In Our Prayers
For healing:
Dina Ballestrini
Gina Donovan
Birdie (relative of Jeanne Steinnagel)
Joan Heidisch
Kathy Dame
Daniel Marrion
Claudia Sanchez (sister of Rut Sanchez)
Christopher Derjue
Jan Barrows (aunt of Elaine Lettiere)
Curt Frost
Tammy Nordquist
Chip & Sabina Moran
Donna (friend of Leigh Sammons)
David Greenstein (Owsley’s son-in-law)
Jim West
Julia Side
Geoff (brother-in-law of Patricia Carroll-French)
Linda Wilkinson
Stephanie Lucas
For those who are grieving:
The family and friends of
John “Ivan” Kozin (friend of Louise Larson)
For active military:
Henry Yanaway
Joshua Robeson
Christian Conrad
Adrian Estrella
Martin Wuesthoff
Andy Sammons
Derek Raymond
Patrick Wimmermark
For the homebound and their caregivers:
Gloria & Ralph Breitenbach
Richard Simpson (former member)
Fred Launer
Pauline Wanner
Bob Chernansky
Jenny Waller
Glenn Rupert
Lynn Minichino
For those with other concerns:
Joy Elisabeth (daughter of Patricia Carroll-French)
Sandy (friend of Patricia Carroll-French)
Paul Roman
Chikumbuso Project
(If you have changes to this list, additions or deletions, call or email the church office at 860-464-7897 or New additions are underlined and at the top of list in each category.)