Congratulations to the Class of 2024!

Congratulations to the Class of 2024! As our newest alumni, we wish them all the best as they begin the next chapter of their lives.

As we look back on another fantastic school year and an unforgettable alumni reunion weekend celebration, we'd like to thank you for your support, involvement and unbeatable school spirit.

This community is doing remarkable things, so please continue to stay in touch and share your news with us. Go Saints!

Davis Wrinkle ’81

Director of Alumni and Parent Relations

Reunion Weekend Recap

It was great having so many familiar faces back on campus for Reunion Weekend this year, where we hosted 11 groups of alumni classes.

See photos here

Save the date for next year!

May 2-3, 2025

Alumni News

We were honored to have Cliff Miller ’59 on campus in May. The alumnus and educator was remembered fondly by Chuck Cummings ’76, who spoke to the community in April about an unexpected, moving letter he received nearly 20 years after graduation that helped Cummings see StC in a new, more positive light. Read more.

It was an honor to welcome our Saints veterans and members of the Chamberlayne Society for a special Memorial Day service. Headmaster Mason Lecky recognized veterans in attendance and read aloud the names of Saints who’d offered their lives in service of their country. Read more.

Faculty Spotlight: Jeb Britton ’99

Mathematics Teacher Jeb Britton graduated from StC in 1999 and has been an educator at StC’s Upper School for the past eight years. Following his graduation from UNC-Chapel Hill in 2003, Britton pursued an education in teaching, which he’s dedicated himself to for 21 years. He’s an avid basketball fan, varsity team coach and a true Saint.

Where do you find your inspiration as an educator? 

I think it’s the relationships that I build with my students. There are the light bulb moments and the “ah-ha” moments that motivate me as an educator, but ultimately, it’s the relationships that hopefully will carry on for years to come that I enjoy the most.

What's it like being both an alumnus and educator at StC?

The teachers I had when I was here inspired me to take on the role I’ve occupied for 20-plus years. The wonderful sense of community that I experienced as a student is the same today now working as a teacher. 

What is one of your favorite StC memories?

At the beginning of my seventh grade year, we had our first practice with the boy choir and I was having a hard time singing the warm up. I stayed after practice for a few minutes and discovered my voice had changed so much that summer, I now was a second bass. To sing that year, Hope Erb, who was the choir director at the time, made special arrangements for me to join the Upper School Glee Club. Her willingness to do this allowed me to travel to France and England with the choirs that year and was one of my most memorable experiences as a student.  

Do you have any good alumni memories you can share? 

Jim Jump stopped by the math office last year to chat for a few minutes and mentioned he was thinking about making a trip to UNC-Chapel Hill to have dinner with some of his former advisees. Having graduated from Carolina, I asked if I could join him on the trip. We drove down, met nine alumni for dinner and had a great night. I loved doing it so much that I did it again this year. It was awesome to reconnect with my former students. 

Favorite dining hall dish?

The pizza rolls! I really enjoy them. 

Campus News

In April, the Class of 2024 spent one final overnight trip at Camp River’s Bend in the Allegheny Mountains, where they hiked, explored and shared time together. Upon their return, the seniors marked the occasion by walking back to campus via Grove Avenue, where the community welcomed them back and raised their class flag.

As the 2023-2024 school year wraps up, varsity student athletes, coaches and members of the Saints community gathered in Ryan Recital Hall on Tuesday, May 21 for the 67th Athletic Banquet to honor our talented young men. Click here for the full list of award recipients.

The Upper School welcomed Alex Kershaw, a leading World War II author and historian to Memorial Chapel in March. Kershaw spoke powerfully about the most dangerous missions of the D-Day landings and the young men who led them, encouraging our boys to take inspiration from their bravery and leadership.

Richard Reeves, author and president of the American Institute for Boys and Men spoke to the Saints community in April. Describing a world where many boys and young men in the United States struggle, Reeves outlined their challenges and offered comprehensive, data-driven solutions.

The St. Christopher's Fund Update

We need your help to reach our goal!

We need an additional 373 alumni gifts to The St. Christopher’s Fund before June 30 to exceed last year’s incredible 44% alumni participation rate. Your participation matters most, and we ask that you give what you can.

Please join your fellow alumni by making your annual gift here, or Venmo @stchristophers-school, to help us reach our goal.

Upcoming Alumni Events

June 7, 2024, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.: River Saints Party at Hope and Glory Inn

November 1, 2024, 6:30 p.m.: Homecoming versus Collegiate

November 15, 2024: Great Saints Dinner - This event celebrates and honors StC's alumni community. Please share your nominations for the four awards by clicking this link.

May 2-3, 2025: Alumni Reunion Weekend 

711 St. Christopher’s Road, Richmond, Virginia 23226

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