Sermons Available
Bible Study on Audio Now!
Church Directory
Hot Breakfast
St. Luke's Book Club
Thanksgiving Day Service
Free Coat Exchange
Centering Prayer
Advent Wreaths
Advent Lessons & Carols
Anchorage Yule Log Lighting
Christmas Memorials
Angel Tree
2019 Altar Flower Memorials
Special Saturday Services
2018-2019 Concert Season
Vestry Person of the Day
November Calendar of Events
Sermons Available
Renovated Church
To view our sermons, video or document, please click here

Wednesday AM Bible Study Audio
Click HERE to hear the audio from each week's bible study.
Upcoming Events

November 20 at 6:30pm

November 22 & 23
Church office closed

November 27 at 6pm

November 30

December 1 at 8:30am

Church Directories
Churchview - Header
Updated directories (August 2018)  available now!

the contact information contained within the directory is privileged and only to be used to conduct the work of the parish and for no other reason.
Ministry Links
Lay Pastoral Care Committee

St. Luke's Men's Group
{Brotherhood of St Andrew}

St. Luke's Women's Group
{Daughters of the King}


St. Luke's Episcopal Church 
1206 Maple Lane, Anchorage, KY 40223
November 15, 2018
Hot Breakfast
Breakfast this coming Sunday, November 18, will be provided by guest chef, Celia Manlove. 
Please plan on joining everyone in Board Hall between 8:30am and 9:45 where you will not only enjoy great food but a time for fellowship.   
St. Luke's Book Club 
YOU ARE INVITED to St Luke's Book Club on November 20 at 6:00. The book club selection for reviewing Tuesday evening is: The Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown.
The improbable, intimate account of nine young working-class American boys and their epic quest for a 1936 Olympic triumph in Nazi Germany.  Do not pick this book up unless you have about four good hours in which to read it as it will keep you on the edge of your seat for sure.  A totally unlikely, absolutely true, exciting and exhilarating read of grit and determination. 
MEETING INFO: Lyman House, November 20, THIRD (3rd) Tuesday monthly at 6:00 PM for 2+- hours of rousing conversations and introductions to books of almost every genre. At the end of each meeting, we discuss books for the next month's selection, so bring your suggestions with you.

On Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 22, at 10am
We will offer our gratitude to God through Holy Eucharist.

Free Coat Exchange
St. Luke's is participating in the 8th Annual Black Friday Free Coat Exchange. We are collecting new and used winter coats. Both adult and child sizes are needed. St. Luke's parishioners have donated over 500 coats in this program. So, check those closets! If you're not using it, there's someone that can. There's a collection box in the Narthex at the side entrance to church.  

All donated coats will be brought to distribution points downtown on November 23rd. Any coats that are not claimed that day are given to non-profits. Thank you from St. Luke's Brotherhood of St. Andrew.

Centering Prayer
Please join us for Centering Prayer on November 27, at 6pm in the church.  
This will be the last time we meet in 2018. Our next meeting will be January 22, 2019. We meet every fourth Tuesday of the month.

Advent Wreaths 
All are welcome to gather in Board Hall on
December 1 at 6:30 pm and December 2 during the 9am Faith Formation hour to festively welcome in the season of Advent by making fresh Advent wreaths.  
This was such a well-received event the last couple of years that we have decided to make this an annual tradition here at St. Luke's.  
Please contact Beth Myers or the church office to RSVP or for additional information. 

Advent Lessons and Carols
Sunday, December 2 at the 10am service  
Once again we welcome the expectant season of Advent on Sunday, December 2 at the 10:00 am service.   
St. Luke's Choir will sing an abbreviated service of Advent Lessons and Carols, followed by Holy Communion.  Our service will start with the Advent antiphon "I look from afar" set by the 16 th century composer, Palestrina - as we join our voices with choirs around the world who will begin their services with this famous antiphon.    
We'll use the Conditor alme siderum Mass (with bells) that we've used for several years during the Advent season.  It's based on Hymn 60, "Creator of the stars of night".
The Annual Anchorage Yule Log Lighting  
& Carol Sing 
The Anchorage Garden Club is sponsoring the Yule Log Lighting and Carol Sing at Hobbs Chapel, Sunday, December 2 at 6pm with the snow/rain date Monday, December 3 at 6pm.

