The ChildTrauma Academy is a unique collaboration of individuals and organizations with a common vision. Recognizing the crucial importance of childhood experience, we value the need for collaboration and innovative approaches to complex problems related to childhood trauma and maltreatment. We are proud to work with a wonderfully talented and passionate group of individuals designated as "Fellows." Our Fellows demonstrate expertise and experience in working with, and helping at-risk child and their families or the systems that protect, educate, nurture, enrich, and heal maltreated or traumatized children. This month we are pleased to recognize our newest Fellow, Dr. Zohreh Zarnegar. Learn more about Dr. Zarnegar in this month's newsletter, and also read about one of our new NMT Partner Sites: Rutland City Public Schools in Rutland, Vermont. We look forward to working with Dr. Zarnegar, Rutland, and all our other Fellows and Partner Sites in 2014.
CTA Welcomes Dr. Zohreh Zarnegar as New Fellow
The ChildTrauma Academy is pleased to welcome our newest Fellow Dr. Zohreh Zarnegar, MA, MS, Ph.D. In addition to being a CTA Fellow, Dr. Zarnegar is NMT Phase II Trained, a Zero to Three 21st Century Leadership Graduate Fellow and has participated in many Zero to Three Task Forces. She is endorsed as an Infant-Early Childhood and Family Mental Health Specialist and as a Multi-discipline Reflective Practice Mentor and is certified as a Baby Massage Instructor. She has over 40 years of experience as an international teacher, trainer, and consultant in the fields of developmental psychology, early childhood mental health, early education, special needs, FASD, program development and trauma assessment and treatment. Dr. Zarnegar is wonderful addition to our group of Fellows, and we are very pleased to have her joining us.
Read Dr. Zarnegar's full bio on our website.
Rutland City Public Schools Begins NMT Site Certification Program
We are very excited to welcome Rutland City Public Schools as one of our newest Sites participating in NMT Training Certification. Rutland City Public School District is a public school district in Central Vermont serving approximately 2250 students from Early Essential Education (Preschool age) through Grade 12. The district is made up of seven school buildings/sites within the city, all within a ten-mile radius. The therapeutic programs are also accessible to other county-wide school districts as a tuitioned, special education placement.
Rutland City Public Schools provide a multi-tiered system of supports for all students' learning and social-emotional needs. Schools provide interventions that incorporate trauma-informed and trauma-sensitive care, positive behavior interventions, and instruction that is differentiated to ability level and that takes into account evidenced-based effective practices and methodologies.
Rutland City Public Schools goals for NMT Training include increasing student learning and overall well-being by providing trauma-informed and trauma-sensitive care. Heightened understanding and empathy of students who have experienced trauma clearly decreases ineffective and counterproductive misperceptions and responses. A powerful understanding of students' unique functioning (such as is provided by the brain mapping) allows for improved effectiveness of school and community intervention plans.
Explore CTA's Library of Streaming Videos, DVDs, and Free Articles
In addition to our YouTube channel, which hosts free, educational videos, CTA also offers a full library of free and for-purchase resources that include streaming content as well as downloadable articles and our traditional DVDs. Our selections include the following:
Streaming Videos
CTA now offers a number of our videos ON DEMAND. Titles include
Early Childhood and Brain Development, Relational Poverty, What We Have Always Known, as well as individual and packaged segments of our Series 1: Understanding Traumatized and Maltreated Children, and Series 2: Six Core Strengths for Healthy Childhood Development. Programs will play from any computer with Flash or on iOS devices including iPad and iPhone, and there are no viewing restrictions. Click here for more information on our streaming library.
We offer these same titles as well as Series 3: The Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics
Article Library
Did you know that our website contains an article library full of free resources for parents, caregivers, teachers, and mental health professionals? We offer articles on topics related to abuse and neglect, interventions, brain development, early childhood development, trauma, violence, and much more. Click here to view and download articles.
Are you interested in attending the Inaugural NMT Symposium this June in Banff, Alberta? Learn more and register here.
Sincerely, Bruce D. Perry, M.D., Ph.D. The ChildTrauma Academy |