St. Paul Lutheran
GRACE Gazette 
St. Paul Lutheran Church Grafton, WI
Weekly Newsletter 
St. Paul 
Lutheran Church
Kenton Wendorf
701 Washington St.
Grafton, WI 53024

Weekly Worship Services:


We follow the practices of the Missouri Synod and offer Traditional & Contemporary Worship Services.


Traditional Services:

Saturday 5:00pm

Sunday 8:00am

Sunday 11:00am 

Monday 7:00pm


Contemporary Service: 

Sunday 9:30am


Today I was with the first graders and we talked about the shepherds. We talked about what a tough, smelly job that must have been to spend their days and nights in the fields with the sheep. That all changed, of course, when the angels came and told the good news of the saviors' birth.  We sometimes have tough jobs to do...even smelly ones...but the toughest was the one that Jesus came to fulfill for us.  

  Blessings in Christ
Pastor Wendorf

Concert Band 1:45 Performance
Concert Band Students performed music celebrating our Lord's birth at In last Friday's Choir & Concert Band Service.


Prayer Request

Please continue to pray for Pastor Kruse as he considers his call to St. Paul as Associate Pastor. 


Cole Michael Cherveny, son of Mr. & Mrs. Nathan/Courtney (neeClague) Cherveny, was born October 2, 2012, and is being baptized during the Saturday evening service on December 22, 2012.


Quintin Tyler Bright, son of Mr. & Mrs. Andrew/Elvia (nee Olveda) Bright, was born July 8, 2006, and is being baptized during the 9:30 am service on December 23, 2012.


Bible Classes

All Sunday Bible Classes will be held at 9:30am in the Family Life Center, unless otherwise noted.  


December 23 & 30 

No Bible Classes scheduled.


Jan 6, 13 & 20 - Led by The Rev. Dr. Daniel Paavola "Body, Mind and Spirit: God's Complete Work in the Book of Ephesians" 


Week 1 - Gives us both the Body of Christ made

complete thru His death & also the body of believers

that we have become. 


Week 2 - Gives us the mystery of Ch. 3 especially,

and the answer that God gives of even-handed grace to

all people. 


Week 3 - Centers on our renewed, washed, perfect

spirit by which God sees us and deals with us.

Blessing of the Infants 

The Blessing of the Infants will take place at the 3pm & 5pm Christmas Eve Worship Services. Parents of infants and young children are invited to come forward with their child/ren for a special blessing from the pastor.


Extending the Kingdom Capital Campaign Update

From the Director of Finance:

The final construction elements of the Extending the Kingdom (ETK) Capital Campaign is winding down. Church renovations, the new gym and the deferred maintenance projects are nearing completion. All of these projects came in below budget which is a true testament to all those who served on the committees with the responsibility to oversee each phase. Thank you all...St. Paul is truly blessed!

To date, we have received over 50% of the pledged funds. We collectively need to continue to fulfill our pledges as we begin to pay down the debt of the capital campaign projects. Pledges cover approximately 70% of the funds necessary for the cost of the capital improvements. Additional pledges and donations to the Extending the Kingdom Capital Campaign would greatly be appreciated. Please contact Jean Steinke in the church office 262-377-4659 (ext 339) if you have any questions.


Thank You!

A bucket was passed during the offering each weekend in October for coins to support LWML Mission Project Grants. The total of all coins collected was $1,901.12. Thank you to everyone for your coins!


Family Sharing has sent a letter thanking St. Paul members for the recent donation of 16 bags of food for the Family Sharing Food Pantry. They said they set several records of visits and new registrations this year, and generosity of this kind has helped them meet the needs of many Ozaukee County families who depend on Family Sharing.


The Panther Parents would like to thank everyone who contributed to the Giving Tree this year. Hundreds of gifts were donated. Together, we were able to help four local families as well as provide many gifts to the Advocates of Ozaukee County. We wish you a very Merry Christmas!


The Providence Place Reminders

There will be no Bible Class December 27 or January 3 and

no Cards on January 1. 


January LWML Meeting

Mark your calendars for Monday January 14, 6:30pm. Jan 
Wendorf will be sharing her experience of her Most Ministry Mission Trip to Guatemala. Please join the LWML ladies for this most inspiring evening. Refreshments will be served from 6 to 6:30pm. 


Portals of Prayer

For many years, the St. Paul Women's Guild has been providing the members of this congregation with the small daily devotional booklet, Portals of Prayer. It is always well received and people look forward to getting a copy every three months. Because of the size of our membership the order is now 475 copies each quarter, which costs the Guild about $800 a year. As you may have noted, a small white envelope is tucked inside each copy and can be used for a small contribution to the guild to help defray expenses. It would be greatly appreciated if each family who receives one would take only what will be used, and if now and then, a donation would be given to help with the expense. The Women's Guild hopes to be able to continue this service for many years to come.



Anyone wishing to receive the LWML Quarterly, starting with the summer issue, may order it by making out a check for $5 to St. Paul LWML (memo note: LWML quarterly) and bring it to the January or February LWML Meeting or place it in the LWML mailbox just outside the church office by the end of February. If you haven't received this Quarterly before, please try it for a year. It is packed full of inspirational reading and information about LWML. 


Save these Dates

Share the Christmas spirit with residents of Bethesda by moving them to the chapel and providing fellowship and/or music with them on Sunday, December 30. Hopefully many people will be able to come. Transportation will be provided! A school bus will transport us from the St. Paul parking lot at 12:30pm and return us at 5pm. Please put this date in your plans!


3rd Annual Panther Parent Trivia Night will be held on Friday, January 25, 2013. Gather your friends and family members and create a team of up to 8 people. Brochures are available in the Welcome Center and in the School Office. 


December Schedule

December is a busy month for all. Please include St. Paul special services in your Christmas-time plans! 


Monday, December 24th

Christmas Eve Worship Services

3:00pm   Traditional Service w/Blessing of the Infants

5:00pm   Contemporary Service w/Blessing of the Infants

7:00pm   Traditional Service

11:00pm Candlelight Service


Tuesday, December 25th

Christmas Day Worship Service

9:30am Traditional Service w/communion   


Monday, December 31st

New Years Eve Worship Service

5:00pm w/communion


See what's going on in our Christian Day School

Read the Echo, the School's weekly newsletter. 


The GRACE Gazette will return in the New Year! Our next issue will be sent out January 3, 2013. Thank you for all of the positive feedback and suggestions in our first 6 months of publication. We look forward to 2013! Have a very blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year! 



St. Paul Church Facebook Page

St. Paul Lutheran School Facebook Page 

The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

Lutheran Hour Ministries 

Lutheran Women's Missionary League

Questions About Christianity 

Share our ministry with your friends! If you know someone who would like to receive the newsletter but does not have a Facebook account, please email Newsletter Sign-Up to subscribe. 
We would love your feedback regarding the newsletter and Facebook page. Please tell us what you think! 
About St. Paul Church: 
St. Paul Lutheran Church is a congregation of approximately 3000 members located in Grafton, Wisconsin. We are a member of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.

Living the New Life in Christ (1 Peter 1:3)