Calendar of Events
Museum Children Free Week
May 25 - 31, 2013
In honor of Helen Ryan Donnelly.
Free admission to children ages twelve and under
when accompanied by an adult.
Rodents Rule!
Saturday, May 25, 2013
10:00 A.M.
A. B. Ceder Room
Members: $15.00 Non-members: $20.00
Pre-registration and pre-payment are required.
They get no respect but Teralyn LaChance, Assistant Education Director for the Zoo in Forest Park in Springfield, Massachusetts is out to change your feelings about rodents in this one hour live animal presentation! Meet the largest rodent in the world, the second largest in North America, and a couple of little guys in between. You'll leave with a new appreciation for these wonderfully enchanting creatures!
Dawn Chorus and Nature Walk with Fran Zygmont
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Chorus: 4:00 A.M. Walk: 7:00 A.M.
Meet in the Museum parking lot.
For more information
please contact Fran Zygmont at 860 689 5001
or by email at
Free Admission!
Litchfield Hills Audubon Society PresidentFran Zygmont leads a nature-filled morning starting with a morning bird chorus and a nature walk to follow. Chorus: Here is your opportunity to witness the transition from night-calling birds (owls, rails) to diurnal birds (Cardinal, Robin, thrushes, etc.). It is a magical nature event one must experience! Walk: For 'late' risers,
a nature walk will follow on local trails.
Wildlife Observations
1. Ruby-throated Hummingbird - Museum Feeders
2. Golden Alexanders - Mott - Van Winkle Classroom
3. Rose-breasted Grosbeak - Museum Area
4. Bald Eagle - Bantam Lake
5. Crayfish species - Ongley Pond
6. Female Mallard with 14 ducklings - Little Left
7. Mink Tracks - Sandy Beach
8. Wild Turkey - Apple Hill
9. Scarlet Tanager - Museum Feeders
10. Foamflower - Museum Area
"Ruby-throated Hummingbird"
Photo credit: Terry Sohl
Visit our Information Kiosk for a complete list of recent sightings.
2013 Summer Programs
for Children Ages 4 through 14
Click on the link below
for more information and registration!
Now Available!
The White Memorial Foundation:
The First 100 Years
The Legacy of Alain and May White
by Keith Cudworth, Executive Director
Softcover: $29.95 plus tax
Hardcover: $54.95 plus tax