December 2019
Revolutionizing Neurosurgery with
Advanced Imaging
Imaging technologies alone have catapulted the field of neurosurgery easily by a decade, perhaps more. In a short time, we’ve gone from grainy, black and white 2D images to colorful and intricately detailed 3D visualizations, that have transformed our approach to surgery and our patients' experiences before and after treatment.
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Groundbreaking Minimally Invasive Brain Surgery for 2-Year-Old
A team of expert skull base surgeons led by  Dr. Juan Fernandez-Miranda  and  Dr. Gerald Grant  used virtual reality and endoscopic endonasal surgery to save a toddler from a life-threatening craniopharyngioma.
Pediatric Neurosurgery Team Collaborates with Uganda’s Neurosurgical Residency Program
During a recent medical team trip to Uganda Stanford neurosurgeons, nurses, operating room technicians, residents, and medical students spent a week volunteering at the Mbarara Hospital, working side-by-side with Ugandan doctors.
Rewiring the Brain: Zapping with Precision
Maheen Mausoof Adamson, PhD , provides insight on the many neuromodulation strategies now available to treat brain injury and the potential of further research to accomplish much more.
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Taking Benzodiazepines Boosts Chances of Long-term Opioid Use
In a new study,   John Ratliff, MD, FACS   finds that taking a common psychoactive medication along with opioids nearly triples the chance that a patient will become a long-term opioid user.
Scientists Find Potential Diagnostic Tool, Treatment for Parkinson’s Disease
In a new study led by  Xinnan Wang, MD, PhD , investigators identified a molecular defect that seems almost universal among patients with Parkinson’s disease and those at a high risk of acquiring it. 
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ROSA™ and Minimally Invasive Brain Surgery May Cure Epilepsy
Brynn experienced her first seizure at the age of 5. Despite trying 13 different medications to control the seizures, by age 7, she was having up to 12 seizures per day. Thanks to a surgery performed by Gerald Grant, MD, FACS , using ROSA™ the robotic surgical tool, Brynn is now seizure-free!
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Scientist Receives Prestigious NIH Award for High-Risk, High-Reward Research
Congratulations Jin Hyung Lee, PhD , Associate Professor of Neurology, of Neurosurgery and of Bioengineering, recipient of the prestigious National Institutes of Health Director's Pioneer Award. Lee plans to use the $3.5 million Award to develop mechanogenetics, an innovative technology that enables noninvasive analysis of brain circuitry. 
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We are requesting applications for a  $200,000 Seed Grant Program  to foster novel research in the area of basic, translational or clinical research related to Parkinson’s Disease. 
Application Deadline: 1/15/20
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