Click the link to watch last Sunday's service or to share with your friends:
Celebrating God’s Diversity, our Fall 2022 Children’s Spiritual Formation, will take place Sundays, September 11 - November 6. We are looking for different people to share their experience of diversity at 10:30 am for ten minutes on one of those Sunday mornings. If you work with animals, we would love to hear how seeing a variety of animals helps you honor God’s diversity. If you work with food, we would love to hear how using the different flavors makes the meal more savory. If you work with people, we would love to hear how you experience each as made in the image of God.

This fall, we are going to dive deep into how everyone is invited to Christ’s table. Jesus ate with everyone, he included a diverse array of people at the table with him. Some people were surprised about who was invited to come and join him in a meal. We are going to celebrate and learn how everyone has a place to come, eat, and enjoy the gifts God offers. Please email Lisa at [email protected] if this is a way you feel called to share your experiences of diversity for ten minutes on a Sunday morning with the children of St. Timothy’s.
Laura C. and Kerri K. are inviting families with young kids to a Potluck Dinner / Family Get-Together

After being disconnected due to Covid for so long, it's time to reemerge, strike up new friendships, and catch up with old ones. This picnic will be a great opportunity for these families to get to just be in each other's company, and for the kids to see their church pals for longer than only an hour on Sundays.

What should you bring?
The main course will be provided so please bring a side dish to share.
As long as the weather is agreeable that day, the families will be outside, so please bring lawn chairs and/or blankets for the little ones.

We need a few more volunteers for the Exodus Women’s Prison Listening Program in order to maintain our twice weekly visits to River City Correctional Center.

You will have 3 training sessions with an experienced “listener”.
After your training, you are only committed to visit once a month, but you can do more if you choose.
You are never alone! We always go in pairs.
The staff and residents are so eager for us to continue twice weekly visits.
It will be one of the most rewarding experiences for you!

For more information contact Jane Holcer at [email protected].
Every Monday, the Anderson community is invited to join in a short prayer vigil for Ukraine. We acknowledge that there aren't many hands-on things we can do to help the Ukrainian people, so we come together to remember them and ask God to change things.
The vigil begins at 6:30pm and lasts about 20 minutes.
Join us every Saturday from 9am to noon for a morning of music, sunshine, bubbles, and smiling faces. There are opportunities to volunteer at the market, but coming just to hang out with your community always starts the weekend off right.

Music for this Saturday, August 6th, will be provided by

The Bings

Steve and Donna Bing play Cajun, Appalachian Old Time, Texas Swing, and roots music from Texas and Louisianna.
At 5pm on Wednesday Evenings, a small group of people meet to pray the Daily Office together. The informal service lasts about half an hour and includes incense, short periods of silence, and a time to share requests when praying with the group. The Office offers an ancient way to connect with your faith and might be a practice you consider trying out.
ALL are invited!
This group will focus on the reading from the prophets assigned to the following Sunday. Each participant will be invited to engage with the text and other members of the group. However, participants are simply free to listen to the conversation. Don’t worry if you can’t attend every Tuesday.
If you would like to participate, please email Roger so that he can put you on the email list.
Dementia: Inclusion and Support
with Shannon Braun, LISW-S
Sunday, August 14 from 11:30am-1pm
at Mt. Washington Presbyterian Church or zoom.
Better Communication with Memory Loss
with Teresa Youngstrom, RN
Monday, August 22, 6-7:30pm on zoom
Click here to register or call 1800-272-3900

"You might remember getting vaccines as a child. But adults also need vaccines to help prevent certain illnesses. Talk with a doctor or pharmacist about which vaccines are recommended for you."

The Diocese of Southern Ohio
Your prayers are requested for The Rev. Scott Gunn, executive director of Forward Movement and president of our diocese's Standing Committee, who "had a serious medical incident while on vacation in Singapore and is now hospitalized there in critical condition."
IPM Food Pantry

Upcoming Mobile Pantries:

Saturday, August 6, 10am - 12pm
Mt. Carmel Christian Church, 4110 Bach Buxton Rd, Batavia, Ohio 45103

Wednesday, August 10am - 12pm
Clermont Northeastern Preschool 463 S. Broadway, Owensville, Ohio 45160

Contact the liaison: Kris Mullin
Lydia's House

You will find the most recent blog posts, Fox19 interviews, pictures, and more.

