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November 2, 2017 announcements
This Week's Commentary
The Very Rev. Troy D. Mendez, Dean |
November 2, 2017
"They lived not only in ages past; there are hundreds of thousands still;
the world is bright with the joyous saints who love to do Jesus' will.
You can meet them in school, or in lanes, or at sea,
in church or in trains,
or in shops, or at tea;
For the saints of God are just folk like me, and I mean to be one, too.
- L. Scott (1929)
Who are the holy saints among you? In his book, "Being Disciples," Rowan Williams writes that saints are people who help reveal something about God and the world. They are people who help you see beyond themselves to a greater reality of love that surrounds us on all sides. Williams also points out that the saints of God are people who exude joy in some way. Whenever we encounter the saints of God, we suddenly feel better about life, about ourselves, and about the world around us. Trinity Cathedral is filled with saints!
Major feast day
This weekend, we celebrate All Saints' Day, a major feast of the church year. This isn't any regular Sunday -- it's the time of year where we remember our beloved departed and commend them to the Lord. We also celebrate our calling to be saints of God in our lives, so that the ministry of Christ continues beyond our campus of the church and beyond our lifetimes in the world. The ministry of the saints continues throughout the ages because you and I have committed to a life of ministry and service to God and to our neighbor.
Ministry Fair
As we commit ourselves to doing ministry, we refresh our learning about various ministries taking place at Trinity by holding a ministry fair! Come to learn about the 20+ active ministries that are changing the world for the better. Chat with new friends about the good work they're doing, and find out how you can join them in their sacred tasks. Discover things about Trinity Cathedral that you've never known before. Even if you consider yourself someone who is fully engaged, you might be surprised at the diversity of ministry taking place in our congregation.
Celebrations and Food Trucks
Finally, come to celebrate All Saints' Day. Together, let us keep the feast! Remember those who have gone before us, and celebrate the blessings of the saints we will get to know in our lifetimes. Sing heartily with our choir, and hear a moving stewardship testimonial as to why Trinity needs your financial support to further our ministries and put them into action for the life of the world. And, as our tradition continues, we'll have some of Phoenix's finest food trucks after our worship service.
We do all of these things out of love for Jesus Christ, and out of love for one another. Why? Because WE are the saints of God. WE are part of a very special community of love at Trinity. WE give and share of ourselves and all we have first to the Lord and, by the will of God, to one another.
Let's build each other up in love, support, and ministry this weekend. Let's truly celebrate All Saints' Day. You'll discover how you, too, are truly one of the saints of God!
In Christ's peace and love,
Becoming a congregation of action through worship, fellowship, and service: Stewardship 2018
The people of Trinity Cathedral live into our mission and ministry through our worship, by uniting in fellowship, and by being of service to the church and to the world. In doing so, we become more closely united to Christ and one another, and all the work we do together cannot be done without your generous financial support. Your support helps Trinity Cathedral continue to shine God's light and love all over the Phoenix metro area. You are invited to register your pledge online at
www.trinitycathedral.com. It's fast and very easy to do. Every pledge is important to the life of Trinity Cathedral and 100% participation is encouraged. If you would like to discuss your pledge, or if you have any questions at all, please contact our dean, The Very Rev. Troy Mendez at (602) 254-7126 ext. 308 or
troy@trinitycathedral.com Not received your pledge packet? Please contact Gary Gorman in the cathedral offices at (602) 254-7126 ext. 310 and he will be happy to send one to you.
Road Closures
- On All Saints' Sunday, November 5, access to the Cathedral from the East on Roosevelt will be closed to the PHX 10K - please use 7th AVENUE to get to church. Please plan on taking a few extra minutes to get to church.
CLICK HERE for detour map.
Food Trucks
- On Sunday, November 5, plan on staying for a variety of food offered by some of Phoenix's favorite Food Trucks. Open at 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.-
in the paved alley behind Trinity Cathedral.
Enjoy good food and good conversation!
Incense will be used - Incense will be used at the 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist service on Sunday, November 5.
Ministry Fair - Also on Sunday, November 5, there will be an opportunity to learn more about the ministries of Trinity Cathedral. Come and browse the tables of the various ministries, speak with representatives, and sign up to become a volunteer. There are many ways to participate in the life of Trinity, so come and learn more!
El Día de Los Muertos or Day of the Dead is a Mexican celebration that coincides with All Saints and All Soul's days when gatherings of family and friends pray for and remember those who have died. Holiday traditions include building private altars honoring the deceased. The altars incorporate sugar skulls, marigolds and a favorite token of the departed. We invite you to celebrate and remember your loved ones by placing their picture upon the commemorative altar located in the columbarium area of our sanctuary.
Choral Evensong for the Feast of All Saints'
Music from York Minster - November 5 @ 4:00 pm - Free
Choral evensong is the evening service of the Anglican Church and the choir sings much of the service by itself. Music includes works by Brewer, Smith, Bainton, and others.
called as Associate for Community Life
The Rev. Holly A. Herring has been called to Trinity Cathedral as Associate for Community Life. Holly brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to serving in ministry, and I have seen her ministry progress for many years. She will begin her ministry with Trinity Cathedral on November 15, 2017.
