Greetings Meadows Members! 

As the heat and rain of summer give way to the colors and coolness of Fall we want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your patronage and support this past year. We are proud of the golf course and amenities we have been able to provide and look forward to more improvements next year. 
For those of you looking to renew your membership September is always the best time! Full membership renewals get a $200 pub/merchandise credit and renewing twilight members will receive a $100 pub/merchandise credit.

You will see that membership prices have increased for the 2022 season by a more significant amount than in the past. Since we purchased The Meadows in 2017 we have always endeavored to add value to the member and guest experience prior to any corresponding increase in rates. We do not take price increases lightly so we conducted an extensive amount of analysis of our projected costs for the coming year, the investments made in previous years and pricing from similar courses in the area. Based on this information we arrived at a price level that will support ongoing improvements while remaining affordable for our members.

If you have any questions about our process please contact me and I’ll gladly walk you through our research. 
We will also have our annual membership appreciation day on October 2nd. Along with the fun events, food and golf we will have a member meeting to share our future plans and get feedback from all of you.

We are excited about the great things to come at The Meadows and hope you will continue on this ride with us.

See you on the course!

Randall & The Team