The Afterlife Advocate
A Conversation about Conscious Dying, Conscious Grieving 
and the Journey of the Soul
Issue # 78 - JUNE 2021
Published by
Events We Recommend
Message from the Editor

July 8 - Online
Lewis & Clark School of Education
and Counseling 

July 11 - Portland, OR.

July 11 - Aug. 15
Six Online Sessions
July 18/ Aug 1/Aug 15
with Dr. Terri Daniel

Oct. 1 - 3, Rhinebeck, NY
The Omega Institute
with Dr. Terri Daniel
Afterlife Conference 2.0
is Coming!

Our 2021 conference has now come and gone (many thanks to our wonderful attendees and teachers). As always, it was beautiful, informative and entertaining. This year it was also bittersweet, because it was the last afterlife conference.

But don't despair! There is a new and better conference in the works... a fresh new incarnation of our beloved Afterlife Conference with a brand new focus, a new theme, and new content. It will now be The Conference on Death, Grief and Belief, and you can find all the details in the article below.

Along with the new conference we've also launched a new Facebook group, which you can find HERE. Come join us!

Please see the following article, and feel free to send us some feedback about our new direction. We value your input, so let us know what you think!

Rev. Dr. Terri Daniel, CT, CCTP
Founder, The Afterlife Conference
End-of-Life Advisor, Interfaith Chaplaincy, Bereavement Support
We Aren't Giving Up on The Afterlife...
Just Giving it a New Spin!
After 11 years producing The Afterlife Conference, our interests have expanded and evolved, and we are thrilled to announce our new program, The Conference on Death, Grief and Belief.

Please take some time to explore the new website, and pay particular attention to the About Us page, which explains the reasons for this very exciting change. Also, take a moment to meet our new Advisory Board.

We'll still have this newsletter of course, but it will now be called The Death, Grief and Belief Newsletter. As we've done for the past 78 issues (6.5 years!), we will still include articles, videos and news related to afterlife studies, death awareness, bereavement, and mysticism, as you will see in the articles below.

We'd love to have your feedback on our new direction. Email us to let us know what you think!
Mediums and Seers in Victorian Times
From The New Yorker - May 24, 2021 - By Casey Cep
It’s a good time to be dead—at least, if you want to keep in touch with the living. Almost a third of Americans say they have communicated with someone who has died, and they collectively spend more than two billion dollars a year for psychic services on platforms old and new. Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, television: whatever the medium, there’s a medium.

Like clairvoyants in centuries past, those of today also fill auditoriums, lecture halls, and retreats. Historic camps such as Lily Dale, in New York, and Cassadaga, in Florida, are booming, with tens of thousands of people visiting every year to attend séances, worship, healing services, and readings. And many people turn up not every year but every week: there are more than a hundred Spiritualist churches in the United States, more than three hundred in the United Kingdom, and hundreds of others in more than thirty countries around the world. READ MORE...
Dreams and Visions of the Dying
When hospice physician Christopher Kerr first started moonlighting at Hospice & Palliative Care Buffalo in 1999, hearing about the powerful dreams and visions that dying patients often had made him uneasy. But it didn't take long for Kerr to realize that these inner experiences could be profoundly therapeutic — not just for the patients, but for their families, too. "They were undeniable," says Kerr, now CEO of Hospice & Palliative Care Buffalo. "They couldn't be ignored, and they had worth." READ MORE...

Note: Dr. Kerr will be presenting his findings at our January symposium next year!
Our Latest Podcast Episode
On our latest Ask Doctor Death podcast, we speak with Rev. Kevin Bradley, who serves on the board of Final Exit Networkan organization that supports the human right to a death with dignity. Final Exit Network (FEN) believes that mentally competent adults who suffer from a terminal illness, intractable physical pain, chronic or progressive physical disabilities, or who face loss of autonomy and selfhood through dementia, have a basic human right to choose to end their lives when they judge their quality of life to be unacceptable.

Kevin acts as a spiritual counselor and "exit guide" for FEN's clients, and in our interview he will describe what these roles entail and the variety of spiritual issues he encounters in his work.
Listen to the interview HERE.
Join us in Portland, OR - July 11th
for a Unique Outdoor Gathering
If you are someone who struggles with embedded religious beliefs that have caused fear and conflict, or if you are recovering from childhood religious trauma, join us to share stories, ideas and inspirations about your journey to explore more spacious, more empowering theologies.

The Recovering From Religion Riverside Picnic will take place in Lake Oswego on July 11. This is a rare opportunity to meet up with others of like mind for fun, friendship and support. Click HERE for details and RSVP.
We are still The Afterlife Conference,
but we are gradually transitioning to becoming
The Conference on Death, Grief and Belief.
You can still find us in both places!
Contact us: