In This Issue
Pilots for Ports and Community Collaboration
Ports Primer Website Launched
Webinars: National Port Strategy Assessment
Events & Activities

$978K Clean Diesel Grant to Port of Baltimore


Clean Corridors Meeting Sets Priorities for Clean Freight Corridors

EPA Awards $2.8M to Ports in Pacific Southwest


NWSA Mobile App To Speed Up Cargo Flow, Reduce Idling & Save Fuel


$1.6M in DERA Grants Awarded for Ports Projects in CT and MA

Ports Initiative Vision
People living and working near ports across the country will breathe cleaner air and live better lives as a result of bold steps taken through a collaboration of industry, government and communities to improve environmental performance and increase economic prosperity.
Quick Links
Talk About Ports
February 2017 (Vol. 2, Ed. 1)
Ports Initiative Newsletter  


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Pilots Selected - Port and Community Collaboration
EPA is pleased to announce that our initial port and community collaboration pilot projects are located in Savannah, GA; and New Orleans, LA.  A third pilot project is planned for the future in  Seattle, WA.  More than 20 near-port communities and ports submitted applications to be considered for the first series of pilot projects utilizing EPA's capacity building tools.

Congratulations to the following applicants.
  • Harambee House, Inc. (Savannah)
  • Port of New Orleans, in collaboration with Lower 9th Ward Center for Sustainable Engagement and Development, and with Deep South Center for Environmental Justice (New Orleans)
  • Port of Seattle and Just Health Action (Seattle)
The pilot projects will promote collaboration between the port industry, communities, and government to facilitate timely and effective infrastructure development while  improving public health.   

For more information, go to the Ports Initiative  Pilot Projects webpage.   

Ports Primer for Communities Website Launched
An Overview of Ports Planning and Operations to Support Community Participation
EPA is excited about the recent launch of an easy to navigate Ports Primer web area.  The web area contains the same information as the Adobe PDF Ports Primer document that is also available for download from the site.  This area provides guidance to near-port communities interested in becoming more involved in decisions that may impact local land use, the environment and quality of life. The Ports Primer pages are intended to help community members participate effectively in decision-making processes.

To access the Draft Ports Primer for Communities website or a downloadable PDF, go to the Ports Primer Homepage

 National Port Strategy Assessment - Webinars
Reducing Air Pollution and Greenhouse Gases at U.S. Ports

EPA held webinars on the National Port Strategy Assessment in November and December 2016 where an overview of key findings and potential emission reduction strategies were presented and discussed. View the Presentation

The National Port Strategy Assessment was released on September 22.   This national scale assessment examines current and future emissions from a variety of diesel sources operating in port areas, and explores the potential range of available strategies to reduce emissions from port-related trucks, locomotives, cargo handling equipment, harbor craft, and ocean-going vessels.

The report as well as an executive summary and report appendices are available at National Port Strategy Assessment