From Fr. Sean
Dear People of St. Dunstan’s
In just about 10 days we will shift to our earlier summer worship schedule as we move downstairs to beat the heat and create a more intimate worship experience for our smaller summer crowd. As we move into summer many of us move into rest and rejuvenate mode. Often we slow down, work less and get away for vacation. In the church we have a word for rest and rejuvenate and it’s called sabbath. Sabbath is a time of not working so that one can rest and be ready to work again. Sabbath is so important that God commands it in the Ten Commandments.
I hope you will be able to find some sabbath time for yourself this summer. As you rest and take sabbath this summer, I hope you will join us in worship or simply find another church wherever your travels take you to worship in . Worship is an opportunity for us to take a deep breath from the week and to invite the presence of God back into our lives. In worship God’s Holy Spirit does not rest but gives us the things that we need.
Happy summer dear friends, rest well and stop by on Sunday.
Yours in Christ,
Sean +