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SLPs  - wanna talk about collaboration?  

Editor's Note:

In this video interview,  Bill Connors and SLP Lucy
Connors from VA, USA discuss SLP and aphasiatoolbox ® collaboration. 

In this  video, they also discuss the effectiveness of telepractice in aphasia treatment and recovery.  

Time: 4:44® is the world leader in providing innovative tools, techniques, software and self-help materials for aphasia treatment and intensive practice using telepractice.  Contact us at 724.494.2534 or  click here  I want to collaborate

PART 1:  How can mindfulness be used in aphasia treatment and recovery? 

Editor's Note:

In this 2nd  interview , Bill and Lucy  discuss the changes that she has observed with her aphasia client as she  incorporated mindful techniques with more focus on cognition into the therapy process.  

This video is called: "A mindful approach to aphasia treatment and recovery". 


 Time: 6:59® is the world leader in providing innovative tools, techniques, software and self-help materials for aphasia treatment and intensive practice using telepractice.

Contact us for information on how we can help you add mindfulness to your client's aphasia treatment and practice!    
3 Simple Mindfulness Habits

Editor's Note:
This excerpt from Next Avenue discusses mindfulness in simple ways.  
 1. Wake up and stop. In the morning, spend time sitting with yourself in silence and focusing your attention on your breath. Meditate for five minutes to bring your body and mind into alignment.  

2. Be attentive throughout the day. Make an effort to be present in each moment  . . . . Simply focus your attention on your breath. Stop and take three deep breaths to ground yourself back in the moment.

3. Reflect on your day and let it go.  As your day concludes, spend a few mindful moments reviewing the day without judgment. Release whatever happened and file away the lessons learned.  

What's the research on mindfulness?

Editor's Note:
Research at the UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center has shown mindfulness to address health issues such as lower blood pressure and boost the immune system; increase attention and focus, including aid those suffering from ADHD; help with difficult mental states such as anxiety and depression, fostering well-being and less emotional reactivity; and thicken the brain in areas in charge of decision making, emotional flexibility, and empathy.
This bibliography - prepared by John C. Williams, M.S. (State University of New York, Binghamton) and Lidia Zylowska, M.D. (University of California, Los Angeles),  was developed as a resource for mental health professionals, medical and psychological scientists, and others who wish to locate theoretical and empirical sources on mindfulness.  
Luders E, Cherbuin N and Kurth F (2015) "Forever Young(er): potential age-defying effects of long-term meditation on gray matter atrophy." Front. Psychol. 5:1551.  
British Psychological Society (BPS). "Mindfulness training improves attention in children." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 5 September 2013. 

Contact us for information on how mindfulness can let aphasia stress dissipate allowing your brain to function at its best.

Videos on Mindfulness
Editor's Note:
These  videos discuss mindfulness and meditation.

Great Courses  - Videos - (1-800-832-2412) :
Practicing Mindfulness: An Introduction to Meditation
PESI - Video -  (1- 888-471-4613)  
Sounds True - (1-800-333-9185)
60 Minutes - Mindfulness

For more information on how you can incorporate mindfulness in your  practice or  recovery, contact us at 
Photo of the month  


October 2015:
Special  Edition:  Revolutionizing and Upgrading Aphasia Treatment and  Recovery using Mindfulness

October 30,  2015 
October 2015 - Mindfulness

This is Sharon Rennhack, the chief editor for the aph asiatoolbox® newsletter.

In last month's issue, Bill Connors included two videos covering  mindfulness.   In one video, Bill dscussed the concept of mindfulness as part of aphasia recovery and treatment    to help eliminate aphasia stress.   In the second   video,  Bill demonstrated  the   3 seond rule.    Because  the  response was so great for these videos,  we have decided to offer a  full  edition this month covering the  topic of  mindfulness  as part of  an  aggressive and successful aphasia treatment  and  recovery program.
> In this  edition,  we  review the  who, what, where, when and why  and how of  mindfulness and its research.

> SLP collaborator Lucy Connors  is interviewed by Bill Connors on the SLP and ATB Collaboration program. In a separate video, Bill and Lucy discuss the use  of pragmatics and mindfulness in aphasia treatment.

