Stratton Mountain School Newsletter
Dear SMS Community,

I hope these last two weeks have been restful for you as you ventured from campus to connect with family and friends.

While we still have a week of vacation ahead, it is time to start planning carefully for your return. Recently, the travel guidelines in Vermont have been adjusted, and I know that many of you have questions regarding these changes. We consulted with Medical Director, Trey Dobson to determine if these changes in guidance will adjust our protocols at SMS.

It is important to remember that the virus hasn't changed, and there is still a risk of transmission in our community. Dr. Dobson cited a few examples of young athletes who have seen their energy and athletic performance decline after contracting the virus. While rare, young students are also not immune to more serious complications. Therefore, we have decided that, as a residential community, we must be conservative in our approach to mitigating the virus while we have unvaccinated students on campus. Dr. Dobson also noted that he has seen first-hand that lifting restrictions in a boarding community can cause rapid spread of the virus. These facts, along with our recognition that the state mandate represents the minimum expectations, we have decided to maintain our current protocol for leisure travel.

This means that, as published before we departed for break, all students who have traveled out of state or had any possible exposure during the break will need to begin quarantine by tomorrow, April 17. All travel is expected to be completed by the end of the day today, and we will require all students who have traveled to take a PCR test on day 7 of their quarantine and before their return to campus.

We will be offering PCR testing for those who have signed up on Friday, April 23. If you missed the sign up, please use the link below to sign up for the test. We will also be testing the entire community on Monday, April 26th to help ensure that the community is healthy.

We expect that our community will have these restrictions in place until all community members have the opportunity to get vaccinated. Just today, Governor Scott announced today that the state would be allowing Vermonters between the ages of 16 and 18 to start signing up for the vaccine tomorrow, two days earlier than expected. The reason that 16-18 year olds will get to sign up in advance of their larger age group that opens on Monday (ages 16-29) is to give them a better chance to be able to schedule the Pfizer vaccine since this is the only vaccine available to those under 18. Please be advised that vaccine appointments will open at 10:00 am tomorrow, so remember to make your account as soon as possible.

It is important to note a few things about signing up for the vaccine:

  • SMS Staff is unable to make an appointment for your child, even if they are a residential student. Parents must sign their own children up for the vaccine. Please watch this video for instructions and visit the Vermont Department of Health website to make an account. You can make an account before you are eligible for the vaccine so that you are ready to make an appointment as soon as you are eligible.
  • We have recently learned that only students with Vermont residency are eligible to sign up for the vaccine tomorrow. Students in residence in Vermont colleges and boarding schools who are not legal residents of the state are likely to become eligible after April 30. We will keep you posted on this as is evolves.

Please know that we have decided to move forward conservatively due to our commitment to keeping our students engaged and on campus this spring. We are also looking forward to planning an in-person celebration of our graduating class this spring! We believe that the only way to maintain the level of programming that we have enjoyed this year is by staying the course as we enter the final seven weeks of the year. I appreciate your partnership.

Best regards,

Assistant Head of School
Returning to Campus
On April 6, 2021, Governor Phil Scott released a reopening guide to help Vermonters and local businesses see the path for a phased return to unrestricted travel, business operations, and event gatherings.

According to the Vermont Department of Health, "Education, Health Care, Sports/Organized Sports and Youth Summer Camps will retain individualized guidance and not move to universal guidance." This means that all students and staff will continue to follow SMS quarantine and testing procedures, including:

  • All unvaccinated students and staff who travel out of state or have exposure of any kind over spring break will be required to quarantine for 7 days and provide proof of a negative PCR test taken on or after day 7 of quarantine.
  • Students and unvaccinated staff who travel are expected to have completed all travel by April 16th, and begin strict quarantine by Saturday, April 17.
  • The extra week of spring break is not intended to extend your travel, and students and staff must plan to be complete with testing and quarantine for the start of classes on Monday, April 26. Exceptions will be considered for international students only.

We will host a testing event on Friday, April 23 to assist you with clearing quarantine. If you would like to test on campus on that day, please reserve your test by registering here by April 9.

Please note that quarantine is not required for staff members who are fully vaccinated. To be fully vaccinated by the 26th, you must have had your second dose of the vaccine (or a single dose of Johnson and Johnson) by April 12.

