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Wholeness for our Clergy, Congregations, and Communities

In This Issue
JFON Advent Resource
Advent Resource
Bishop's Advent Message
Free Leadership Training
SPRC Training
Church & Pastor Profiles
Pastor Appointments
Passionate Leadership Conference
Mission Centered Ministry
Large Church Pastor Training
Congregational Excellence
Oasis Day w/Dr. Harper
Challenges for "Boomers"
PAUMCS Seminar
Clergy Inclusivity Training
Children's Week
Clergy Kids Retreat
Student Leadership Training
SEJ Disaster Academy
Spiritual Formation Academy
Celebrate Jesus Mission
General Conference 2012
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 Florida Conference UMC

2011 General Conference


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December 2011 Newsletter

Dr. Wayne Wiatt



As Advent begins my journey toward Christmastide, I am "rethinking" my approach to the Christmas Rush this year!  Just before Thanksgiving, we began by taking our children and their spouses on a 3-day mini-cruise as an 'early' Christmas Gift this year.  The goal was quality time together, not overdoing the "gift giving" at Christmas and focusing on what it means to be a family. We had a great time...from hiking through a National Park on Grand Bahama Island to enjoying meals together and several evening shows...somehow I even ended up on stage singing "My Girl" to my wife Ramona. Believe it or not, we were the "oldest married couple" that night at 32 years of marriage!


Someone gave me a book a number of years ago entitled "Simplify Your Christmas!" It lists 100 creative ideas of how to reduce the stress and recapture the Joy of the Holidays. It's written by Elaine St. James, Andrews McMeel Publishing, Kansas City. Here are my favorite Top Ten ideas to simplify...

  1. Remember what you love about Christmas
  2. Stop trying to get organized
  3. Let go of other people's expectations
  4. Have a Silent Night
  5. Send Tidings of Comfort and Joy
  6. Stop being a perfectionist
  7. Be unconventional
  8. Cut back
  9. Give of yourself
  10. Listen to the Magi

One of my favorite Advent Hymns says it best...


I want to walk as a child of the light. I want to follow Jesus. God set the stars to give light to the world. The star of my life is Jesus. In him there is no darkness at all. The night and the day are both alike. The Lamb is the light of the city of God. Shine in my heart, Lord Jesus. 

--Kathleen Thomerson, UMH 206


I Love Being your District Superintendent,




2 Timothy 1:7 "For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.

Journey with JFON this Advent

 JFON Advent Book

Download the Justice for Our Neighbors Advent Devotional with the introduction by Bishop Whitaker and stories to reflect upon this Advent season. And enjoy illustrations from children at First Hispanic Kissimmee. Use the second link for a PDF format for printing as a booklet.


JFON Advent Devotional


JFON Advent Booklet


Advent Resource Available by Rev. Jan Richardson

Jan Richardson  

Jan Richardson's book Night Visions: Searching the Shadows of Advent and Christmas is back in print and ready to accompany you through the coming season! Offering Jan's original artwork, reflections, poetry, and prayers, Night Visions makes a beautiful companion for the journey from the beginning of Advent through Epiphany Day. Treasured by readers who return to it each Advent, Night Visions is great for individuals and for groups. For more info, visit the Books page on Jan's website



Christmas joy all life long - Advent 2011 

By Bishop Timothy Whitaker 


The following commentary was first posted on December 11, 2008, and relates to the Advent theme of Joy.

If you live long enough you will go through many Christmas days. Even though we may go through the same kinds of rituals every year, our experience of Christmas varies in the different seasons of our lives. When I look back over my own life, I can see how this season has brought joy to my heart during every phase of my lifecycle.

When I was a child Christmas was fun even without thinking about Christ. Yet when I think about those Christmases of childhood, what I remember most are the annual Christmas pageants at our church. They were simple affairs. Someone read the story of Jesus' birth while we kids stood around bales of hay, dressed in bathrobes as shepherds or kings, staring into the bright stage lights of a darkened room. Somehow the wonder of the story of Joseph, Mary and the baby Jesus penetrated my soul as we listened...  
[Read more...] 

