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Talk About Ports
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Ports Initiative Vision
People living and working near ports across the country will breathe cleaner air and live better lives as a result of bold steps taken through a collaboration of industry, government and communities to improve environmental performance and increase economic prosperity.
September 2018 (Vol. 3, Ed. 4)
Ports Initiative Newsletter

Featured News:

EPA presented about the Ports Initiative at seven events over the past three months. Presentations were focused on the following.
We are grateful to the conference, seminar, and webinar organizers for supporting the EPA Ports Initiative. We were joined at these meetings and on panels by expert stakeholders and colleagues who shared interesting information on each topic. Where available we've linked to both the EPA presentations and the event web pages, so we encourage readers to visit both locations to explore all the information that was presented at each event. 

To learn more about upcoming EPA presentations related the Ports Initiative, visit our events web page.

Please add to your address book and let us know your thoughts.  
Did You Know
EPA Partners With Stakeholders to Highlight Ports Initiative Activities
EPA has recently presented information on the Ports Initiative and its tie-in to other federal and association efforts to national and international stakeholders at the three events noted below.
The June 20 FHWA Talking Freight CMAQ webinar focused on the following:
  • How the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) program can help improve air quality around ports and other goods movement facilities including tips and lessons learned for potential project sponsors and beneficiaries; and
  • An overview of the Ports Initiative highlighting air quality issues around ports, the vision, and key elements of the initiative efforts. 
The September 11, 2018 AAPA Energy and Environment Seminar presentation was focused on the EPA's Ports Initiative's efforts to measure and reduce greenhouse gases at ports and presented information that included the following:
  • National Port Strategy Assessment - Strategies to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from ports including cleaner electric trucks and equipment as well as  shore power;
  • Shore Power Technology Assessment at U.S. Ports - Reduction in greenhouse gases is possible using shore power and emission changes can be calculated using the Shore Power Emissions Calculator.
  • EPA and Port Everglades Partnership - Working closely with Port Everglades was key to developing methods and lessons learned that can be applied at other ports. 
At IPEX 2018, EPA presented to an urban freight stakeholder audience from the United States and the European Union on EPAs Ports Initiative focusing on how the Ports Initiative supports the use of alternative fuel technologies such as through financial incentives for grants through the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA)

For More Information
EPA Presents Findings of EPA and Port Everglades Partnership Report
EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ) presented information  at the four events below  on the recently released  first-of-its-kind collaborative report  developed from the  EPA and Port Everglades Partnership. 
The CMTS Speakers Series and EPA and Port Everglades Partnership Public Release events presented information from the report including: 
  • That EPA and Port Everglades agreed to work together to develop baseline and future year emission inventories and to evaluate various effective technology and operational strategy scenarios for seaports.
  • That the Partnership led to the development of:
    • The Port Everglades 2015 Baseline Air Emissions Inventory;
    • Emission reduction scenarios and inventories for the Port Everglades boundary for future analysis years;
    • Separate emissions estimates for certain mobile source corridors outside the Port Everglades boundary;
    • Documentation of methods, lessons learned, and practical examples that can inform other ports, related agencies, and stakeholders; and 
  • Key findings of the Port Everglades Partnership.
The presentation at the Northern Transportation & Air Quality Summit provided a higher level overview of the Partnership focusing on the topics presented at the CMTS Speakers Series, and the EPA and Port Everglades Partnership Public Release events.

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