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Military Chaplains Association United States of America
The Voice of the Chaplaincy - Chartered by Congress - Serving Since 1925
In This Issue
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Annual Members
Jeffrey McMillen 
Ch, Capt, USAF
Bible Churches Chaplaincy 
Dixon, CA

Sean Wead
Anglican Church of North America
Platte City, MO

Harold G. Woomer
United Methodist Church
Sun Valley, NV

Dick D. Millspaugh
Chaplain Service, DVA
United Methodist
San Diego, CA

Jonathan R. Hurt
Ch, Maj, USAF
Church of God (Cleveland TN)
Hurlburt Field, FL

Peter W. Dietz
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Key West, FL 


Associate Member 
Mark Johnson 
Army Chaplains' School Historian
Roman Catholic
Lexington, SC

Chaplain Candidate
Adam L. Hedge


Southern Baptist

Fayetteville, PA


Roxanne Birchfield


Evangelical Church Alliance  

Brooklyn, NY 

Joseph Albert Howland
American Baptist
San Diego, CA
Deceased 9 Apr 2014

Walter Roberts (Bob) McIvor

LT, CHC, USN (Former)
United Methodist
Virginia Beach, VA
Joined MCA 1984
Deceased 15 Apr 2014

Aaron Landes 
Philadelphia, PA 
Deceased 19 Apr 2014 

Where Are You Now?

Don't become a lost shepherd. Take five minutes and let us know what you are doing and when you do it.  We now have a new link on our website for active duty, retired, and former chaplains to report your activities, services, speeches and other noteworthy acts.  The online report is found under "Membership" on the top of our web page.  
Lost Shepherds

Over the years, we lose contact with members who move, change their e-mail address, or die. If you know where any of these members are today, please let us know. We want them back!

Daniel K. Hall, USA
Douglas C. Hall, USAF & CAP
James P. Hall, USA
Roger Hall, USA
Thomas F. Hall, USN
Harry W. Hallman, USA
John S. Halstead, CAP
Chan Y. Ham, USA
Donald E. Hamilton, USN
James S. Hamilton, CAP
John Hamilton, USA
L. Blane Hamilton, USN
L. Ronald Hamm, CAP
Judith A. Hamrick, USA
Karl W. Hanke, USA
Charles G. Hankins, USN
Arnold F. Hanson, DVA
Daniel Hanson, CAP
Roger D. Harano, USA
James E. Hardin, CAP









MCA: Mentor - Connect - Advocate

April 30, 2014 
Greetings from the MCA! 
  On Wednesday, April 28, 1976 to the tones of ancient hymnody and the quaint language of the Episcopal Ordinal, I took the vows of a priest as set forth in the Book of Common Prayer. As the Bishop of West Texas intoned the words of the Veni, Creator Spiritus, I knelt before him. The bishops and priests gathered around me and laid the full weight of their hands upon my head as the Bishop continued, "Therefore, O Father, through Jesus Christ your Son, give your Holy Spirit to Robert; fill him with grace and power, and make him a priest in your Church. May he exalt you, O Lord, in the midst of your people; offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to you, boldly proclaim the gospel of salvation; and rightly administer the sacraments of the New Covenant. Make him a faithful pastor, a patient teacher, and a wise councilor. Grant that in all things he may serve without reproach, so that your people may be strengthened and your Name glorified in all the world. All this we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever." And the people responded in a loud voice, "Amen."

  The weight of those hands upon my head seemed most burdensome and I trembled under them. When they were removed following the prayer of ordination, I felt as light as a feather. It has been 38 years since my ordination. I hope that in some way, my Lord and the People of God have found me worthy of the promises and vows I made on that day. And I pray that you have found my work among you to be a support as you continue the work and ministry of chaplaincy with and for military members, veterans, and their families.


Certain signature   

Best charity



May 13-15, 2014MCALogoCC

Wyndham Bayside San Diego Hotel

San Diego, CA



Annual Meeting:
elect the chaplains who will lead us for the next three years - you have to be present to vote - and consider the future course of the Association.

Emerson Luncheon: ten new members of the Foundation - including three husband/wife pairs and one father/son pair - and our first Oak Leaf Cluster for a personal second Emerson.

National Institute: we will honor the chaplains who served in Vietnam, hear about the deep faith that sustained our POWs, and consider our on-going care for veterans of that war through the VA and in our own local congregations.

Awards Banquet: Six Distinguished Service Awards, the G. William Dando Volunteer Service Award, and the National Citizenship Award*, and the David E. White Leadership Award. Our Guest Speaker will be Chief of Navy Chaplains Mark Tidd, RADM, CHC, USN. I can assure you, you do not want to miss this day in the life of the MCA.

Chaplains and family members serving in the San Diego area are welcome to attend the Awards Banquet. Go on line to choose your entree and to pay for the meal - or send an email to the national office: [email protected]
Applications are now being accepted for the part-time position of Executive Assistant for the National Conference on Ministry to the Armed Forces (NCMAF) and the Endorser Conference for Veterans Affairs Chaplaincy (ECVAC).

This position will become effective June 24, 2014.   
- See attachment for position description.

 -Format for applications should be in letter format. Please include your name, address, email address and phone number(s), plus a listing of your qualifications, work history and up to three references with contact information.

