Holy Week 2024

Join us for holy week! Worship times are

Palm Sunday on March 24th at 9:30 AM, Maundy Thursday on March 28th at 7 PM, Good Friday on March 29th at 7 PM and Easter Sunday at 8:00 AM and 10 AM.

Easter Sunday Fellowship 3/31

All are invited to an Easter Sunday Fellowship coffee and refreshment time between the 8am and 10am services. An egg hunt for the kids will commence at about 9:30am. Hot cross buns will be served.

Please meet in the Fellowship Hall!

Coin Challenge Fundraiser

The Coin Challenge is underway!

This is a friendly competition between Pastor Heidi and the ELCA youth to raise money for their 2024 Youth Gathering! Bring coins and choose which bucket you want to contribute to. Deadline to donate is through the season of Lent. Thank you!

2024 Lenten Soup & Study

Wednesdays during Lent 6-7:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. Soup dinner, Devotional sharing and conversation, and Communion.

Themes for devotion are all inspired by the Lutheran World Federation International Seminar for Pastor's in Wittenberg, Germany attended by Pr. Heidi Johnston in November 2023. Please see the sign up sheet on the bulletin board outside of the fellowship hall.

3/20 Christ-centered Community

Audit Team Member Needed

An additional volunteer is needed to be part of the St. Luke audit team. The role of the audit team is to “perform an independent evaluation of the financial records and the internal controls of the congregation for the purposes of providing an opinion on the reasonableness of the congregation’s financial statements and recommending improvements to its internal controls” (from the ELCA Congregational Audit Guide). Members of the audit team can work on the audit independently, on their own schedule, and this role requires only minimal meeting time. If you are willing to volunteer for this important role, please see Al Nordquist or contact me at [email protected] or at (860) 572-0599.

Easter Flowers Sign Up

Easter Flowers sign up sheet is available on the bulletin board outside of the fellowship hall. Choice of lily, tulip, or daffodil. $16 for lilies, $12.50 for tulips & daffodils. Last day to order is 3/24.

Be a Blood Donor and Save Lives

Please make an appointment and join us for our Spring Blood Drive. You can register online at redcrossblood.org or call

1-800-733-2767. Walk-ins are also accepted. Serving an assortment of delicious homemade refreshments.

Stay healthy and hope to see you at the Blood Drive.

Gardening Series with DPNC

For those who volunteered with the Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center's Giving Garden, check out their Free Regenerative Gardening Series via Zoom or in-person depending on the session. Visit their website for more information.

Handbell Refurbishment

Help us refurbish our handbells!

Women's Group!

The Women’s group meets on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month in Classroom 2.

Drop-ins are always welcome!

Picnic in the Narthex every Wednesday!

Join St. Luke members for Picnic in the Narthex (entryway to the worship space) every Wednesday at 11:00 AM at St. Luke Lutheran Church in Gales Ferry. Pack a snack of your own liking. Ours is an expandable circle; so, come and join us and get to know your church friends better! Email Bob Erickson at [email protected] for more information and to confirm location.

RaiseRight Gift Cards

Place your order today to get RaiseRight (formerly Scrip) cards! You pay face value for the cards, but St. Luke receives a percentage of the amount of the card. It’s a win-win! Find Crystal Dame or Pat Robbins, or email [email protected] for more information.
Donate to St. Luke Online!

Did you know you can donate to St. Luke from the convenience of your own home?

Donating online allows you to choose where your funding goes - handbell refurbishment, the current budget, altar flowers, the building fund, the Sanctuary renovations fund, the memorial fund, and more!

Click here to make a secure donation!
Communion Bread!

Tired of communion wafers? Sign up on the bulletin board to bring bread for communion!
St. Luke Mask Guidelines

Based on current CDC guidelines, mask wearing is not required for indoor church events and worship services. However, St. Luke remains a "mask friendly" space, where we will, as a community, honor and respect anyone's decision to wear a mask to lower the transmission of Covid or other airborne viruses.

Please note that we will continue to monitor CDC guidelines for any new Covid variants that arise and/or increased incidence in the population. Mandatory mask wearing could be reinstated if CDC or local health guidelines recommend it.

Warm Regards,
St. Luke Planning (Executive) Committee

Worship with us!

In-Person and Online!


March 24th 2024

9:30 AM


Worship will be In-Person AND Live Streamed on our YouTube Channel.

If you are unable to make it, all recordings of the services are kept on the YouTube page for reference.

You can also find the link for live stream posted every Sunday on our

Facebook Page.

St. Luke on YouTube

Upcoming Events

Wed., March 20th

9:00am EmBellish

9:00am Grins & Giggles

11:00am Picnic in the Park

5:00pm Concert Handbells

6:00pm Lenten Soup & Study

7:00pm JuBELLation

Thu., March 21st

9:00am Grins & Giggles


Fri., March 22nd

9:00am Grins & Giggles

Sat., March 23rd

9:00am Grins & Giggles

10:30am Women's Group

Sun., March 24th

9:30am In-person Worship

9:30am Livestream worship

Mon., March 25th

9:00am Grins & Giggles

4:45pm Glory Ringers

5:45pm Joyful Noise

Tue., March 26th

9:00am Grins & Giggles

7:00pm Senior Choir

Wed., March 27th

9:00am EmBellish

9:00am Grins & Giggles

11:00am Picnic in the Park

5:00pm Concert Handbells

7:00pm JuBELLation

Church Office


If you have a pastoral emergency, please contact:

1830 Route 12

Gales Ferry, CT 06335

Phone: 860-464-7897

Fax: 860-464-7742

Web: www.stlukegf.org

Email: [email protected]

Pastor Heidi:

[email protected]

Emergency Phone Number:


Church Office Hours:

M-Th: 9 AM - 2:30 PM

Church Calendar

March Scroll

In Our Prayers

For healing:

Julia Side

Marianne Thielbar


Alice Carter

Jill Ragland

Jim West


Rita Usselman

Ed Davis

Bill Kracke

Linda Wilkinson

Cori Mackey


Sabina Moran

Carol Hurlbutt

Joy Elisabeth

Megan & family

Tate Campbell

Stephanie Gryken &

baby Frankie




Stephanie Lucas


For those who are grieving:

For active military:

Joshua Robeson

Daniel Walker

Christian Conrad

Adrian Estrella

Owen Lessing


Andy Sammons

Derek Raymond

Patrick Wimmermark

For the homebound and their caregivers:

Fred Launer

Pauline Wanner

Bob Chernansky

Jenny Waller

Glenn Rupert

Lynn Minichino

Lynn Tarozzi

For those with other concerns:


Paul Roman

Chikumbuso Project

(If you have changes to this list, additions or deletions, call or email the church office at 860-464-7897 or [email protected]. New additions are underlined and at the top of list in each category.)

Upcoming Scripture Readings

Sunday, March 24th

Isaiah 50:4-9a

Psalm 31:9-16

Philippians 2:5-11

Mark 14:1-15:47

Adult Christian Ed Opportunities

Working Preacher Sermon Brainwave Podcast:
D365 Daily online devotional 
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St Luke Lutheran Church | [email protected]
1830 Route 12
Gales Ferry, CT 06335-1123