Innovations! The electronic newsletter of Thundermist
April 2012


  • Join us on Saturday, April 28th!
  • Save June 8th for Moonlight at the Dunes!
  • Thundermist's Patient Portal is Live!
  • Did You Know...

  • Save June 8th for Moonlight at the Dunes!
    Moonlight Logo

    We hope you will join us on Friday, June 8th, for what many say is their official start of the summer season, Moonlight at the Dunes!

    Held at The Dunes Club in Narragansett, the event hosts dinner, dancing to Nancy Paolino and The Black Tie Band, a silent auction, and raffles. We thank our lead sponsors:

    • Neighborhood Health Plan of RI
    • Lifespan
    • CVS/pharmacy
    Tickets are $100/person and may be purchased here. Corporate sponsorships are still available. Please join us for a wonderful evening while supporting Thundermist!

    For more information, please contact Marisa Podbros at 401.235.6887 or by email at

    Thundermist's Patient Portal is Live!
    Patient Portal

    This month, Thundermist's Patient Portal was activated, providing secure online access to patients' health information. More than 200 patients have already signed up to use the service.

    The Patient Portal allows Thundermist patients to:

    • send secure e-messages to clincal staff
    • view and request referrals
    • view billing statements
    • request appointments
    Within the next two months, portal users will be able to view their lab results; the final piece of the portal to be launched will be the ability for our patients to view their personal health record.

    The portal allows Thundermist patients to manage their health care from any location any time of day or night, with internet access.

    Did You Know...

    ...that many companies sponsor matching gift programs that will match the charitable contributions made by their employees?

    Some programs even match gifts made by retirees and/or spouses. This is a great way for you to double or triple your gift to Thundermist!

    For more information about giving opportunities at Thundermist, please contact Dean Canning, Director of Major Gifts and Planned Giving, at 401.374.1203 or by email at

    Join us on Saturday, April 28th!
    Community Garden Logo

    Thundermist is hosting a "Community Garden Build-Out Day" on Saturday, April 28th, at the new community, multi-generational garden next to our medical facility, The Cotton Shed in West Warwick. The day will start at 9:30 a.m. and lunch will be provided.

    The Build-Out has been planned to fill the raised beds with soil, erect deer fencing, assemble the tool shed, and a few additional tasks. Anyone who is interested in volunteering for all, or part of the day, is welcome!

    The garden will be home to more than 30 individual raised beds...8 beds are accessible to those with physical challenges. A berry and herb garden will be shared by all gardeners, as well as a sitting area for the Thundermist community.

    Beds are available and open to Thundermist staff, patients, and members of the community. You may sign up individually for a garden spot, or multiple people can sign up for one bed and share both the work and the vegetables.

    If you are interested in helping on Saturday, or in reserving a bed, please contact Thundermist Garden Project Coordinator, Eli Roth at or by phone at 401.615.2800, ext. 1842.

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