welcome you regardless of where you are on your journey of faith. News for the week follows!

A Note of Thanks from Karen

Thanks to EVERYONE who helped make our Celebration of Mutual Ministry such a beautiful liturgy and fabulous reception!  Everything from organizing to hospitality to music, flowers, food, fun and fellowship were sublime. It was all sublime! And all of you bless me more than I can say. I am so grateful to be pastor and priest among you. With love and great gratitude, Karen+
St. Barnabas is Hiring!

We are in search of loving childcare providers for our nursery on Sunday mornings. Applicants must be 18 or older and pass a background check. If you or someone you know might be interested, please contact Kathy Irvin, 206/842-5601 or kathy@stbbi.org .
Amabile Choir Spring Concerts 
Tonight and Tomorrow

The Amabile Choir of Bainbridge Island presents their spring concerts entitled, "Hope for a Brighter Day." The choir, under the direction of Sylvia Cauter, performs tonight, Friday, May 4, at 7:30pm and tomorrow, Saturday, May 5, at 3pm and 7:30pm in the St. Barnabas church. 

Tickets, for a suggested donation of $18 each, are available at Dana's Showhouse at 194 Winslow Way East or by contacting St. Barnabas parishioner Maggie Ball at 206/714-4789 or click HERE to email her.
Former St. B Organist David Yearsley to Perform at St. Mark's Cathedral
Tonight, 7:30pm
David Yearsley, an assistant organist at St. Barnabas in the 1980s, and his wife Annette Richards, both members of the music faculty at Cornell University, will be performing an all-Bach organ concert at St. Mark's Cathedral in Seattle on Friday, May 4 at 7:30pm. Tickets, which run $15-$20, are available  by clicking HERE .
Memorial Service and Internment of Former Member Joanna Nesheim  
Saturday, May 5 & Sunday, May 6
We were saddened by the March 24 death of former St. Barnabas parishioner Joanna Nesheim. A memorial service will be held on tomorrow, Saturday, May 5, at 2pm at Christ Episcopal Church in Puyallup. Her ashes will be interred on Sunday, May 6 at 4pm at First Lutheran Church Cemetery in Poulsbo. Memorial donations may be made to the Episcopal Relief & Development Fund or the Tacoma Rescue Mission in her name.  For more information, contact Kathy Irvin at kathy@stbbi.org.
May Senior Ministry Schedule

Each month, Deacon Dan Fowler and other volunteers from St. Barnabas lead Devotions services at area senior living centers on Bainbridge Island. We are pleased to welcome Jayne Kenyon, Angie Bickerton, Neva & Don Cole, Peggy Vitale and Erin Grayson to our Senior Ministry. All are welcome to come and join us!
  • Monday, May 7: Devotions at Messenger House at 10:30am
  • Thursday, May 10: Devotions at Wyatt House at 1:30pm, Madison House at 3pm
  • Friday, May 18: JOY Luncheon at St. Barnabas at 11:30am
  • Monday, May 21: Devotions at Messenger House at 10:30am
  • Thursday, May 24: Devotions at Wyatt House at 1:30pm, Madison House at 3pm
  • Wednesday, May 30: Devotions at Madrona House at 10:30am
  • Thursday, May 31Devotions at Wyatt House at 1:30pm, Madison House at 3pm 
To get involved, contact Dan Fowler, dan8@q.com or 206/724-8951.
Farewell to Sexton Les Heinrich 

It is with sadness (for us) and gladness (for Les) that I write to tell you that Les Heinrich, our "I-can-fix-anything" Sexton has decided to leave his position at St Barnabas.  

Les is moving on, pursuing a dream of a home on acreage in Idaho. He will be around the Island in the foreseeable future.  This is a decision he has been thinking about for some time, and I am grateful that he was with us for as long as he was.  Please join me in thanking Les for all he has been and done with us and for us.  

