October 10, 2019 announcements
From the Pulpit
This Week's Commentary
October 10, 2019

The human mind may devise many plans,
but it is the purpose of the Lord that will be established.
Proverbs 19:21

Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.
John 14:27b

The more we desire peace, stability, and harmony in our world, the more we seem to encounter moments of chaos, discord, and enmity between others. As much as we long for “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” we see the hurt and the sufferings of our brothers and sisters. Sometimes this hurt is very subtle, and it might merely cause us to think, “this person is having a bad day!”  

This week alone, we have seen individuals, groups, and entire ethnicity come under attack. The kind gestures of Ellen DeGeneres were harshly criticized by some for her friendly banter with President George W. Bush at a sporting event. The LGBTQ’s collective anxiety was raised to one of the highest levels in recent memory when the U.S. Supreme Court conducted hearings about whether or not LGBTQ rights for fair employment are constitutional or not. Furthermore, people have died this week simply for being a specific ethnicity. All of us have seen the news, witnessing the bombing of our U.S. allies, the Kurds, in Western Asia.  

The world is not at ease, and many people’s hearts are deeply troubled. I know mine is concerned and deeply troubled, too.

One of the best things to do when we feel uncertain, anxious, bereaved, or worried, is to turn to prayer.  In the Bible, Jesus prays all the time. His disciples are usually amazed at how many times they find him praying.  They’re anxious to learn how he prays, but they’re not always very good at continuing to pray as he does. Neither are we.  

We don’t pray as frequently as we ought to, because we misunderstand the point of our prayers.  We sometimes want to use prayer as a bargaining tool asking, “God, if you’ll just let me have ____, I will be more loving, more kind, etc.”  Yes, that is a form of prayer, but not an entirely mature form of prayer.  It’s fine, and all prayer is good, but it’s somewhat incomplete. Prayer is not about trying to manipulate the actions of God.

A deeper venture into the realm of prayer might have you begin meditating on the purposes of God. This type of prayer might draw you to wonder about what God is up to in the world. As your practice of prayer deepens, you slowly begin to see a glimpse of how God sees the world. You begin to see God’s purposes as wholly good, for all people. You begin to take on a new lens to see the condition of the world, and you begin receiving new insights and wisdom of how God calls you into being a healing and loving presence in this world.

In times like these, we are called to meditate on the purposes of God.  We are invited into the realm of wondering what God is doing in our society, in our church, in our world.  As we engage in this type of prayer, we begin to see our purpose alongside God’s purpose. We begin seeing the ways in which we can make the world a more peaceful place, a more harmonious place, and even a more loving place.

Friends, I strongly believe that our community is called to engage in this type of prayer – the prayer that meditates not only on God’s purposes, but also prayer that invites us to imagine how much God loves us.  Through this practice of prayer, our hearts and our spirits grow stronger to face whatever may come along in the future.  

In the next few weeks, you will hear me inviting you for times of prayer and meditation. I’m still working out the scheduling that will work for the most amount of people to join me.  I hope you’ll consider participating in the powerful and holy act of engaging with prayer during this time of great upheaval in the world.  Christ has always invited us to pray. It’s time to be the church and to refine our ability to see God’s purposes in the world, and to join God in being healers of this beautiful creation we call our home.

In Christ's love,
All Saints' Sunday 2019
As we prepare for All Souls’ Day and Dia de los Muertos, we will read the names of loved ones or friends who died since All Saints’ Day 2018.

(A sign-up sheet is available at the front desk, or by contacting Clarissa at clarissa@trinitycathedral.com); all names to be remembered on Sunday, November 3 at the 10:00 a.m. bilingual Eucharist.
Incense on All Saints' Sunday
Incense will be used at the 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist service on All Saints' Sunday, November 3.
Road Closures on November 3
On All Saints’ Sunday, November 3, access to the Cathedral from the East on Roosevelt will be closed due to the PHX 10K - use 7th AVENUE to get to church. Please plan on taking a few extra minutes to get to church.  Please see map.
Dia de Los Muertos
Trinity commemorates Día de los Muertos - Día de los Muertos, or the “Day of the Dead” is a Mexican celebration that coincides with the feasts of All Saints and All Souls, where people gather to pray and remember those who have died.

Friday October 25: Help prepare the altar of remembrance from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. All ages are welcome to help. For more information please contact The Rev. David Chavez at david@trinitycathedral.com
Upcoming Dates of Office Closure
The Cathedral Offices will be closed on the 14, 18, 19, 21, and 28.

The Offices will be closed on Monday, October 14 in observance of Indigenous Peoples' Day.

The Offices will be closed on Friday, October 18 and Saturday, October 19 for t he Episcopal Diocese of Arizona annual statewide convention.