The Rev. Holly Herring graduated from Transylvania University in Kentucky in 1989 with a degree in Business Administration and received her Master in Divinity from Virginia Theological Seminary in 2008 (where she and the dean, The Very Rev. Troy Mendez, studied together). Among her passions is teaching God's people how to connect the manner in which they have been created and continue to be formed with the manner in which they serve as disciples of Jesus Christ in the world.
Holly brings extensive experience in parish ministry, organizational skills, newcomer integration, family systems, a grounded and lively faith, a warm personality, and a strong passion for proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She and her husband, Darren, enjoy traveling, cooking, reading, theatre, symphony, and family time. Darren serves as a staff singer in the chamber choir of All Saints' Episcopal Church, Phoenix, where Holly has served since arriving in Arizona in 2014. Prior to joining her mother, Kay, and brother, Brad, here in Phoenix, Holly served as the rector of St. John's Episcopal Church in Franklin, Pennsylvania.
Holly and Darren's constant companion is a loyal Labrador retriever, Siena (St. Catherine of Siena, to be sure).
As she begins her ministry at Trinity Cathedral, Holly looks forward to getting to know all of you! Please offer her a warm and enthusiastic welcome to our community.
Cathedral Member celebrating 100th birthday!
Long-time Cathedral member Jean Starnes, mother of Dolly Evans, will celebrate her 100th birthday during Coffee Hour on Sunday, November 12.
Jean would love to receive 100 birthday cards on her birthday! If you would like to make this day special, please bring cards for Jean on Sunday, November 12 or mail to the Cathedral prior to November 10.
Jean Starnes
c/o Trinity Cathedral
100 W Roosevelt St
Phoenix, AZ 85003
Messiah Sing
Sunday, November 26 at 4:00 PM The Fifth Annual Messiah Sing: The well-loved annual sing-along event with instrumentalists is now in its fifth season. The admission fee of $10.00 covers costs for the musicians. Bring your own score; only a few copies are available to share. Free parking.
Children's & Youth Formation News
Trinity's Children's Group (ages 3-12 years old) - This week in Godly Play we will tell the story of The Ark and The Temple. When the temple was finally built it reflected a new way of thinking about the experience of God's presence. Join us for the lesson at 10am in the Children's area near Atwood Hall.
Trinity's Youth Group (7th-12th grades) - This week in Youth Group: There will be no group meeting this week. The youth group will be participating in Trinity's Ministry Fair. Stop by our table to learn more about our group and ways you can participate. Join us next week November 12, 2017 for you group from 11am-12pm in the youth room on the 2nd floor.
Wednesday Evening Bible Study
Songs for the Journey is a Wednesday evening Bible study through the first six Psalms of Ascent (Ps. 120-125).
Join us at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesdays:
November 8
November 15
in the Office Area Conference Room, for a time of learning, sharing, and praying.
If you would like to study in Spanish, join David and others at 6:00 p.m. on the dates listed above.
Campus Ministries / Young Adult Retreat
November 10th to 12th, 2017
Student Life can get hectic... Getting away from campus to reboot is essential. The Arizona Episcopal Campus Ministries provide students a chance each semester to take a break from campus life and catch their breath. Each fall we gather students and young adults from across Arizona for a retreat in Prescott at
Chapel Rock, the Diocesan Camp and Conference Center.
Deadline to register is Wednesday, November 8.
Cathedral Chapter Member of the Month
Dennis has been member of Trinity for more than 7 years. He retired from the NYC Department of Education after serving at-risk students for over thirty years. He now teaches in the Phoenix Union High School District. He has a B.A. from Queens College, CUNY and a M.S. from Long Island University. His various ministries at Trinity include usher, lector, and for the last two years member of the Cathedral Chapter. He is a former Vestryperson and Warden on Long Island and made his Cursillo in NYC. He is also a graduate of EfM here at the Cathedral. In his spare time, he enjoys collecting antiques, cooking and attending estate sales. He lives in Scottsdale with his partner, Noel Huertas, who is also a member of the cathedral.
Hospitality Ministry at Trinity
HOST COFFEE HOUR and have fun with friends!
There are available dates to host in November and December.
Please sign up at the Front Desk in the Olney Room art gallery and/or email the Cathedral Hospitality Committee at
Thank you for hosting coffee hour.
Thanksgiving Breakfast for the Homeless
Thanksgiving Breakfast for the Homeless (and Christmas, too)
We are planning again this year to welcome our homeless neighbors to Trinity for breakfast on Thanksgiving morning.
A sign-up sheet is on the Front Desk in the Olney Room. Volunteers should expect to arrive at 7:00 a.m., unless otherwise instructed.
As in previous years, we also ask that members of the congregation provide loaves of specialty breads, i.e. banana nut, zucchini, pumpkin, etc. which have always been popular with our homeless guests.
For more information, please contact Cathedral member Dave Howell at dave.a.howell@wellsfargo.com or at (602) 378-1894.
This year's Thanksgiving service will be held at 12:10pm on Wed., Nov. 22.
The Homeless Breakfast occurs on Thursday and the Eucharist for the Thanksgiving holiday will occur on Wednesday.