Contact the liaison: Beth Bronsil
Readers' Poll:
How did you originally connect with St. Tim's?
Choose one below
I saw the front sign as I was driving by.
A friend/family member told me about this place.
Social media posts led me here.
I stumbled across your website and liked the mission.
I attended a meeting or group that uses these facilities.
*Please email Sami if you would like to go into detail or if what brought you here is not listed.*

Last week's poll "What is your favorite season?" results:

Advent: 17.4%
Christmas: 34.8%
Epiphany: -
Lent: 8.7%
Easter: 21.7%
Pentecost: 4.3%
Ordinary Time: 13%
(Christmas clearly won, but what's with zilch for Epiphany?! Who doesn't like the wise men?!)

Watch for this poll's results next week.
AA Zoom Meetings every night at 10pm

To contact Tom or Sally Keller [email protected]
Meeting ID Number: 190 210 132
Email Peg, the Parish Administrator, with any questions.
If you need to schedule a room in the building, please contact Peg.
Lisa's Caring Bridge Link
Follow Lisa's journey here:
For Those On Our Prayer Lists:
Pray for those who need God's grace and assistance:
Charlie Griffith, Jean Burr, Kim Smith, Tammy Young, Bill McGee, Nancy Kes, Dan Smiley, Jim Watkins, Kelly Roberston, David Magliocco, Anne Kennedy, Cindy White, Eli Crawford, Wendell Smith, Charles Aperson, The Family of Marilyn Uhlinger, Stephanie and Lee Megois, Millicent Vatter, Mike Voris, Wendy Jones, Robert Schaffner, Brandon Frerking, Hannah Marie, Scott Rogers, Stan Noland, Donna, Mike Kennedy, Bishop Breidenthal, Eugene, Nick, Lt. Col. Susie Everly, Ron, Steve, Kathy, Felix Winternitz, David E. Ellis, William West, Matthew Hall, Meghan, Michelle, Kurt Frees, John and his wife, Karen, Selah Masie Hart, Ginger McKenzie, Charles Weigel, Mark Moser, Kimberly Trawick, Michael Trawick and Andrew Trawick, Jan Dunn, Angela Berner, Eunice, Lonnie Spurlock, Mason Miller, Bill Hart, Dan Passick, Breanne, John Smith, Mike Schmidt, Bryce Riedel, Jackson, Beth Beineke, Brenda Kuhr, Clifford, Nancy Riedel, Eugene, Tina Conners

Pray for those serving our country:
Jason Albright, Brandon Andrews, Michael Biller, Scott Birkley, Matthew Bradford, Michael Cassidy, Michael J. Corban, Tony Creation, Nick Flannery, Matthew Frank, Darrin Garland, Anthony Giardano, David Hancock, Anson Isaacs, Kasey Kozma, Valerie Lee, Micah Maupin, Patrick McCoy, Ben Menner, Roy Mitchell, Sam Morton, Peter Nowacki, Rachel Piening, Thomas Piening, Ryan Robinson, Jason Smith, Austin Swan, Anthony Wurster, Leeland Young, Maddie Friedland, Brandon Murray, Blake Stephens, Andrew Fenner

In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, today we pray for:
The Church in the Province of the West Indies

In the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer, today we pray for:
The people of St. Andrew’s, Evanston – and Christopher Slane, Interim priest; Anne Reed, Deacon; The people of St. James, Westwood – and Mary Carson, Rector; Healthcare chaplains – Vahagn Azizyan, Sherman Everett, Hancella Newberry; Retired deacons – Bill Bales, Jennie Crockett, Peg Denton, Pam Elwell, Sherman Everett, Mooydeen Frees, and Gary Givler

In the Parish Cycle of Prayer, we pray for:
The Prayer Chain

For our Postulants and Deacons, we pray:
Libbie Crawford, Gayland Trim