In The District  
Dear Pastors, Church Administrative Assistants, and Church Staff:
EC Header
Plan to Attend - Annual East Central District Leadership Training
Saturday, February 4, 2012 from 8:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.
First UMC of Oviedo, 263 King Street, Oviedo, FL  32765


An opportunity for all Local Church Laity... especially newly elected leaders and committee members for 2012. Training Sessions will target specific Church Leadership Roles. In addition, there will be several sessions focusing on Mission and Outreach opportunities to serve your community beyond the local church. Participants will have the opportunity to attend two sessions from a variety of topics and leaders. Watch for complete course offerings and registration details coming out the first of January.


No cost to participants. Refreshments will include continental breakfast snacks in the morning and at break. Advanced registration will be required. Registration details will be online in January at

District Staff Parish Relations Training
Tuesday, December 13, 2011 6:30pm - 8:30pm
First UMC, Oviedo (Fellowship Hall), 263 King Street, Oviedo, FL  32765
Please register online via the EC District Calendar if you plan to attend

The Annual East Central District SPRC (Staff Parish Relations Committee) Training Event will provide you with the effective tools needed in your many responsibilities. Dr. Wayne Wiatt, Janet Earls, and Janet Kelley will lead this year's SPRC training events.

Pastors, SPRC Chairpersons and Committee Members are strongly encouraged to attend the training events offered in December 2011. Please register your plan to participate to help us plan appropriate set-up, handouts, and refreshments.

Church and Pastor Annual Profiles available December 1
Church and Pastor profiles forms will be available on the conference website on December 1, 2011.  The final submission date for profiles is January 31, 2012


Church and Pastor Profile forms should be reviewed and updated annually by all church SPRC Committees and all Clergy in the Florida Conference. Though a move may not be anticipated, it is important that both the pastor profile and church profile be current and up-to-date at the appointment-making session of the cabinet.


Profiles should be an honest reflection of the pastoral ministry and the profile of the church. If a pastoral consultation is scheduled with the DS, the Church and Pastor Profile should be completed online no later than one week prior to the consultation appointment. The final date to update the Church and Pastor Profiles is January 31, 2012.


Church and Pastor Profiles can be accessed by clicking the Profiles link under Forms and Reports in the bottom grey section of the Home Page of the Florida Conference website This link will open to detailed instructions for accessing both profiles.  Follow the Step by step instructions to access the appropriate profile.


The Church GCFA# and password will be required to Log in to the Church Dashboard. Check with your pastor, church administrative staff, or the District Office for Assistance.

Apportionments and End of Year Payments
To be included in the Florida Annual Conference "Report of 100% Churches", 100% of 2011 apportionments must be received by January 13, 2012, and all outstanding Ministry Protection and Health and Benefits obligations must be received by December 31, 2011.
Apportionment payments for 2011 must be received either at the Conference office or in the lockbox at Regions Bank by January 13, 2012. This is not a postmarked by date, but is the last day by which monies must be received in the Conference or our bank lockbox to be included in 2011 apportionments receipts.  Any payments received after that date will be applied to 2012 apportionments.  Any payments received between January 1 and January 13th must be clearly marked as to which year they are to be applied.


All apportionment payments should be accompanied by a completed Remittance Report. 

The Remittance Report is located on our website at

  • Click on the "Administration" tab
  • Select "Financial Services" from the list
  • Click on "2011 Apportionment Giving Report Forms"
  • Select one of the two versions of the Giving Report listed at the bottom of the page

Complete the Remittance Form with the following information:

  • Church Name
  • GCFA Number
  • Preparer contact information
  • Allocation amounts for each fund

Any amounts due for Ministry Protection and Health and Benefits at the end of the year will continue to show as outstanding on your statement in 2012. To ensure proper processing of these payments and avoid errors payments should contain the following information on the check, check stub or statement:

  • Church Name
  • GCFA Number
  • Invoice Number (include all letters and any 0's)
  • Allocation amounts for each invoice


Also take note of the billing address for each of these types of payments.  The last 4 numbers after the zip code are different for each and very important to include to ensure your payment is processed properly.

2012 Appointment-Making for Pastors
If you are anticipating a move in 2012, call the District Office for a Consultation Appointment with the District Superintendent no later than January 17 


If a move is anticipated, you must request a Pastor's Appointment Advisory form from our Administrative Assistant and bring it with you to your Consultation. There is also a form to request "Limited Itineracy" if needed. 


