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September 5, 2019 announcements
This Week's Commentary 
The Very Rev. Troy D. Mendez, Dean

September 5, 2019

And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven
and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make
disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of
the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching
them to obey everything that I have commanded you.
And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age."
                                                               --  Matthew 28:18-20
At the close of Matthew's gospel, Jesus sends his disciples into all of the known world, and promises that he will be with them always. Matthew could have concluded his story, or created a fixed ending, but instead, he concludes by depicting the disciples embarking on a new beginning. The other gospels do similar things. Mark tells about the women running to Galilee to see the risen Christ, Luke has the disciples going to the Temple to pray and wait for the Holy Spirit, and John concludes with the disciples returning to their nets in Galilee and realizing that they have been forever changed. They must now take on the work of being evangelists for the Good News in all the world. The work of Jesus doesn't have an end, but rather, Christ's work always has a new beginning.
Trinity's new beginning starts on Sunday. Our program year begins once again. The cathedral choir returns to lead us in worship, and Sunday mornings begin to pick up momentum with new opportunities for children and youth formation, fellowship, and fun!   
This Sunday, particularly, you might notice some wonderful enhancements around our campus. The Visual Arts Ministry has a fantastic new show that will certainly delight the eye. The Altar will be festooned with flowers. The welcome cards in the pews will be refreshed. Even some of our prayers will migrate to other forms that are offered in the Book of Common Prayer.   
We shift in this way so we can take seriously the call of Jesus in Matthew's gospel to make disciples of all nations. We have all grown up with different backgrounds. We are people who often have been forced to adapt and change and grow in our lives. We take pride at Trinity that no two people are alike, and we celebrate that reality! From this foundation of difference and blessing, we extend our reach from the corner of Central and Roosevelt to the four corners of the world. No one is excluded from the embrace of our community. No one is, nor can be, nor will ever be an outcast. All are welcome!
As our weeks continue, you'll begin to see new offerings for classes, new ways to be involved in our greater community, and additional ways in which you can engage, find new connecting points, and know that you absolutely, unequivocally, without a doubt, belong here at Trinity! As we embark on our 99th program year together, we remain committed to being a beacon of light for downtown Phoenix and the world. Together, we reaffirm our mission: Welcoming all to be transformed in Christ through worship, fellowship, and service.
It will be a wonderful program year. Christ will always be with us.
In Christ's love,
St Nicholas Choir resumes on Wednesday, September 11


All girls and boys ages 7 and up are invited to join St. Nicholas Choir, the youth choir for the cathedral.  Rehearsals are held most Wednesdays from 6:00 - 6:40 PM, and we sing approximately 6 times a year at the 10 AM service.  For more information, please see Erik Goldstrom.
Save the Date! The Way of Love: The 50-day Bible Challenge

"The Way of Love: The 50 Day Bible Challenge"

Dates: Wednesdays, September 11, 18, 25, and October 2, 9, 16, and 23, 2019

Wednesdays: Bring your lunch and join us at 12:45 p.m. in Atwood Hall, then Formation runs from 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. in Atwood Hall

The Way of Love is the way of Jesus. With seven core spiritual practices, the Way of Love offers an intentional, Spirit-led path to following Jesus. And what better guidebook for the journey than the Bible?

To register: please contact Canon Holly at , by Tuesday, September 2nd.

To purchase book: Place check for $15, payable to Trinity, "Book" in memo line in the offering plate.

Purchased book are available at the Front Desk starting Sunday, September 8.
Hispanic Heritage Month
(click flyer for full page view)

In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, Trinity Cathedral invites you to the Hispanic Heritage Month Guest Preacher series at 12:10 p.m. on Wednesdays, September 18, September 25, October 2 and October 9, in the Cathedral.

Wednesday, September 18
The Rev. Susana Coronado (Celebrant) and The Rev. Canon Martir Vasquez (Preacher): celebrating Óscar Romero

Wednesday, September 25
The Rev. Canon Anita Braden (Celebrant) and The Rev. Gerardo Brambila (Preacher): celebrating Sor. Juana Ines de la Cruz

Wednesday, October 2
The Rev. Enrique Cadena (Celebrant)  and The Rev. Rosa Brown (Preacher): celebrating Teresa of Ávila

Wednesday, October 9
The Rt. Rev. Jennifer A. Reddall (Celebrant) and The Rev. Canon Carmen Guerrero (Preacher): celebrating Cesar Chavez
September 24 Film and Discussion

"The American Experience: A class apart - A Mexican American Civil Rights Story"  Tuesday, September 24th at 7:00 p.m.