God bless you, Les - we will miss you!  Faithfully, Karen+
Schola Nova to Sing
Office of Evensong 

Sunday, May 13 at 6pm
The Women's Schola Nova Choir of Bainbridge Island sings the Office of Evensong at St. Barnabas at 6pm on the second Sunday of each month. Come hear traditional plainsong, anthems, psalms and chants - and let the grace of sung prayer refresh you for the week to come. Next service, Sunday, May 13 at 6pm. For more information, contact Louise McCloskey at louisemccloskey@icloud.com .
Join Us for the Next JOY Luncheon 
on Friday, May 18 

St. Barnabas's Spring JOY Luncheon to honor our "Just Over Youth" parishioners and the residents of the senior living residences who participate in Deacon Dan's weekly devotions will be on Friday, May 18 at 11:30 a.m. in our parish hall . This ministry has been in place for years and provides a wonderful way to make our seniors feel special and part of our community. All senior parishioners are welcome to attend alone or to bring their caregivers with them. The multi-course luncheon will be catered by a well-known local caterer, Theresia Brannon of East West Catering, and is always delicious. The Monday Quartet, playing a mix of classical, baroque and some contemporary pieces,  will provide the entertainment at the luncheon.

While there is no cost for the luncheon, we do request reservations to ensure there is abundant food for all. Please RSVP to Honora Dunkak at 206-842-7358 or
honoraje@msn.com by Monday, May 14.
If you would like to volunteer to help with set up on May 17, greeting, serving, clean up or just hosting at a table, the various committees are always looking for extra hands. Please contact Princie Falkenhagen (203-400-1960, princie@snet.net ) or Kathy Bolles (405-630-5961, municipallawcenter@gmail.com ) to volunteer or with any questions. Please come join us!
Altar Flower Donations
Most Welcome

With the austerity of Lent behind us and the joy of Eastertide among us, our altar flowers have returned and we are again welcoming donations for floral arrangements!

The suggested contribution for a  Sunday's  altar flowers is $50. If you would like to donate flowers in honor of a particular occasion or a loved one, please sign the flower calendar in the Narthex and then make your contribution in the plate or to the front office. Checks are made out to St. Barnabas noting "altar flowers" in the memo line.

If you would like a dedication printed in the bulletin or would like more information about this program, please contact Kathy Irvin, 206/842-5601 or kathy@stbbi.org .
Voter Registration at May 20
Coffee Hour

Parishioner Mara Hilderman will be registering
voters at coffee hour after 10am services on
Sunday, May 20.

Any Washington resident who has state identification or a social security number can register to vote. The deadine for registering for the fall election is July 9. For more information, please contact the church office at 206/842-5601.

Parishioner Chuck Kirchner to
Share Photographs from Ethiopia

Please join us in the parish hall on Wednesday, May 23 at 7pm  for a visual presentation on this fascinating country and its people with professional photographer and parishioner Chuck Kirchner. While the kitchen will not be open that evening, you are welcome to bring a picnic or other food and/or beverages of your choice. For further information about the presentation, you may contact Chuck directly at chuck@chuckkirchner.com or 206/780-5671.
Note from Chuck:
Ethiopia has been of intense interest to me for many years. The country's indigenous religion in the North - the Ethiopia Orthodox Church - and the indigenous tribes in the South - Alaba, Dorze, Karo, Hamer, Dassanech, Aari, and Mursi - have captured my imagination. While traveling to sub-Saharan Africa often means a safari, the cultural and spiritual traditions of this landlocked country spoke much louder. And off I went in January 2018.

Register for Camp Huston

Are you looking for a great camp for your kids this summer? Registration is now open for Camp Huston, an Episcopal summer camp where children and young adults come to learn more about nature, more about God and more about themselves. The camp, which serves rising 1st to 10th graders, is located on a 70-acre property about an hour east of Seattle in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains. For more information, pick up a brochure in the church parlor or  click HERE
Calling All 2018 High School Graduates 

Each June, we like to celebrate our high school graduates! If you know of someone in the St. Barnabas community who is graduating from high school in 2018, please contact Sylvia Dunning at samdunning@mac.com or 206/780-8330 or call the church office at 206/842-5601.
Help Us Tell Our Story in Pictures!

Thanks to everyone who has been sending in photos! Our goal is to have photos from every event that happens at St. Barnabas. If you are a photographer or even someone who likes to snap pictures with your cell phone, please consider volunteering to help document some of the events happening at St. Barnabas. 

Currently, we are looking for photographs from the following upcoming events:
  • JOY Luncheon on Friday, May 18
  • Graduation Coffee Hour on Sunday, June 3
Please snap away and submit your best photos (by email or thumb drive) to Kathy Irvin, kathy@stbbi.org.
May 4, 2018
In This Issue

Office Hours
The reception desk in the church office is open Monday-Friday from 9am-noon.
Kathy Irvin, Parish Administrator
St. Barnabas Episcopal Church