East Central District Website:

Wayne Wiatt: [email protected]

Janet Kelley: [email protected]; 407-896-2230 Ext. 100

Janet Earls: [email protected] 

2012 Passionate Leadership Conference: Following to Lead
January 8-9, 2012 at First UMC of Winter Park 
Passionate Leadership

Jesus says that hearing his words and putting them into practice is like building a house on rock. (Matthew 7:24)


At this year's Passionate Leadership Conference we will focus on hearing and following the leading of Christ. Above all strategy, beyond self-centered or approval-driven leadership, we seek the leading of Christ as the source of our motivation and passion for ministry.


The 2012 Passionate Leadership Conference theme is "Following to Lead," and it is an experience designed to help clergy and lay leaders heighten their sense of passion for serving Christ through the ministry of the church. The conference begins at 6:00 p.m. on January 8, and closes by 12:30 p.m. on January 9. The conference location is First UMC of Winter Park. For more information and registration [click here] 

Mission Centered Ministry - Save the Date!
A One-Day Seminar by Dr. Doug Anderson from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Monday, February 6, 2012 - North Central District @ Trinity UMC, Gainesville
Tuesday, February 7, 2012 - South Central District @ Lake Magdalene UMC, Tampa
Wednesday, February 8, 2012 - Atlantic Central District @ First UMC, Vero Beach
Thursday, February 9, 2012 - South East District @ Hollywood Hills UMC, Hollywood
Staying focused on the mission of
"Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world" 
is essential for being a fruitful congregation.

Here are some of the questions this seminar will help you answer:
  • Why do we often make ministry decisions that reflect personal preferences and comfort more than the mission of Jesus Christ? 
  • How can we develop spiritual leaders that help our congregation stay centered on the mission? 
  • What practical tools will help us in planning results-based ministry for the sake of the mission?
  • How can we develop our people's confidence step-by-step to dothe work of evangelism in our community?
 Cost is $49 per person (including lunch) until Monday, January 23, 2012 
From Monday, January 23 the cost is $59 per person
Partial scholarships are available through your district office.
Register online at:
Doug AndersonLEADER: Dr. Doug Anderson is executive director of the Bishop Rueben Job Center for Leadership Development at Dakota Wesleyan University. He has been a district superintendent and the pastor of several growing UMC churches of different sizes. He has led practical -- and popular -- church seminars for over 25 years. He is a member of the Academy for Spiritual Formation of the Upper Room. He is the co-author with Bishop Michael Coyner of the award winning book, The Race to Reach Out. Best of all: his seminars are energetic, effective, and fun.

Leadership Event for Pastors of Larger UMCs

Bishop Reuben Job InstituteFriday, February 10th, 2012 from 9:00am - 1:00pm 

South Street Ministry Campus in downtown Orlando

2119 E South Street, Orlando, FL  32803


Dr. Doug Anderson, Executive Director for the Bishop Reuben Job Center will facilitate a time with pastors of Larger UMC's in the Florida Conference.

Complete details and registration information available online in January.

Congregational Excellence: Keeping the Peace in Christmas

Mike Mailman by Mike Mailman


Luke 10:38-42

As we enter the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season it is important to be reminded that idols can arise from good as well as selfish desires. It is not what we want that is the problem but that we want it too much. For example, it is not unreasonable for a parent to want to spend time with their spouse or children. Nor is it wrong for someone to wish to host a memorable holiday gathering. These are good desires, yet if they turn into demands that must be met in order for us to be satisfied or fulfilled, they can lead to bitterness, resentment, or self-pity that can destroy a family. Consider Mary and Martha from Luke's Gospel. Two women with seemingly healthy desires. Mary's to listen and learn from Jesus and Martha's to attend to His comfort. But our Lord clarifies the difference for both of them, and us all.


"Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better." (NIV)


In your mind's eye, can you see His gesture of welcome as He speaks...urging her to sit so she too may enjoy the hospitality of His everlasting comfort and peace?


As you move through the celebrations and gifts of the coming days, don't get so busy you neglect to hear the invitation from the Prince of Peace. Make sure to take time to stop and listen to him.


