Creating opportunities for faith in God
to be discovered, renewed and
put into action
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Wednesday, Feb. 7, 6:00 pm, Parish Hall
Join us on Wednesday, Feb 7 for Ecopalians!
We will be discussing upcoming events and cool outreach opportunities moving forward.
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Men's Breakfast
Saturday. Feb. 10. 8:00 am
Join Rev. Mark for breakfast and a talk on Jonah.
The topic for the February Men's Breakfast will be "Lessons from Jonah."
RSVP to Rev. Mark -
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Adult Formation
Sunday, Feb. 11
There will be no Adult Forum this Sunday. However, all are invited to participate in "The Seven Last Words" study in the Lounge. See the Children & Youth item below for details.
Coming up during Lent:
Feb. 18 - March 17
Bible Study on the gospel of Mark using the book Meeting God in Mark: Reflections for the Season of Lent by The Rev. Dr. Rowan Williams, led by Teresa Hixson and Sarah Davis in the Parish Hall.
Centering Prayer with Rev. Christina in the Godly Play room.
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This Sunday for Children and Youth
Sunday, Feb. 11
The Seven Last Words Lounge Study starts THIS SUNDAY @9:00. February 11th marks the beginning of our Spring curriculums for all children and youth. At 9:00 each Sunday, all-ages (even parents/family) are welcome to participate in a Bible Study located upstairs in The Lounge. The study, “Seven Last Words” by Illustrated Ministry, is an art-based curriculum with discussions about the seven last sayings of Jesus from the cross. If you are looking for a way to reflect and grow this Lent, this study is sure to be both fun and rewarding, whatever your age.
Children's Chapel - Godly Play This Lent we will be hearing the stories from “The Faces of Easter” that journey from Jesus’s birth to death. Ages 4k-5th grades are invited every week where we will also sing songs, craft, and enjoy feast together.
9:00 - The Seven Last Words Lounge Study (all ages of children and adults welcome)-Meet leader (Dewitt) in courtyard. Study to take place in Lounge until 9:45
10:00 - Worship + Children's Chapel (Parable of the Great Pearl story with Alex, feast + craft)
11:15 - Community on the Lawn
Nursery offered from 8:45-11:15
*Please note, Leighton will be chaperoning the Youth Retreat at Camp Stevens from 2/9-2/11 and will not be at church Sunday morning. Our faithful Nursery Leaders (Alex, Rebeca and Yoyo) as well as ministry volunteers will be leading all programs.
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Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras
Tuesday, Feb. 13, 6:00 pm, Parish Hall
Please join us for our yearly Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras Party on Tuesday, February 13th in the Parish Hall. Lent is a time to prepare our hearts for Easter and what better way than with the SJBTS community. We will enjoy King Cake, games, crafts and a soup supper. This year our game will be Bible Trivial Pursuit!
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Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, Feb. 14, 12:00 and 7:00 pm
The season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, February 14th. We will have two services in the church, with imposition of ashes.
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St. James Music Series
Sunday, Feb. 18, 4:00 pm
In Music of a silent world, Chanticleer sings the songs of the natural world and gives a voice to the otherwise voiceless rocks and stones and trees and rivers that share our planet with us. The program centers around a new arrangement of Majel Connery’s The Rivers are our Brothers. "The goal,” she says, “is to give nature a voice. I wanted to allow these vibrant things to speak on their own behalf." While inhabiting those voices, the program also explores what the world might be like without them. Repertoire includes music by William Byrd, Heinrich Isaac, and Robert Schumann, new arrangements of “Wildflowers” by Tom Petty and “The Weather” by Lawrence, and a new commission from Chanticleer’s composer in residence, Ayanna Woods.
More info and purchase tickets HERE.
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Save the Dates - Monday Evening Lenten Series
Monday, Feb. 19, 26, March 4,11 & 18, 6:45 - 8:00 pm, Parish Hall
Contemplating the Bible and Contemplating the Cross
This special series will explore reading, understanding and contemplating the biblical scriptures.
Join us for dessert 6:45 - 7:00 pm, followed by the lecture 7:00 - 8:00 pm.
Feb 19: The Authority of the Bible with the Rev. Dr. Mark Hargreaves
Feb. 26: The Physical Survival of the Bible with Dr. Florence Gillman
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Noontime Organ Recital
Wednesday, Feb. 21, 12:30 pm
Ruben Valenzuela, Organist
Join us for our free, monthly 30-minute recitals following Holy Eucharist, featuring local and visiting artists. This month the artist is Ruben Valenzuela, from All Souls' Episcopal Church, Point Loma.
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EDSD Flood Relief Fund
In the wake of the recent devastating floods that have impacted our communities, the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego is stepping forward to offer support and aid to those in crisis. We are establishing the EDSD Flood Relief Fund, a dedicated resource for providing immediate assistance to those affected by the floods.
This fund embodies our commitment to being a compassionate and responsive presence in times of need. We invite you to share this with your congregations and all who feel called to help. Let’s
work together to bring relief, hope, and healing to our neighbors and communities during this challenging time. Donate HERE .
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Sunday Sermon
Sunday, Feb. 4, Epiphany 5
On Eagle Wings
The Rev. Dr. Mark Hargreaves speaks to the prophet Isaiah’s words of encouragement to those who may grow weary that God comes in the person of Jesus to lift us on eagle wings: “May all of us who feel weary, find the rest that Jesus offers.”
Watch or read the sermon HERE.
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Bach's Lunch
Wednesday, Feb. 7, 12:30 pm
San Diego Baroque wishes you a very happy New Year! We begin our 2024 Bach’s Lunch concert series on Wednesday, February 7th, 12:30pm immediately following the noon Mass. San Diego Baroque welcomes MaryRuth Culver, harpist, to play with
Andrew Waid and Alison Luedecke. They will present a unique program of works by Handel, Bach, John Parry and more. A highlight will be the first movement of Handel’s Harp Concerto in B flat.
Remaining concerts for spring 2024 are on Wednesday, March 6, April 10, and May 8. SD Baroque is grateful for our ongoing partnership with St. James by-the-Sea Episcopal Church to present
the "Bach’s Lunch” Series free to the public. You are welcome to bring and enjoy your lunch while listening to a variety of Baroque music. Coffee is provided. Concerts are about 45 minutes. Your
generous donations help make this ongoing collaboration a reality.
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Diocesan Lenten Quiet Day, Hosted by the Daughters of the King
Saturday February 17, 9:30 - 1:00 p.m.
St. Peter’s, 1 Parish Lane, Del Mar
All Women Are Invited
The Rev. Christina Miller, Assistant Rector at St. James, Adjunct Professor of Theology and a Spiritual Director, will lead the Retreat with
Inspiring Meditations for Your Lenten Journey
9:30-10:00 Fellowship
10:00–10:45 Morning Service
10:45-12:15 Program led by the Rev. Christina Miller
12:15-1:00 Lunch - Bring a salad or dessert to share
RSVP BY 2/12 to Janet Shaw
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- Noon Eucharist Service, 12:00 pm
- Holy Eucharist, 8:00 am
- Choral Eucharist, 10:00 am
- Noon Eucharist Service, 12:00 pm
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Links to St. James Online | | | | |