Sermons Available
Bible Study on Audio Now!
Church Directory
Hot Breakfast
Annual Parish Meeting Day Sched.
The Future of Faith study
Thank you!
Wed. Bible Study
2019 Contribution Envelopes
An Invitation from the Brothers
Youth Group Party
Centering Prayer
2019 Concert Season
Vestry Person of the Day
January Calendar of Events
Sermons Available
Renovated Church
To view our sermons, video or document, please click here

Wednesday AM Bible Study Audio
Click HERE to hear the audio from each week's bible study.
Upcoming Events

January 20
* 8am - Rite I Eucharist
* 9am - Rite II Eucharist
* 10:15am - Parish Meeting
* 11:30am - Luncheon

January 21

January 21 at 6pm

January 22 at 6pm

Church Directories
Churchview - Header
Updated directories (August 2018)  available now!

the contact information contained within the directory is privileged and only to be used to conduct the work of the parish and for no other reason.
Ministry Links
Lay Pastoral Care Committee

St. Luke's Men's Group
{Brotherhood of St Andrew}

St. Luke's Women's Group
{Daughters of the King}


St. Luke's Episcopal Church 
1206 Maple Lane, Anchorage, KY 40223
January 17, 2019
Hot Breakfast
There will be NO breakfast this coming Sunday, January 20, due to the annual Parish Meeting.  Our next breakfast will be Sunday, January 27, provided by guest chefs, Joshua & Jenni Anderson.  
Please plan on joining everyone in Board Hall between 8:30am and 9:45 where you will not only enjoy great food but a time for fellowship.   
Annual Parish Meeting Schedule 
January 20, 2019
8AM : Rite I with Holy Eucharist
9 AM : Rite II with Holy Eucharist (instead of 10am)

10:15AM : Annual Parish Meeting

11:30AM : Luncheon in Board Hall

[ Nursery will be provided from 8:30am to 12:30pm]

Plan to attend our 2018 parish meeting on January 20 at 10:15am. We will have our 8am Rite I with Eucharist then our Rite II with Eucharist at 9am, instead of 10am. A luncheon will be served after the parish meeting in Board Hall.

The Future of Faith study 
On Sunday mornings, at 9:00am in Board Hall, we have started a new course of study called The Future of Faith.  It covers a wide range of interconnected topics vital to our Christian mission, our everyday lives, and our world. For instance, what does it mean to be a Christian in the 21st Century?  With advances in technology like artificial intelligence, cybernetics, nanotechnology, and gene editing, how might the meaning of being human change?  What are the theological implications of these developments?  And underneath the technology, what is the relationship between science and religion itself? Are they mutually exclusive realms of thought, competitors, potential collaborators?   
We'll look at the classics, like Genesis 1 vs. the Big Bang Theory & Evolution. What of our mission field, in which over the past 4 generations, each subsequent one is half as likely to participate in a faith community than the one that went before it?  Why has this happened, and how does the Church address the needs or arouse the curiosity of the "spiritual but not religious"?  
These are my questions.  What are yours?
Thank you! 
Thank you to all that provided support and willing hands for Christmas decorating as well as the undecorating days.   
It represented a true collaboration from hanging the wreaths, design and placement of the poinsettias and cleaning up after. The flower guild is so appreciative of all the parishioners that shared their time and talents.

Wednesday Bible Study 
On Wednesday, January 23rd, our weekly Bible study will start a new book, Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians.   
The Christians in Corinth struggled with many of the same issues that we wrestle with today, as a Church in the world.  We usually review one chapter per week, starting at 9:45 and ending around 11:00am.   
Led by Father Michael, these are audio recorded, so if you miss sessions, or can't come at all, the material's still on our website.

2019 Contribution Envelopes
are available at both main entrances to the church.  
Please be sure to sign your name (legibly) AND the envelope box number on the sheets provided. If you don't, we have no way of identifying your cash donations.  
If the container runs out of boxed envelopes, we will refill but check at the other entrance for more.  
Thank you!

An Invitation from the Brothers 
On Saturday, February 2, everyone is invited to join St. Like's Brotherhood of St. Andrew's (BOSA's) men in a presentation by Dr. Charles Webb on "Cancer in Men." Come for breakfast with the Brotherhood at 8:30AM, followed by Dr. Webb's presentation at 9:00AM, both in Board Hall, on the west side of the church. There's no denying the challenges facing us all with our health today. Please join Dr. Webb as he speaks of ways to be aware of changes in our bodies, and courses of treatment for Cancer in Men.
You do not have to be a member of St. Luke's to attend on February 2. Bring your friends and family. Ladies, of course, are welcome. Do please help us by RSVPing for breakfast to Dawn at our church office, 245-8827, by January 31st so that we can prepare for the appropriate number of people. Thank you.
Youth Group Party
There will be a party on Sunday, January 27 at 6pm at Anchorage Presbyterian Church for both teens AND parents. There will be food, games, and discussions of future plans and events. Plan to attend!
Centering Prayer  
Please join us for Centering Prayer on
January 22, at 6pm in the church.  
We meet every fourth Tuesday of the month.
Please mark your calendars for our 6 th concert season 2018-2019
These events will begin at 5:00 pm:
January 27 - Dylon Crain, vocal recital 
February 17 - YPAS Chamber Choir, with Choral Evensong  
March 31 - Glenna Metcalf, organist, with Lenten Meditations and Carols sung by the choir
Vestry Person of the Day for January 20

Nancy Menz

The Vestry Person on Duty (VPOD) is responsible for assisting the Rector with welcoming newcomers and closing the church after worship has been conducted.

January 2019 Calendar     
Jan 19 at 5:30 pm : Holy Eucharist Rite II service
at 8am : Holy Eucharist Rite I service
at 9am : Holy Eucharist Rite II service
at 10:15am : Annual Parish Meeting
at 11:30am : Luncheon in Board Hall
[nursery will be provided from 8:30am to 12:30pm]
Jan 21 : Office closed for Martin Luther King Jr. holiday
at 4:30pm : Community Youth Service Band (Board Hall)
at 6pm : Vestry meeting (Lyman House)
Jan 22 at 4:30pm : Community Youth Service Band (Board Hall)
at 6pm : Centering Prayer (church)
Jan 23 at 9:45am : Wednesday morning bible study (Board Hall)
at 7:15pm : Adult (Chancel) Choir Rehearsal (church)
Jan 24 at 6pm : Reflections rehearsal (church)
Jan 26 at 5:30 pm : Holy Eucharist Rite II service
Jan 27 at 8am : Holy Eucharist Rite I service
at 8:45am : Weekly Breakfast (Board Hall)
at 9:10am : Adult & Children's Sunday School
at 10am : Holy Eucharist Rite II service
Jan 28 at 4:30pm : Community Youth Service Band (Board Hall)
Jan 29 at 4:30pm : Community Youth Service Band (Board Hall)
Jan 30 at 9:45am : Wednesday morning bible study (Board Hall)
at 7:15pm : Adult (Chancel) Choir Rehearsal (church)
Jan 31 at 6pm : Reflections rehearsal (church)
Feb 2 at 8:30am : Brotherhood of St. Andrew meeting
at 5:30 pm : Holy Eucharist Rite II service
Contact Information
St. Luke's Office : Hours : Mon.-Thur. 9AM - 3PM & Fri. 9AM - 1PM
502-245-8827 //