The Offices will also be closed on Monday, October 21 and 28 due to limited staff/administrative vacations.

In a case of a pastoral emergency (death, hospitalization or personal crisis) please dial (602) 254-7126. When automated attendant answers press 4 to page a member of the Cathedral staff.
A Grateful Farewell
It is with deep gratitude that I extend my thanks to the cathedral community, for the welcome, openness, warm community, and support during the last couple of years. I leave with my heart full of insights and wisdom, enfolded by your prayers and love. Please know that I carry with me the values of a community marked by grace, radical welcome and Iove. It has been a pleasure to work alongside with Dean Troy Mendez, Canon Holly Herring, and the rest of the talented and graceful staff of Trinity Cathedral. Transition are so often difficult, but I feel that the prayers, experiences, and collegial partnership establish over the years, will sustain me for the next season of ministry.
The Rev. David U. Chavez
Curate for Hispanic Ministries
Choral Evensong Returns
On Sunday, October 27, at 4 PM the first of this season's choral evensongs will be held. The cathedral choir will present music of Stanford, Byrd, and Fauré. A reception will be held in Olney Gallery immediately following the service.
Thanksgiving Breakfast for The Homeless
We are planning again this year to welcome our homeless neighbors to Trinity for breakfast on Thanksgiving morning (November 2 8 ).

A sign-up sheet is on the Front Desk in the Olney Room. Volunteers should expect to arrive at 7:00 a.m., unless otherwise instructed.

As in previous years, we also ask that members of the congregation provide loaves of specialty breads, i.e. banana nut, zucchini, pumpkin, etc . which have always been popular with our homeless guests. 
For more information, please contact Cathedral member Dave Howell at dave.a.howell@wellsfargo.com or at (602) 378-1894.

The sign-up for the Christmas breakfast will be available after the first of December.
Children, Youth & Family Ministries
8:45am-12:45pm: WONDER: The Nursery at Trinity Cathedral (birth to the 4th birthday)
8:55am: Drop off for Godly Play (GP) in the GP Classroom (3 years of age through 6th grade)
9-9:45am: GODLY PLAY in the GP Classroom (3 years of age through 6th grade)
9-9:45am: TRINITAS (Youth at Trinity) in the Youth Room (grades 6-12)
9:45am: Pick up for Godly Play (Trinitas released to join families to prepare for worship)
9:50am: Gathering for Children's Chapel in the Olney Gallery
           - birth through age 3- with adult accompaniment
           - 4 years of age through 6th grade- with our without adult accompaniment
10am to "The Peace": CHILDREN'S CHAPEL in the GP Classroom
           - Children's Chapel is an OPTIONAL offering of worship formation for children
9-9:45am First Sunday of the Month
           - Parent and Adult Caregiver Formation (Auditorium)
11am-12pm Fourth Sunday of the Month
           - Children, Youth, and Family Ministries Brown Bag Lunch (Atwood Hall)
October Art Show
True Expressions: Art by Karolina and Bela Fidel

Karolina Adams and  Bela Fidel  use their divergent styles to find a true expression of their emotion and imagination. 
Karolina Adams  works in ink and graphite, creating intimate imagery that is playful and poignant.   A recurring character in her work is of a small drawing mannequin with red striped socks. This tiny figure interacts with large real-world objects and conveys an emotional punch. "...it's a lot easier for me to engage in drawing, unload the feelings, and work through the thoughts and emotions and tell my stories." Adams has a BFA from Columbia College, Chicago. She is a gallery artist in Scottsdale AZ and Lenox, MA. and has presented her work in shows around Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico, and Illinois.
Bela Fidel  works with oils, encaustics, and experiments with plasters and compounds to create unique mixed media paintings. Her work is both abstract, colorful, and textural. Fidel seeks true expression in art. "Each painting takes me to roads traveled as well as worlds unknown and provides challenges for growth and humility." Living in different countries Fidel has experienced many cultures which she feels has enriched her art. Fidel was born in Sao Paulo Brazil and studied at Hebrew University in Israel.  She is currently a member of International Encaustic Artists.  Winner of numerous awards and has shown her work throughout Arizona and California.
WHERE: Olney Gallery at Trinity Cathedral, 100 W. Roosevelt St. Phoenix, AZ 85003
On Exhibit through October 23, 2019
Blankets for the Homeless
Blankets for the homeless as the cold winter days are approaching and we’re asking that you consider donating blankets, quilts, afghans or throws to help the homeless. They can be new or used (however, we ask that if they’re used , they be in good shape and clean). Donations can be dropped off in the collection bins behind the interior staircase in the Olney Room art gallery. Questions should be directed to John or Vicki Cary (602) 770-5452 or jlcaryjr@cox.net
ICM Volunteers 
ICM, a food and clothing bank for the working poor, is always in need of volunteers Monday-Saturday.  ICM serves 150-200 people per day with basic human needs and utilize volunteers to distribute food, clothing and basic necessities. If you would like to become a volunteer or coordinate a drive, please contact Pia Brown at 602-775-5742 at pia@icmaz.org . Thank you for helping others!