Peace, Mike


Food for Thought

What was the first thing on your mind this morning? How about the last thing on your mind last night? Is there a good desire in your life that's beginning to becoming a recurring thought pattern for you? As you consider this, remember the good news: God has ultimately satisfied that particular "good desire" through his Son. What remains is for us to trust and, through his grace, receive God's eye-opening insight into the ways in which we are beginning to trust, fear, or dwell on something other than God himself. Spend time today in prayer to ask God to reveal areas of your life where you might be elevating a good desire into a sinful demand.

Mike Mailman along with other specially trained clergy and laity serve in their local congregations and on the district's Committee for Congregational Excellence where they provide conflict coaching and Peacemaker training for churches and individuals in the midst of conflict. He may be reached through the district office or email:  [email protected].

Dr. Steve Harper To Lead "Oasis Day"

Monday, January 16, 2010 from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
EC HeaderCanterbury Retreat and Conference Center

1601 Alafaya Trail, Oviedo, FL 32765


Focusing on Richard Foster's latest book, Sanctuary of the Soul, this one-day retreat will include a mixture of silence and conversation. 


Cost for the event is $45.00, which includes lunch. 


You do not need to have read the book in order to attend the retreat, but you should at least purchase a copy and bring it with you." (If you can read the book in advance, all the better). 


To register for this retreat day, contact: 

Sue Grosso at [email protected]

or call 407-365-5571. 

March 2 & 3, 2012, at First UMC of Clermont



Whether "Boomers" (47-65) or "Beyond" (66++), Tapestry IV has something for all: for those in ministry with these age groups, for individuals desiring to enrich their own knowledge and understanding, or for those who want to return to their congregations as resource persons. The Friday presentation will focus on retirement planning.  On Saturday, the issues covered will be caregiving (which knows no age limit), legal hurdles, and a moderated panel addressing adult children returning home/grandparents raising grandchildren. 


Pre-register for Tapestry IV at by clicking on Ministries and then Beyond 50 Ministries.  Select Tapestry IV where the brochure and registration information can be found. 

Around The Conference
PAUMCSFebruary 24-26, 2012, Life Enrichment Center 


The PAUMCS (Professional Association of United Methodist Church Secretaries) will hold their annual seminar in Fruitland Park, Florida. This year's featured speakers are: Beanie Rankin from GCFA in Nashville and Mont Duncan from the Florida Conference office, according to registrar Louise Urquhart. Beanie Rankin will be presenting information on Computer Etiquette, Membership and Statistics. Mont Duncan will present information entitled "Know Your Community." The Florida United Methodist Children's Home will be the entertainment on Friday, February 24. 

Seminar activities will begin Friday afternoon at 4:00 p.m. and continue through Sunday morning worship. The cost for the entire weekend (workshops, materials, 2 nights' lodging, meals, and snacks) is $185 for a single room or $150 for a double room. Some scholarships may be available. 


Registration deadline is January 20, 2012
For more information about this event, 
[click here] for the brochure. 

Scholarship Application [click here].

Mandatory Inclusivity Training for all Full Time Clergy 


A letter of invitation has been mailed from the Bishop's office with details regarding the mandated inclusivity training that all full-time clergy will need to attend in 2012. Some details related to cost and the exact locations of these training events are still being finalized at the conference office. However, we wanted to let you know the dates and regions that are being targeted for this training so you can get one of the training sessions on your calendar now. You will be able to use CE or RA funds for the cost and it will count for your continuing education requirements for 2012.  Also, Conference CE funds may also be available depending on whether or not you have used those funds recently.


Having personally experienced this training already, I (Wayne) can wholeheartedly say it was well worth the investment of time and energy. I learned a great deal about my own experiences and the experiences of others and how those experiences shape our interactions with one another. You will learn and grow in positive ways from this experience.


Here are the dates and regions that are set at this point:

February 27-29 (Gainesville area)

September 27-29  (Fort Lauderdale/Pompano area)

October 8-10  (Daytona area)

October 15-17  (Tampa/Brandon area)


Every full-time clergy must attend one of these events, so please put one of these session dates on your calendar now and protect it.

