Success Stories from Take Flight San Diego
Sean Archer successfully passed his CFI checkride on Feb 1, 2013 after taking the CFI Program. Sean is an American living in South Korea and plans to return in the summer to take the CFII Program. Shane Terpstra passed his CFII on Aug 23, 2012 after taking the 4 Day CFII Program. Shane was also a graduate of the 5 Day CFI Program in Nov 2011. Congratulations to both on a job well done.
Sean Archer CFI Shane Terpstra CFII
Also successful in passing their instrument checkrides were Thomas Bigwood and Dave Jardine. Dave is a former Canadian, now American citizen and Thomas is a Belgian citizen now living in Moscow. Both plan to enroll in the 5 day Commercial Program in 2013. Congratulations to both Dave and Thomas.
Dave Jardine Instrument Thomas Bigwood Instrument
Finally, both John Roden and Cameron Whiteman passed their private pilot checkrides. John plans to pursue his instrument rating in 2013. Cameron has a famous name in aviation - his grandfather owned the Whiteman airport in Los Angeles.
John Roden Private Cameron Whiteman Private