> SLP Lee Zelina discusses  her experience with mindfulness in different populations. Read her article below.

For information on how mindfulness and aphasiatoolbox  can help you, please contact us at .
Sharon Rennhack
Chief Editor 
What is mindfulness ? 
Jon Kabat-Zinn defines mindfulness as " purposefully and non-judgmentally paying attention to the present moment, as if your life depended on it" .
Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D., is the executive director at the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care and Society at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center. He is the founder and former director of the UMMC Stress Reduction Clinic and an associate professor of medicine in the division of preventive and behavioral medicine.

Using mindfulness meditation, Kabat-Zinn works to help people reduce stress and deal with chronic pain, and a variety of illnesses.
For more information on how you can incorporate mindfulness in your aphasia  recovery, contact us at .
PART 2: How can mindfulness  be used in aphasia treatment and recovery? 

Editor's Note:
Aphasiatoolbox SLPs discuss the impact of mindfulness in aphasia treatment and recovery.
In her article, SLP Lee Zelina and ATB staff member from OH USA  discusses her personal take on mindfulness, including what she has noticed in the different populations that she has worked with.
Why practice mindfulness?

Editor's Note:

This excerpted article is from the Greater Good Science Center, based  at the University of California, Berkeley.  Here,  GGSC discusses why practice mindfulness?

Studies have shown that practicing mindfulness, even for just a few weeks, can bring a variety of physical, psychological, and social benefits. 

(Editor's Note:
The information in  quotes in this section indicates comments  written by Bill Connors.)

Here are some of these benefits:

* Mindfulness is good for our bodies: A seminal study found that, after just eight weeks of training, practicing mindfulness meditation boosts our immune system's ability to fight off illness. "Mindfulness dovetails nicely with our aphasiatoolbox® whole person recovery approach to aphasia recovery."

* Mindfulness is good for our minds: Several studies have found that mindfulness increases positive emotions while reducing negative emotions and stress. Indeed, at least one study suggests it may be as good as antidepressants in fighting depression and preventing relapse.

* Mindfulness changes our brains: Research has found that it increases density of gray matter in brain regions linked to learning, memory, emotion regulation, and empathy.  
"Aphasia recovery is about change  - change in emotion, memory, habit, and more."  Mindfulness is incompatible with aphasia stress."

* Mindfulness helps us focus: Studies suggest that mindfulness helps us tune out distractions and improves our memory and attention skills.  "Aphasia has a very strong attentional component.  Knowing where to put your focus, acting on that focus, then moving to the point of focus greatly improves speech and
language and minimizes the effects of aphasia. "

* Mindfulness enhances relationships:  Research suggests mindfulness training makes couples more satisfied with their relationship, makes each partner feel more optimistic and relaxed, and makes them feel more accepting of and closer to one another.   "The stress of aphasia can place great strain on relationships. Improving communication combined with techniques such as mindfulness are helping our clients recover and improve interpersonal communication ."  
* Mindfulness helps health care professionals cope with stress, connect with their patients, and improve their general quality of life. It also helps mental health professionals by reducing negative emotions and anxiety, and increasing their positive emotions and feelings of self-compassion.   "SLPs are caring, hard-working people dedicated to helping their clients.  We are all for anything that helps them to relax and feel good."     

* Mindfulness helps veterans: Studies suggest it can reduce the symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in the aftermath of war. "We are also all for helping veterans.  In addition, there is a post-stroke aphasia stress that we need to relieve in order to maximize recovery."  
Weekly Q&A sessions  

Editor's Note:
Bill Connors and the expert staff  are offering weekly Q & A sessions to aphasiatoolbox® members. Take advantage of their knowledge and expertise about aphasia and related disorders, telepractice and many other topics related to acquired communication problems. 

There will be 2 distinct sessions- one will focus on consumers and people with aphasia and another will focus on  SLPs and treatment programs. The focus will always be on who to best exploit neuroplasticity in order to maximize recovery from aphasia and related disorders.

If you are a member of and interested in joining these sessions,  please send your name and email address to  Join a Q & A session .
The Aphasia Center of Innovative Treatment, Inc | | |
800 Vinial Street, B408
Pittsburgh, PA 15212