Monday, January 30 - Tuesday, January 31, 2012


EC Header Florida policymakers must place the needs of children at the top of their budget and policy priorities. Christians are called to be the voices speaking up for our children and families in need.

The Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church and the 11th Episcopal District of the African Methodist Episcopal Church are partnering with Florida Impact and United Way to host the annual legislative briefing during the 2012Children's Week. Come join us in Tallahassee to advocate for programs and budget priorities that serve the interests of our most vulnerable citizens.

Together we will explore our shared religious traditions of economic justice and apply these to the policy and budget priorities of our state.

(A Brief Orientation on Monday, January 30th will be provided for all first timers!) 
For more info contact: Tammy Fisher, Project Coordinator for FL Advocacy Days, [email protected], 407-620-9514 [Click Here] for more information.

Clergy Kids Retreat

Friday, January 27 through Sunday, January 29, 2012 - Revised Dates!!

Warren Willis United Methodist Camp, Fruitland Park, FL 


If you have children (ages birth through high school seniors), we hope you'll save the dates for the Clergy Kids Retreat! This event is hosted by the Warren Willis Camp and the Center for Clergy Excellence. It gives children of clergy a chance to receive ministry in a setting other than their parents' congregation, and build relationships with other clergy kids in a fun environment. Parents of children 3rd grade and younger will attend with their children, making it an opportunity for young clergy and spouses to connect and build a supportive community. If you have questions, contact Joel Pancoast, Program Manager at Warren Willis United Methodist Camp, at [email protected]

Dare to G.R.O.W.
February 17-19. 2012 at Warren W Willis Camp

Are you looking to train your student leaders?  Dare to G.R.O.W. is the 4th annual Student Leadership Conference developed and produced by the Conference Connection on Youth Ministries (CCYM). This year it is happening at Warren W Willis Camp, February 17-19. 2012. At $95/person for our current registration cycle, (that includes everything!) this is too good a deal to miss!  For more information or to register, go to the Ministries with Young People website ( and click on "youth", or email Kelly Minter ([email protected]).

Southeastern Jurisdiction Disaster Academy
February 20-23, 2012 at the Simpsonwood Retreat Center, Norcross, GA


EC HeaderThis year's event, hosted by the North Georgia Conference, provides an exciting opportunity for volunteers and leaders from conferences throughout the Southeastern Jurisdiction - most of whom experienced at least one disaster in 2011 - to connect with each other. The Academy is a great time of learning and fellowship as we share best practices, explore ways to improve our work together, learn new skills, strengthen partnerships, develop new relationships, and much, much more.


AND - we train and learn from the best - our UMCOR and UMVIM partners!


REGISTER BY DECEMBER 15 to take advantage of the early bird rate - limited spaces available at this special rate:

                Single                  $325

                Double                 $200

Rate includes lodging, meals, t-shirt and all training materials.



                Single                  $360

                Double                 $250


REGISTRATION CLOSES JANUARY 16. All registrations require  a 50% deposit with the balance due at check-in. For a complete listing of class offerings or to register, please visit and follow the link to the SEJ Disaster Academy. Hope to see you there! 


Brought to you by our partners in disaster Response: United Methodist Committee on Relief and United Methodist Volunteers In Mission. 
12th Annual 5-Day Academy for Spiritual Formation
Sunday, March 11 - Friday, March 16, 2012
Life Enrichment Center in Fruitland Park, Florida

Featured presenters are  Rev. Dr. Roberta Bondi and Rev. Dr. William Thiele  

Rev. Bondi
Rev. Dr. Roberta Bondi


The Academy for Spiritual Formation is...

  • A time to fill the deep spiritual hunger that characterizes many lives
  • An opportunity for intentional spiritual growth in a disciplined, accepting community
  • A place where community silence enhances personal prayer and reflection
  • A time of spiritual renewal and discovery through academic presentation, personal reflections, and communal sharing
  • A sharing of spiritual growth in covenant groups
  • A time for healing to continue
  • For both clergy and laity
Registration will be Sunday, March 11, 2012 from 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM; 
Rev. Dr. William Thiele
Rev. Dr. William Thiel
Orientation & Dinner will begin at 5:30 PM; The week will conclude on Friday, March 16, 2012 following the Eucharist at Noon, with lunch. 