Applications will be accepted until May 15th, 2014 and can be submitted to:

Chaplain Jack Lea 
3850 N. Tazewell Street 
Arlington, VA 22207 
A Line in the Sand
The true story of a Marine's experience on the front lines of the Gulf War, by Robert A. Serocki, Jr. Mr. Serocki states, "I want to show how people get through such experiences and what those people do to keep their sanity. For me it was music and religion. I lived vicariously in the songs. Belief in a supreme being helped me to also cast away my fears."
  If you want to review this book for the MCA, email or call the National Office.
Distance D.Min.
The Doctor of Ministry program at Concordia Seminary is now more accessible, affordable, and flexible, including opportunities for pastors and chaplains to earn DMin credit for continuing education experiences. One of the four concentrations available is in Military Chaplaincy.
  Click on this link to learn more.
Moral Injury
Two articles worth reading have been sent to me. The first is from Clinical Psychology Review 29 (2009); the second from PTSD Research Quarterly (2012):
Moral Injury and Moral Repair
Moral Injury in Veterans of War
Eros in Battle
I get over 200 emails a day, most of which are deleted before I look at them (spam), some of which I glance at with passing interest, and a few of which make me think. This is one of the latter. While it doesn't directly address moral injury, it does describe the disposition, character, and fundamental values of warriors and soldiers. It is the basis of combat camaraderie and of protection from combat fatigue and, it seems to me, from the alienation that comes from moral injury.
The MCA provides two opportunities for members to publish their articles and books, and we seriously desire your writing! Submit your articles for publication on issues and concerns facing chaplains in and out of federal service:
Voices of Chaplaincy
CLICK HERE for more information about your submission.
The Military Chaplain magazine

Submit articles and photographs to Robert Certain  

OCF Retreat

For Workers in Ministry to the Military Community

To pastors and church leaders, military chaplains, and parachurch groups who minister to the military community (or have military people within their spheres of influence) in the National Capital Region


On behalf of the Officers Christian Fellowship, we are forwarding an invitation to you, your family and perhaps some of your church leaders, to attend a weekend retreat over Memorial Day (23-25 May) at the Officers' Christian Fellowship White Sulphur Springs (WSS) Retreat Center in Manns Choice, PA.   Chaplain (Lieutenant Colonel) James E. Smith, USA from the Soldier and Family Ministry department of the Army Chief of Chaplains office will be the main speaker, addressing the question, "What is Your Answer?" in relationship to biblical examples of choices facing a key member of Jesus' Disciples.


You may read more about this event at this link. You can register at that site as well. 

Franciscan Pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi
May 28-June 5, 2014

Veterans of the Military
Your service to our country has been one of sacrifice. It has taken its toll on your body, spirit, emotions and your faith. Re-entering society after living in a life-threatening place is a most difficult journey for a person to make.  It is a journey of making sense out of situations that seem senseless. Let us help you.

or Call 414.427.0570 x223

All Christian denominations are welcome. The faith stance will be based on Franciscan Spirituality.  This pilgrimage is open to both men and women who have served in the military. Spouses are welcomed.

4th Infantry Regiment

The giment, Veterans and families is planning its Reunion for the Regiment 4-6 June 2014 at Fort Polk, LA, home of the 2nd Battalion 4th Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade 10th Division (Mountain) and the Joint Readiness Training Center.




They are inviting prior Chaplains of the 1st, 2nd, and/or 3rd Battalions of the 4th Infantry Regiment to be part of this event.



Thank you for your service. Warriors!


Richard Wideman President

4th Infantry Regiment Veterans Association

P.O. Box 3773

Fort Polk, LA 71459

Army Chaplains Reunion 2014

7th Biennial US Army Chaplain Regimental Association Reunion
17-20 September 2014 

Hotel Capital Park Atlanta
450 Capitol Avenue
Atlanta, GA 30312 
(404) 591-2000 
Click here for more information 

Kilo Company, 3/7 Marines


Kilo Company, 3rd Bn., 7th Marine Rgt., Vietnam, and attached units, will be having a reunion in San Diego, California, September 9-15, 2014

Contact: William Rolke

Email: [email protected]

(262) 780-0993

or: Jerry Walker

Email:[email protected]

(951) 203-2280
Voices of Chaplaincy
Volume I of our Voices of Chaplaincy eBook is ready for purchase. 
   These booksellers have them available (click on the hotlink to order)
MCA Bookstore
We have an online bookstore dedicated to books of interest to chaplains.  Click HERE to see what we have.
We also have a second site for our books by and about chaplains.  CLICK HERE to go to the Chaplain Mall.
Nurture the Living
Members of the MCA may have an interest in sponsoring one or more military family support initiatives as represented by the award winning documentary, Gold Star Children.
  This documentary features the stories of children whose parents have been killed in action from Vietnam to Afghanistan and Iraq.  Will you please help with the distribution of this important educational tool?
  CBS recently ran this video about one Gold Star Child. Have your tissues ready.
  Below are three programs that are seeking corporate support to purchase copies of the documentary for outreach to their respective interests.
Each DVD costs $9.00

Survivor Outreach Services

Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors

Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund Hometown Hero Program
Care for the Wounded
Truth and Grace Media is a website dedicated to supporting wounded warriors and their families. Once each month, Leslie Santee writes a blog that might be of interest and help as we all strive to care for the wounded.  Click on Truth and Grace Ministries and then go to "Newsletters" to read her blog.
Honor the Fallen
Chaplains give honor to the fallen and care for the bereaved as often as the need arises.  This website (iCasualties) is a source for the names of those who have died in combat.  We commend the fallen to the Almighty, and hold their loved ones in our prayers.

Some Gave All
Here is a tribute to the fallen
The Military Chaplains Association of the USA
[email protected] | | (703) 533-5890
P. O. Box 7056
Arlington, VA 22207-7056

Thank you for supporting our Nation's Warriors, Veterans, families, survivors, and their chaplains.

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