Join us as we view the important PBS documentary on the rarely told story of how Peter Hernández's conviction for a crime he did commit allowed a San Antonio-based law firm to argue the landmark legal case, Hernandez v. Texas, all the way to the United States Supreme Court. This screening is being presented in conjunction with Trinity's observance of Hispanic Heritage Month.

Admission is free.  All are welcome!
Garfield Reading Program

Still looking for volunteers to read with first graders at Garfield. Only one hour a week to change a child's life forever. 

The more you read the more you will know. 
The more you read the more places you will go.
Dr. Seuss

If interested email The Rev. Myra Kingsley, Deacon at
Central Arizona AGO Kick-Off Event

The Central Arizona chapter of the American Guild of Organists is delighted to welcome our new chaplain for the 2019-2010 season: the Very Reverend Troy Mendez, Dean of Trinity Episcopal Cathedral.   Troy will preside at the chapter's Opening Ceremony on September 22 at First United Methodist Church in Mesa, AZ.

The festivities will begin at 4:00 PM with a pre-ceremony recital by Karen Taylor, who was the Organ Scholar at Trinity Cathedral from 2016-2017. At 4:30 PM, the combined choirs of First United Methodist Church and Christ Church of the Ascension will sing for the opening ceremony, followed by dinner at 5:30 PM.

(Dinner reservations are $15 and requested in advance, by calling Julia Tucker at 334 703-3493.) Organists, clergy, friends, and colleagues are all invited to kick-off the new season together!  
Episcopal Night at Chase Field 2019

The AZ D-Backs invite all members of the Episcopal Diocese of Arizona to enjoy a time of fellowship and cheer on the D-Backs as they host the Cincinnati Reds.  Friday, September 13th starting at 6:40 p.m. Before the game, stop by Trinity for a pre-game celebration at 5:00 p.m. Tickets are $25 each and located in the lower level bleachers, Section 140.

Purchase your tickets by going to or by calling (602) 462-4133.  For more info, please contact Johanna Imperial, D-Back Sales at

To learn more, visit:
September 15 Launch

Please join the Music Guild in the Olney Gallery after the 10:00 a.m. service on Sunday, September 15 to celebrate the launch of the 2019-20 Music at Trinity concert series. Season brochures and membership information will be available. 
Helios in Concert

Music at Trinity's new Early Music ensemble-in-residence, Helios, performs works by Cipriano de Rore, Thomas Tallis and Mateo Flecha Saturday, September 21, at 7:30 p.m. in the Cathedral.

For more information and tickets please visit or

Children, Youth, Family Ministries schedule starting Sunday, September 8

8:45am-12:45pm: WONDER: The Nursery at Trinity Cathedral (birth to the 4th birthday)

8:55am: Drop off for Godly Play (GP) in the GP Classroom (3 years of age through 6th grade)
9-9:45am: GODLY PLAY in the GP Classroom (3 years of age through 6th grade)
9-9:45am: TRINITAS (Youth at Trinity) in the Youth Room (grades 6-12)
9:45am: Pick up for Godly Play (Trinitas released to join families to prepare for worship)

9:50am: Gathering for Children's Chapel in  the Olney Gallery
                     - birth through age 3- with adult accompaniment
                     - 4 years of age through 6th grade- with our without adult accompaniment
10am to "The Peace": CHILDREN'S CHAPEL in the GP Classroom
                     - Children's Chapel is an OPTIONAL offering of worship formation for children

9-9:45am First Sunday of the Month
                     - Parent and Adult Caregiver Formation (Auditorium)
11am-12pm Fourth Sunday of the Month
                     - Children, Youth, and Family Ministries Brown Bag Lunch (Atwood Hall)
Splish! Splash! Pool Party Potluck

Save the Date for a Pool Party Potluck, which will be held on Sunday, September 29 from 3-6pm.  Children, Youth, and Families Fellowship Gathering.  Our Hosts are The Moore Family at 1561 W. Lawrence Lane, Phoenix 85021
September Art Show
Faces of the World: Art by Deborah Hodder, Bob Martin, and Gina Santi

Deborah Hodder, Bob Martin, and Gina Santi, three mediums, ceramics, painting, and photography, all with the unifying subject matter of the faces of the world.