For complete information about this event [Click Here] for the brochure. Visit the website: 

Celebrate Jesus Mission - 2012 Mission Opportunities
Celebrate Jesus

Smyrna Georgia: July 7-14, 2012  
Florida Space Coast: July 21-28, 2012
Applications are available on their website.

For more news about Celebrate Jesus Missions, check out their newsletter [Click Here]

Florida Conference Hospitality Team:  Volunteers Needed 

General Conference 2012


The Florida Conference will be hosting General Conference 2012 at the Tampa Convention Center, April 24 thru May 4. This conference brings together delegates from around the world who determine current and future policies of the United Methodist Church.

Under the leadership of Rev. Jim Harnish, the Florida Hospitality Team has been working to provide "a warm welcome" for the arrival of up to 5,000 delegates, visitors and guests. "We ask for everyone's support to meet the large need for volunteers to host this event".

This is a great opportunity to get your church members, ministry groups and committees involved. More information is available in the new resource "Toolkit" and VolunteerRecruitment DVD. The Toolkit CD and the DVD may be downloaded and are also available by calling 1.800.282.8011 x 197 or by emailing  [email protected].   For more information on how you can participate contact Janet Kelley in the East Central District Office. [Click here] for information and resources related to General Conference 2012.





Dec 13:  EC SPRC Training 6:30-8:30, First UMC, Oveido

Dec 15:  EC dCOM, Asbury UMC, Maitland, 9a-4p

Dec 20: EC Nominations Meeting, 11a-1p, District Office

Dec 23 - Jan 2: District Office Closed for holidays 




Jan 3: District Office Staff returns from holiday break

Jan 8-9:  Passionate Leadership Conference, Following to Lead - First UMC of Winter Park

Jan 16: Oasis Day with Dr. Steve Harper, Canterbury Retreat Ctr, Oviedo, 10a-4p

Jan 16: Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday - District Office closed

Jan 21: Citrus Drive, Orange, Seminole, and Osceola Counties 

Jan 27-29: Clergy Kids Weekend, LEC

Jan 28: EC District UMW Officer Training, First UMC, Deltona

Jan 31: Church and Pastor Profiles Due


Feb 4: District Annual Leadership Training Event, 8:30a-12:45p, First UMC, Oviedo

Feb 6: ECNew Church Development Meeting, District Office 5:30 p

Feb 6: Mission Centered Ministry Workshops - Trinity UMC, Gainesville

Feb 7: Mission Centered Ministry Workshops - Lake Magdalene UMC, Tampa
Feb 8: Mission Centered Ministry Workshops - First UMC, Vero Beach

Feb 9: Mission Centered Ministry Workshops - Hollywood Hills UMC, Hollywood

Feb 10: Large Church Ministry Workshop, South Street Ministry, Orlando 9a-1p

Feb 10: Year End Statistical Reports Due
Feb 17-19: Dare to Grow:A Leadership Training event for students
Feb 20: President's Day Holiday - District Office Closed  


Mar 1-3: Real Ideas Conference, Van Dyke UMC

Mar 2-3: Beyond 50 Ministries-Tapestry IV, First UMC, Clermont

Mar 9-10: EC Lay Servant Ministry Weekend, Flagler Beach UMC 

Mar 17: Children's Home Day on Campus - East Central District

Mar 24: Developing Missional Leaders with Jeff Stiggins - 9-3, First UMC, Orlando


Apr 21: UMW Day Apart, Location TBA 

Apr 23-May 4: UMC General Conference, Tampa Convention Center, Daily Volunteers Needed


May 17: Annual Conference Orientation, 6:30-8:00pm, Location TBA

May 22: Annual Conference Orientation, 6:30-8:00pm, Location TBA 


Jun 13-16: Annual Conference Lakeland, Florida


Jul 7-14: Celebrate Jesus Mission. Smyrna, Georgia

Jul 16-20: UMC Jurisdictional Conference, Lake Junaluska, NC

Jul 21-28: Celebrate Jesus Mission, Florida Space Coast



Save The Date!

February 4, 2012 - Annual Leadership Training Event @ First UMC, Oviedo, 8:30a-12:45p