ICM is always in need of the following donated items: Baby clothing, baby wipes, infant formula, baby food, men's/children's clothing, shoes, empty prescription / vitamin bottles w/ screw-on lids, plastic or paper grocery bags, 13-gallon drawstring garbage bags, Ziploc bags, shampoo, conditioner, soap, liquid body wash, feminine products, laundry detergent, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, razors, and non-perishable protein-rich foods.

You may drop off your donations in the collections bins behind the interior staircase in the Olney Room at Trinity. Or, stop by ICM at 501 S 9th Ave, Phoenix .
The Episcopal Habitat Coalition
The Episcopal Habitat Coalition is beginning a new build at 8486 W. Madison in Peoria.

Trinity Cathedral is asked to provide at least 6 (six) people to work on the build on Saturday, October 26. We will work with others form St. Peters, St. Matthews, St. Augustine and Epiphany.  No experience is required to join in this rewarding experience.

For more information contact Joe Harte at (602) 621-3673. 
Hospitality Ministry
If you love connecting with fellow Trinity Members, welcoming our guests, and having great snacks for coffee hour - WE NEED YOU!

Join Trinity's TEAM HOSPITALITY! Ready to jump on board? Questions? Contact Laura Bardaweel at hospitality@trinitycathedral.com
This Week At Trinity
Sunday, October 13
8:00am - Holy Eucharist (Spoken) - Cathedral
8:45am - 12:45pm - Nursery available
9:00am - Bible Study - Conference Room
9:00am - Godly Play - Godly Play classroom
9:00am - Trinitas - Youth Room
10:00am - Children’s Chapel - Godly Play classroom
10:00am - Holy Eucharist (Sung) - Cathedral
10:00am - Misa en Español - Auditorio

Monday, October 14
Cathedral Offices Closed - The Cathedral Offices will be closed. In the event of a pastoral emergency (death, hospitalization or personal crisis) please dial (602) 254-7126. When automated attendant answers press 4 to page a member of the Cathedral staff.

Tuesday, October 15
6:00pm - Just Faith - Conference Room

Wednesday, October 16
12:10pm - Holy Eucharist (Spoken) - Cathedral
12:45pm - Book Study - Atwood Hall
6:00pm - St. Nicholas Choir rehearsal - Auditorium
6:30pm - Cathedral Choir rehearsal - Cathedral
8:00pm - N.A. Meeting - Atwood Hall

Friday, October 18 and Saturday, October 19
Diocese of Arizona convention - The Cathedral Offices will be closed. In the event of a pastoral emergency (death, hospitalization or personal crisis) please dial (602) 254-7126. When automated attendant answers press 4 to page a member of the Cathedral staff.

Sunday, October 20
8:00am - Holy Eucharist (Spoken) - Cathedral
8:45am - 12:45pm - Nursery available
9:00am - Bible Study - Conference Room
9:00am - Godly Play - Godly Play classroom
9:00am - Trinitas - Youth Room
10:00am - Children’s Chapel - Godly Play classroom
10:00am - Holy Eucharist (Sung) - Cathedral
10:00am - Misa en Español - Auditorio
11:30am - Cathedral Chapter meeting - Office Area conf. room

Monday, October 21
The Cathedral Offices will be closed. In the event of a pastoral emergency (death, hospitalization or personal crisis) please dial (602) 254-7126. When automated attendant answers press 4 to page a member of the Cathedral staff. 
Prayers of the People
Commended to our prayers: Grace, Valerie, Patti, Andrea, Oclydes, Noah & family, Sean, Mary-Audrey, MaryCay, Ellyn & family, Pat, Tim, Marty, and Jaclyn.

Birthdays:  John Roanhorse (10/13), M.P. Martz (10/15), Janet Moore (10/16), Bill Coleman (10/18), Daniel Gross (10/19), Michelle Freeman (10/19).

Anniversaries: Lorenzo & Stephanie Esquivel (10/13), Joel Gaspar & Dillon Honicky (10/15).

Departed this life: Rodney Dean Cuffee.

Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: Santa Maria Episcopal Church, Phoenix.

Anglican Cycle of Prayer: The Anglican Church of the Province of West Africa.

Community Prayers: All who serve the nation, especially those in the armed forces. For refugees and all those affected by warfare, natural disasters and civil unrest.
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral
100 W. Roosevelt St.
Phoenix, AZ 85003
Telephone (602) 254-7126