News & Updates | November 22, 2023 |

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Dear Friends:


As we gather this week for Thanksgiving, we are on the eve of the last Sunday of our church year, something called the feast of Christ the King. This particular feast was established by pope Pius XI in 1925 just after the world had been ravaged by WWI and the Spanish Flu pandemic. Hitler had just published Mein Kampf and his political party was getting stronger. Mussolini became a dictator. Scopes was arrested for teaching Darwin’s theory of Evolution in Tennessee. As many as 40,000 KKK members marched in Washington. The Klan had 5 million members, making it the largest fraternal organization in the U.S. 

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Planting a new Episcopal

church in McCalla

By Rev. Geoff Evans

If you have driven from Hoover toward Tuscaloosa recently then you have likely noticed a large new building being constructed just south of the Interstate. This is the Medical West Hospital. a new 200-bed facility that is part of the UAB Health System. The area around the hospital is developing rapidly with new homes being built in nearly all directions. Earlier this year Bishop Curry noticed this development and said to several of us “Why don’t we plant a church in McCalla?”

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The 193rd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Alabama will be held in Montgomery, Alabama, on Feb. 8-10, 2024. The meeting will be held at the Renaissance Hotel in downtown Montgomery. The tentative schedule includes an optional visit to the EJI museum and Memorial on Thursday morning, followed by convention registration at the Renaisance from 3-6:00 pm. Convention will conclude at approximately noon on Saturday, Feb. 10.

Certification letters have been mailed and emailed to all parishes the week of November 13. Access the online certification form here. Registration and housing links for certified delegates will be available beginning November 27.

Click here for Preliminary Schedule and FAQs.

For questions regarding convention, email or leave a voicemail at 205.358.9227.

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From now until December 31st, the Thomas E. Jernigan Foundation is matching every gift to Sawyerville, dollar-for-dollar, up to $20,000 as a part of our Season of Sharing matching campaign!


We have a chance to raise $40,000 by the end of the year to support all of Sawyerville's programs: Summer Camp, Summer Learning, JumpStart, Mentoring, Person2Person, and Scholarships.


Throughout the coming weeks, we will highlight various types of sharing, beginning with 'Sawyerville alumni' sharing their testimonies and reflections on their time at Sawyerville. Stay tuned for more from our Season of Sharing. Until then, click here to become a fundraiser and/or give to see your generosity doubled!


Christmas Camp Registration is now Open!

Thursday, December 28 to Saturday, December 30 (all day Saturday)

Grades 9-12

Join us for Christmas Conference as we go "Home for the Holidays" with Program Director Rev. Michael Goldsmith. Cost to attend is $175, and scholarships are available.

Christmas Conference Staff Application

Christmas Conference Camper Application

Winter Weekend at wonderful, wonderful Camp McDowell!

January 12-15, 2024

All 7th, 8th, and 9th graders are invited to a retreat at Camp McDowell over MLK weekend! Register here.


Special Session Christmas Party

December 16th from 2-4pm

Phifer Hall at Camp McDowell

Please RSVP if you are able to attend!

Screening of The Philadelphia 11

December 11, noon and 6:00pm

The Church of the Nativity, Huntsville will be hosting a screening of the movie The Philadelphia 11. This is a documentary about the history of the ordination of women in the Episcopal Church. In an act of civil disobedience, a group of women and their supporters organize their ordination to become Episcopal priests in 1974. The Church of the Advocate in Philadelphia welcomes them, but change is no small task. The women are harassed, some lose friends, and others are banned from stepping on church property. In this feature-length documentary film, we meet the women who succeed in building a movement that transforms an age-old institution, and challenges the very essence of patriarchy within Christendom. December 11 at noon and 6. Please feel free to bring your lunch or dinner and enjoy the fellowship. Questions? Please contact Mother Rosie.


Full-time Clergy Job Positions

For more information about clergy jobs in the Diocese of Alabama please contact

The Rev. Geoff Evans, Diocesan Deployment Officer.

Part-time Clergy Job Positions in our Diocese

Lay Job Openings in our Diocese

The Episcopal Church of the Holy Apostles seeks a part-time worker for our Little Apostles Infant Care Ministry. View the job description here.

St. Joseph's, Mentone is seeking a pianist to play on Sunday morning, and occasionally for other services. Please email or 256-634-4476 for more information.

St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Huntsville is seeking an organist. View the job description here.

Nativity, Huntsville is seeking a full-time Director of Christian Formation. You can find more information here.

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