The White Memorial Foundation

 Celebrating 100 Years of Conservation

1913 - 2013

leo turkey family   


                                      This Week at 
The White Memorial Conservation Center
   June 24 - 30, 2013
In This Issue
Featured Headline
Wildlife Observations
2013 Summer Programs for Children
Happy Picture of the Day
The Tail End
This Week's Masthead

frog concert 
to The Habitattler, your weekly guide to what's in (the Museum), what's out (on the trails) and what's happening at the White Memorial
Conservation Center.Your feedback is important to us. Please let us know what we can do to improve future issues of
 The Habitattler..
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100th Anniversary Poster
 is as smart as you!
Only $4.00
Tee Shirts and Kerchiefs
available too!
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frog concert
 Quick Links


The Conservation Center thanks all of those who sponsored plaques along our Braille Trail!
 Mrs.& Mrs. Andrew Fulton
 The family of the late
Primo and Gina Gugnoni
The family of Joan Griswold 
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Evans
Nancy Skilton
Litchfield Hills Audubon Society
Litchfield Hills Road Race
Litchfield Lions Club
Terryville Lions Club
Watertown Lions Club
New Hartford Lions Club
Dr. Jeffrey Evans
The family of Earl & Lorraine Winegar
The family of Frederick N. Moore II
Poppy the Big Brown Bat
Joan W. Benham
The family of Dana & Helen Greene
Alice E. Ridgway with gratitude to her parents Josephine and Walter Ridgway
Thank you!
 Calendar of Events
 starry night on apple hill leo    
Star Party!
Friday, June 28, 2013
8:00 P.M.
A. B. Ceder Room
Free...Donations accepted to help defray
the Conservation Center's programming expenses.

This astronomy program is organized by members of the Litchfield Hills Amateur Astronomy Club and the Mattatuck Astronomical Society. Tonight's topic is Exoplanets - Planets of Other Stars.

What are 'hot Jupiters' and 'super Earths'?  Come to this month's star party and find out! Weather permitting, there will be star gazing after the program.  Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.

You are invited to bring your own telescope or binoculars.   

   mr bat bday party
4th Annual Celebration for the Bats
 and Birthday Party for Mr. Bat
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Activity Shed and A .B. Ceder Room

Lecture: 6:00 P.M.  Concert: 7:00 P.M.

 Please register by calling 860-567-0857.

Free...Donations will be accepted to help defray

 the Conservation Center's programming expenses.


Help Gerri Griswold celebrate our planet's most extraordinary creature! A lecture featuring a live Big Brown Batwill begin the evening's festivities then head off to the Activity Shed for a special concert provided by the ever-so-talented and fun as all get out Nancy Tucker!!!!! The Connecticut DEEP's AmBATssador, Mr. Bat is celebrating his 20th birthday!  Just one more reason to be cheerful! Charming bat cupcakes and lemonade will be served in his honor.  Presents are not necessary but mealworms and adoration are always welcome! Pack a picnic or BYOB! The event is on rain or shine.

 Come out and show your support for bats! 


kid and bird 

 Museum Children Free Week

June 29 - July 5, 2013


In memory of Louise W. Willson. 

Free admission to children ages twelve and under

when accompanied by an adult.

  Wildlife Observations 
         king rail   
1. King Rail - Little Pond
2. Indigo Bunting - Museum Area
3. American Redstart - Little Pond
4. Bobolink - Apple Hill
5. Virginia Rail - Little Pond
6. Scarlet Tanager - Apple Hill
7. Brown Creeper - Main Area
8. Northern Waterthrush - Apple Hill
9. Black-throated Green Warbler - Five Ponds
10. Fish Crow - Ongley Pond
"King Rail" 
Photo credit: Kevin T. Karlson
Visit our Information Kiosk for a complete list of recent sightings. 


More Well Deserved Accolades 
for Our Very Own Jeff Greenwood!
       Click here!     
2013  Summer Programs
for Children Ages 4 through 14
frog concert
Click on the link below
for more information and registration!
 Happy Picture of the Day
Photo credit: Gerri Griswold

        Do you have a Happy Picture of the Day taken at White Memorial?
                     Please submit by email to: 
The Tail End

Video credit: Marlow Shami

This Week's Masthead Photograph
"Turkey Trot"
Photo credit: Leo Kulinski, Jr.
Upcoming Events




July 6

Let Freedom Ring: Sunset Concert at Apple Hill with Jae Wolf


July 12 / 13

A Celebration of The Bantam River


July 15 - 17

Kids Summer Art and Nature Camp with Betsy Rogers-Knox


July 20

Film: Rachel Carson's A Silent Spring


July 21

Fly Casting with Dr. Frank Schildgen from Trout Unlimited




September 28, 2013 

The 32nd Annual Family Nature Day!







Thank you
....for keeping alive the Whites' dream 
                                 of inspiring appreciation, understanding,
                                                                             and respect for the natural world. 
Contact Info
Gerri Griswold
Director of Administration and Development 