As a reminder, classes and athletic practices will be in-person during the week on April 26-30, and your child is expected to be in attendance. Please contact Holly Wendell if you have any questions or concerns regarding your return to campus.

A Few Reminders...
Sign 2021-2022 Enrollment Contracts ✅
Thank you to those who have signed and returned their enrollment contracts so far! If you have not signed your contract, please sign and submit your 2021-2022 enrollment contract on Bear.Net as soon as possible. If you have any questions regarding your contract, please contact Jamaica Kaercher or Jim Sullivan.

 Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
Catch up on Missing Work ✅
Use the last week of break to catch up on work that is marked as "Incomplete" or "Missing" in the grade book. We will hold a Saturday morning class on May 1st for anyone with QIII work remaining. The grade books will then close for the quarter.

Please contact Alex Lehmann if you have any questions or concerns.
Volunteer in the Local Community ✅
There is still time to get some community service hours! Please log any hours accrued over break by using this form.
As a reminder, student-athletes must complete five (5) community service hours for every year they attend SMS to graduate. For example, students who join SMS in 9th grade must complete 20 hours of community service before graduating.

Not sure how many hours you have left? Please check with Jamaica Kaercher.
Spring Sports Reminder
We are excited for the season ahead: on the field, on the bike, along the river, on the pitch, on the court, and in the skate park. Spring flies by and we want to make sure that you make the most of it.

Please remember to bring your spring sports gear back to school with you!

All students have signed up for a spring sport by now, but if you have any questions, please reach out to Kate Boobar.
Summer Camps Are Coming!
We are happy to announce that our ski racing, nordic and action sports camps will return this summer! The following programs are open for registration:

June 27- July 11, 2021

August 9- 12, 2021

August 12-14, 2021

We also plan to open registration for the following in the coming weeks:
Alpine 2021 Mt Hood Camp (FIS)
June 13- 24, 2021& August 9-23, 2021

Alpine 2021 Mt Hood Camp (U16)
June 13- 24, 2021& August 9-23, 2021

Young Guns High Performance Camp

As a reminder, SMS development camps offer student-athletes the opportunity to experience ski academy training while teaching fundamental skills and having fun. Please keep an eye on the camp section of our website for updates.

Photos from the SMS Community
Coach Cat is in Arkansas this week racing the U.S. Pro Cup presented by OZ Trails Experience Fayetteville. wG3 placed 25th in the Pro Women Short Track event, and 28th in the U.C.I Elite Women XCO event.
Photo credit: Bentonville MTB
Congrats to all the athletes and coaches for their hard work during the Stratton Series last month. An especially huge thanks to all the volunteers who make these races happen!
Congratulations to our Nordies who were selected to the 2021 Vermont Regional Championship Team: Fin Bailey '23, Miley Bletzer '25, Mathias Boudreau-Golfman '21, Micah Bruner '25, Jack Lange '23, David Shycon '23 & Wyatt Teaford '23!!
SMS student-athletes put the "spring" in spring skiing last week at Stratton. We cannot thank the resort enough for their continued support this season. We couldn't do what we do without you!
Hikes with Carson, Katy & Morgan Return!
We are excited for another round of hikes in beautiful Southern Vermont.
Let's start with an easy one - terrific views and great for chatting.

Manchester Rail Trail
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Manchester Rail Trail
9:00 AM

Meet at the Manchester Rec Park in the parking lot closest to Dog Park.

Check out the full slate of hikes, including another visit to Hildene!
Save the Date!
Please mark your calendars for the return of SMS Gives Back, our annual day of giving, on Mary 5th

Our staff and students will be giving back to our local community that day, and we ask you to give back to SMS by making an unrestricted gift to the Annual Fund.

This year we have a $10,000 matching challenge for parents! Watch our social media channels and your inbox for more details in the coming days!
School Calendar

Find all of the important dates for next year in the 2020-2021 Academic Calendar Overview, or view our website calendar to find the information you need

April 2021
25: Spring Break Ends
26: Quarter IV Begins

May 2021
1: Saturday Classes for Incomplete Students
14: Undergraduate Awards
15: Prom
15: 8th Grade Moving Up Celebration