Be sure to bring candles and guards. Be a part of a longstanding Anchorage tradition and join us for an old-fashioned, good time!
Christmas Memorials
This year we will continue our tradition of decorating the church for Christmas with memorial poinsettias and large wreaths, as well as memorializing loved ones through contributions for special Christmas music. Special envelopes are available at both Narthexes specifying your gift for either poinsettia, wreath, or music. Please indicate if it is in MEMORY of or in THANKSGIVING of someone and list their names clearly.   The deadline to receive all memorials is Sunday, December 9.
Poinsettia Memorials - the cost for poinsettias is $8 per plant with the deadline for ordering is Sunday, December 9. Envelopes are at both narthexes.
Wreath Memorials - We will again be hanging large wreaths inside the church on the stone walls between the windows. The cost for each wreath is $90. We hope parishioners will help subsidize this decorating effort by donating for a wreath, or part of one, in memory of a loved one or in thanksgiving. The deadline for this memorial is Sunday, December 9. Envelopes are at both narthexes.
Music Memorials - Give to our wonderful music program as God plants in your heart. You may give throughout the year to the music program, but in order to get your memorial in print, the deadline is Sunday, December 9. Envelopes are at both narthexes.
Angel Tree 
Holiday greetings St. Luke's family! Our parish family will again be providing Christmas gifts for ten children & youth who reside at Uspiritus. The Angel Tree will be set up in the narthex (closest to Board Hall) on November 17th.  Please prayerfully consider selecting one of the angels from the tree. Please have all UNWRAPPED gifts back to the church or office by Sunday, December 9.
This is the fourth year that we have provided gifts for these special children and youth and the response of our St. Luke's family has been wonderful! Thank you for helping us to make this an ongoing tradition, and for sharing the light of Christ's love with these special children and youth!

Altar Flower Memorials for 2019
It's time to renew your dates for 2019 altar flower memorials. Letters with order forms have gone out to the previous year's donors.

Please respond promptly since renewals are honored first. New donors are also welcome and encouraged to respond with a date!

Please call Dawn at the church office at 245-8827 so we can gather all necessary information.

Upcoming Special Saturday Services by Reflections  
  • December 15 : Presenting a meaningful liturgy of scripture readings, music and prayers that set the mood for Advent and Christmas seasons. Special guest musicians will be part of this service.

  • Monday, December 24 at 6:30pm : Presenting our annual Celtic Christmas celebration service, with songs, prayers and meaningful Christmas liturgy, as well as special guest musicians.
Please mark your calendars for our 6 th concert season 2018-2019
These events will begin at 5:00 pm:
January 27 - Dylon Crain, vocal recital 
February 17 - John Cantrell, organist, with Choral Evensong  
March 31 - Glenna Metcalf, organist, with Lenten Meditations and Carols sung by the choir
Vestry Person of the Day for November 18

Celia Manlove

The Vestry Person on Duty (VPOD) is responsible for assisting the Rector with welcoming newcomers and closing the church after worship has been conducted.

November 2018 Calendar     
Nov. 15 at 6pm : Reflections rehearsal (church)
Nov. 17 at 5:30 pm : Holy Eucharist Rite II service
Nov. 18 at 8am : Holy Eucharist Rite I service
at 8:30am : Weekly Breakfast (Board Hall)
at 9:10am : Sunday School for all ages
at 10am : Holy Eucharist Rite II service
Nov. 19 at 4:30pm : Community Youth Band (Board Hall)
at 6pm : Vestry meeting (Lyman House)
Nov. 20 at 6:30pm : St. Luke's Book Club (Lyman House)
Nov. 21 at 7:15pm : Adult Choir Rehearsal (church)
Nov. 22 Thanksgiving Day
at 10am : Thanksgiving Day Eucharist Service
Church office closed
Nov. 23 : Thanksgiving holiday
Church office closed
Nov. 24 at 2pm : Reflections rehearsal (church)
at 4pm : Reflections break (Board Hall)
at 4:30pm : Reflections rehearsal (church)
at 5:30 pm : Holy Eucharist Rite II service
at 6:30pm : Reflections rehearsal (church)
Nov. 25 at 8am : Holy Eucharist Rite I service
at 8:30am : Weekly Breakfast (Board Hall)
at 9:10am : Sunday School for all ages
at 10am : Holy Eucharist Rite II service
Nov. 26 at 4:30pm : Community Youth Band (Board Hall)
Nov. 27 at 6pm : Centering Prayer (church)
Nov. 28 at 9:45am : Wednesday morning bible study (Board Hall)
at 7:15pm : Adult Choir Rehearsal (church)
Nov. 29 at 6pm : Reflections rehearsal (church)
Dec. 1 at 8:30 am : Brotherhood of St. Andrew meeting (Board Hall)
at 5:30 pm : Holy Eucharist Rite II service
at 6:30 pm : Advent Wreath Making class
Contact Information
St. Luke's Office : Hours : Mon.-Thur. 9AM - 3PM & Fri. 9AM - 1PM
502-245-8827 //