Blankets for the Homeless
The cold winter days are approaching and we're asking that you consider donating blankets, quilts, afghans or throws to help the homeless. They can be new or used (however, we ask that if they're used , they be in good shape and clean). Donations can be dropped off in the collection bins behind the interior staircase in the Olney Room art gallery.
Questions should be directed to John or Vicki Cary (623) 878-5452 or jlcaryjr@cox.net
Are you feeling crafty?
We are looking to recruit those who knit or crochet to assist in our drive to make beanies, scarves, cowls, etc...These accessories are to be distributed at our annual Thanksgiving and Christmas breakfast celebrations for our homeless population. Interested individuals/groups or those wishing to donate yarn, please get in touch with Dyane Welt at onawing@cox.net
The Olney Gallery is honored to host the 10th Annual Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center (MAPC) Juried Art Show.
The exhibit concludes a successful cycle of art workshops offered by MAPC (in English and Spanish). These workshops are for people living with Parkinson's Disease (PD) and their care partners. The workshops are delivered by art instructor Gregory Pearce, and give participants the opportunity to explore creativity with no artistic experience required. Creative activities like painting offer benefits to people with PD, such as improvement of fine motor skills and concentration, stress reduction, and a sense of achievement.
Also on First Friday, José María Lobo, a musician and songwriter from Guadalajara, Mexico, will be singing Spanish ballads and American pop classics in the Trinity Cathedral courtyard. Lobo has won multiple awards at local and international competitions. Over 40 of his songs have been recorded by renowned Mexican artists and groups.
First Friday reception, November 3rd, 2017, 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
On Exhibit through November 21st, 2017.
Cathedral Member Featured in National Journal/Website
"Infancy Gospel" by Halldor Hjalmarson
The Episcopal Church & Visual Arts (ECVA) Artist
Halldor Hjalmarson
represents ECVA in the Fall 2017 Issue of
Anglican Theological Review (a quarterly journal of theological reflection in the spirit of sound learning that has been the hallmark of Anglican divinity)
with his stoneware, titled 'Infancy Gospel."
Halldor and his wife, Gail Hjalmarson are members of Trinity Cathedral, Phoenix.
Visit Halldor Hjalmarson online,
Halldor is also featured in an online exhibition "Telling God Stories in the 21st Century" curated by The Episcopal Church & Visual Arts website
The Cathedral Shop
Please visit The Shop Tuesday & Thursday from 10am-1pm and Sunday from 9am-12:00pm.
This Week at Trinity
Friday, November 3
6:00pm - First Friday Art Opening - Olney Room gallery
Saturday, November 4
9:00am - Social Justice Forum - Atwood Hall
Sunday, November 5
8:00am - Holy Eucharist (Spoken) - Cathedral
9:00am - Bible Study - Conference Room
9:30am - 1:00pm - Nursery - Children's Area
10:00am - Holy Eucharist (Sung) - Cathedral
10:00am - Sunday School - Children's Center
11:00am - Food Trucks & Ministry Fair
11:00am - Youth Group - Youth Room
12:00pm- Misa en Español - Catedral
12:00pm - Sunday School - Children's Center
4:00pm - Choral Evensong - Cathedral
Wednesday, November 8
12:10pm - Mid-week service - Cathedral
6:00pm - Health Ministries Meeting - Tea Room
6:00pm - St. Nicholas Choir rehearsal - Auditorium
7:00pm - Cathedral Choir rehearsal - Cathedral
7:00pm - Bible Study - Office Area Conference Room
8:00pm - N.A. - Atwood Hall
Friday, November 10
3:00pm - Campus Ministries meeting - Conference Room
The Cathedral Offices will be closed.
In event of a pastoral emergency (death, hospitalization or personal crisis) please dial (602) 254-7126. When automated attendant answers press 4 to page a member of the Cathedral staff.
Saturday, November 11
9:00am - Trinity Quilters - Atwood Hall
Sunday, November 12
8:00am - Holy Eucharist (Spoken) - Cathedral
9:00am - Bible Study - Conference Room
9:30am - 1:00pm - Nursery - Children's Area
10:00am - Holy Eucharist (Sung) - Cathedral
10:00am - Sunday School - Children's Center
11:00am - Youth Group - Youth Room
12:00pm- Misa en Español - Catedral
12:00pm - Sunday School - Children's Center
Prayers of the People
Commended to our prayers:
Holly, Jen, Ralph, Robert & Geoffrey, Susan & Robert, Ron, Sharon, Fay & Ron, Ellyn & family, Jaclyn, Dolly & Bill.
Benjamin Bosler, James Bosler (11/5), Felix Guiles (11/6), Mary Munoz (11/7), Andrew George (11/8), Lucinda Smock (11/9), and Oscar de los Santos (11/11).
Susan & Joe Harte, Jr. (11/5), and Keeley & David Nielsen (11/9).
New Members:
David Smith.
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer:
St. Andrew's, Tucson.
Anglican Cycle of Prayer:
Diocese of Toungoo (Myanamar).
Community Prayers:
All who serve the nation, especially those in the armed forces. All those affected by natural disasters and civil unrest.