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EPA Ports Initiative Vision
People living and working near ports across the country will breathe cleaner air and live better lives as a result of bold steps taken through a collaboration of industry, government and communities to improve environmental performance and increase economic prosperity.
January 2020 (Vol. 5, Ed. 3)
EPA Ports Initiative Newsletter

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This newsletter highlights the requests for comments EPA's Cleaner Trucks Initiative and the DOT's National Freight Strategic Plan.
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EPA Seeks Input on Initiative for Cleaner Emission Standards for Heavy-Duty Trucks

Comments Requested by: February 20

On Monday, January 21, EPA published an advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPR) known as the Cleaner Trucks Initiative (CTI) describing the Agency's plans for a new rulemaking that would establish new emission standards for NOx and other pollutants for highway heavy-duty engines. Pre-proposal comments on the rulemaking are being solicited through February 20, 2020 EPA plans to issue a notice of proposed rulemaking in the late spring of 2020, with a final rule expected in calendar year 2021 and is recommending implementation to start in the Model Year 2027 time-frame. 

EPA last revised NOx standards for heavy-duty trucks nearly 20 years ago and the CTI provides an opportunity to modernize the requirements to better reflect the capability of emissions control technologies for these vehicles.
  • Our current heavy-duty emission standards have not encouraged effective emission control under low-load conditions (when at idle, moving slowly, or in stop-and-go traffic). By addressing low-load operation, we can improve NOx emission controls in cities and in areas of high traffic. 
  • EPA describes provisions we are considering that may help owners of higher-mileage vehicles maintain compliance. In the ANPR, we request comment on provisions that may reduce the temptation to tamper.
Community Organizations Webinar: Cleaner Trucks Initiative

Join EPA webinar: Thursday, January 30 from 1:00-2:00 pm EST at
Topics to be covered include:
  • Introduction of rulemaking known as the "Cleaner Trucks Initiative" (CTI);
  • Background on the rulemaking including: Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) that solicits pre-proposal comments; and 
  • Answering questions from communities.

More Information

U.S. Department of Transportation Requests Comment on National Freight Strategic Plan
Deadline for Comments: February 10

The Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act establishes a National Multimodal Freight Policy that includes national goals to guide decision-making and requires the development of a National Freight Strategic Plan (NFSP) to implement the goals of the new National Multimodal Freight Policy. The U.S. DOT is currently developing an NFSP, which will serve to inform infrastructure planning, coordinate investments, and support future freight efficiencies that improve the freight industry's experience. The NFSP includes eleven statutorily required components to address multimodal freight transportation, including an identification of best practices to mitigate the impacts of freight movement on communities. In addition, DOT specifically requests comments and data in response to ten questions contained in the notice.
The NFSP will assess the conditions and performance of the Nation's multimodal freight system and identify corridors and bottlenecks for the movement of freight produced by American energy, agriculture, manufacturing, and natural resources industries. It will provide a strategic framework to guide strategic initiatives, support multi-jurisdictional and cross-sector collaboration, and identify freight data gaps.
The U.S. DOT is seeking input by February 10 from public and private transportation stakeholders including state and local agencies, industry trade groups, and shippers to aid the development of the National Freight Strategic Plan. DOT recognizes the importance of engaging with the public and private industry to develop a clear, national vision for freight transportation that is inclusive of both public- and private-sector perspectives.

More Information

Visit Federal Register Request for Information 

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