Deborah Hodder with clay shows the interdependence of people. Hodder explains that the theme of this work is unity. Deborah Hodder received her Master's Degree in Fine Arts at Arizona State University.

Bob Martin believes an artist has to communicate their own understanding of the world. Martin studied at the School of Visual Arts and The Art Students League of New York.

Gina Santi's , work is a byproduct of her time in the city of Kathmandu, Nepal. Santi studied photography at the Universidad Santa María, Caracas and at the Washington, D.C. School of Photography. She earned her M.A. in Cultural Anthropology from Northern Arizona University.

First Friday Art Opening: 6pm - 9pm, Friday, September 6, 2019 at Trinity

On exhibit through September 25th, 2019
Are you up early on Sunday mornings?


Thank you to the Trinity volunteers who helped serve breakfast at Grace Lutheran to the downtown homeless community earlier this month.  Trinity will be serving several more Sunday mornings this fall at Grace plus here at Trinity on Thanksgiving and Christmas mornings.  There is always room for more volunteers.  If you're interested, please reach out to Dave Howell at .
ICM is always in need of volunteers Monday - Saturday

ICM serves 150-200 people per day with basic human needs and utilize volunteers to distribute food, clothing and basic necessities. If you would like to become a volunteer or coordinate a drive, please contact Pia Brown at 602-775-5742 at Thank you for helping others!

ICM is always in need of the following donated items: Baby clothing, baby wipes, infant formula, baby food, men's/children's clothing, shoes, empty prescription/vitamin bottles w/ screw-on lids, plastic or paper grocery bags, 13-gallon drawstring garbage bags, Ziploc bags, shampoo, conditioner, soap, liquid body wash, feminine  products, laundry detergent, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, razors, and non-perishable protein-rich foods.

You may drop off your donations in the collections bins behind the interior staircase in the Olney Room at Trinity. Or, stop by ICM at 501 S 9th Ave, Phoenix.
Hospitality Ministry at Trinity

If you love connecting with fellow Trinity Members, welcoming our guests, and having great snacks for coffee hour - WE NEED YOU!

Join Trinity's TEAM HOSPITALITY! Ready to jump on board? Questions? Contact Laura Bardaweel at
This Week at Trinity
Friday, September 6
6:00pm - First Friday Art Opening - Olney Art Gallery

Sunday, September 8
8:00am - Holy Eucharist (Spoken) - Cathedral
8:45am - 12:45pm - Nursery available
9:00am - Bible Study - Conference Room
9:00am - Godly Play - Godly Play classroom
9:00am- Trinitas - Youth Room
10:00am - Children's Chapel - Godly Play classroom
10:00am - Holy Eucharist (Sung) - Cathedral
10:00am - Misa en Español - Auditorio
Wednesday, September 11
12:10pm - Holy Eucharist (Spoken) - Cathedral
12:45pm - Book Study - Atwood Hall
6:00pm - St. Nicholas Choir rehearsal
6:30pm - Cathedral Choir rehearsal
8:00pm - N.A. Meeting - Atwood Hall
Friday, September 13
Episcopal Night at Chase Field - see announcement
Saturday, September 14
9:00am - Trinity Quilters - Atwood Hall
Sunday, September 15
8:00am - Holy Eucharist (Spoken) - Cathedral
8:45am - 12:45pm - Nursery available
9:00am - Bible Study - Conference Room
9:00am - Godly Play - Godly Play classroom
9:00am- Trinitas - Youth Room
10:00am - Children's Chapel - Godly Play classroom
10:00am - Holy Eucharist (Sung) - Cathedral
10:00am - Misa en Español - Auditorio
Prayers of the People

Commended to our prayers: Sean, Mary-Audrey, MaryCay, Ellyn & family, Paula, Pat, Tim, Marty, and Jaclyn.
Birthdays: Michael Smith (9/8), Susan Santilena, Nancy Whittaker (9/9), Rex Cunningham, Dillon Honicky (9/10), Lisa Hubbard (9/14).
Anniversaries: Kathy & Art Rowland (9/10).
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: Church of the Apostles, Oro Valley.
Anglican Cycle of Prayer: The Province of the Episcopal Church of Sudan.
Community Prayers: All who serve the nation, especially those in the armed forces. For refugees and all those affected by warfare, natural disasters and civil unrest.