The Overlook
Unitarian Universalist Church of Huntsville 
3921 Broadmor Rd., Huntsville AL 35810  
December 22nd, 2016
Vol. 16 Issue 51
In This Issue

We CAN Reach 100!   The Social Justice Committee's goal is to collect and donate 100 items per month. CAN you pick up an extra CANNED good, nonperishable food item, or personal care product next time you are out shopping? Please do, and put it in the basket in the church foyer to be donated to the Huntsville Assistance Program (HAP).  Suggested donations:
macaroni and cheese, pasta and sauce, dry beans and rice, boxes of cereal, bars of soap, canned meat, and peanut butter!

Thanks in advance!

Do You Have Trouble Hearing During Worship Services?
UUCH has purchased a number of devices to help hard-of-hearing members of the congregation listen to services. Need one? Just ask the greeter Sunday as you come in and return the device after the service!

Quick Links...
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December's Theme: Presence  
Upcoming Services
Sunday, Dec. 25th, 2016

"Tidings of Comfort and Joy!"

UUCH Worship Committee
with Mari Hinckley 
The good tidings are that we will be present on Christmas Day to share in some of the comforts and joys of the holiday, such as community, music, and food. Please join our church family on Christmas Day for a caroling service, followed by a Christmas dinner style potluck. From our house to yours, Happy Holidays!

Upcoming Services for Your Holiday Planning
January 1st: "Annual Fire Communion Service," a time to consider what to leave behind, and what to carry forward into the New Year.
January 8th: "Imagined Edges," Huntsville Feminist Chorus presents songs from their Solstice Program.
This Sunday in Children and Youth Religious Education 
Children and youth are invited to participate with their families in the special holiday caroling service in the sanctuary. CYRE groups will not meet.

Please note: The nursery will not be staffed for the service; however the space is available for parents to be with their small children (ages infant to 3) if needed. As always, little ones are also welcome in the sanctuary service.
Register for the UUCH Children and Youth Religious Education program by going to: Paper registration forms are also available at the church.
For more information, contact Erin Reid, Director of Religious Education (DRE) at or Audrey Fox, CYRE Chair, at
Christmas Day Potluck! 
Yalda...Yule... Habari Gani... Christmas... Hanukkah.... Malkh...Saturnalia...Dies Natalis Solis Invicti...Panacha Ganapati...Bah Humbug!

Whatever you celebrate at this time of year, Kim and Shiela Burrows, Mari Hinckley, Steve Rittenberg, Barbara and Gary Hitt invite you to join them for a potluck lunch immediately following the service December 25th. They will provide ham, hashbrown casserole, dressing, sweet potato casserole, dinner rolls, salad and drinks.

Contributions of Vegan/vegetarian dishes and desserts would be welcomed but are not necessary. If you are planning to attend the service on December 25th, please plan to have lunch with your "Church Family." Potluck on December 25th will not affect the usual potluck on the first Sunday of January (January 1st, 2017).
Welcome Willette Battle
New UUCH Office Administrator
The UUCH Personnel Committee (Board Pres. Laurel Bollinger, Rev. Alice Syltie, Board Trustee Susan Coddington, and Membership Committee Chair Pam Korb) has hired Willette Battle via Kelly Services to become the UUCH office administrator when Deedee Moore retires on December 23rd. Willette is already at work and training for her new duties.

Willette brings with her the aptitude and flexibility for the position as well as technical skills that will benefit UUCH as the congregation grows and becomes more reliant on technology. She holds three degrees: Master of Fine Arts in Painting with an Electronic Studio Emphasis, BA in Studio Art, and BS in Computer Science with a Business emphasis. This blend of art and tech should work nicely with the diverse needs of this congregation.

Willette owns and operates the WILLETTE'S PRISM Studio at Lowe Mill as an artist and freelance educator. She is the Service Unit Manager for the Girl Scouts of North Central Alabama and also serves as a Troop Leader.

Willette was motivated to apply for this part-time position so that she will have time for her husband and three teenagers, her studio at Lowe Mill, and her numerous volunteer interests.

Welcome Willette!
New Year, New Newsletter!

We've given the newsletter a facelift for the New Year! Here's your sneak peek at our new look. We're using the UUA's branding recommendations--their color palette and logos, customized to make the newsletter UUCH's own. Happy New Year!

-Laurel Bollinger, Deedee Moore, and Willette Battle
They're here! Pick Up Your UUCH Picture Directory This Sunday!
The long awaited UUCH Picture Directory has arrived and will be available for pick-up in the Fellowship Hall after church this Sunday. If you had a picture made or included in the directory, pick up your free copy after the Sunday service.
Pam Korb, Membership Chair
S weathered-movie-reel.jpg ave the Date! 

Our February movie night is trading places with the Chili Cook-off.
The next movie night will be held on January 21st instead of February 4th. More details to follow.

Hosted by your UUCH Children and Youth Religious Education Committee.
Soul Circles are Forming!
Don't forget--Soul Circles are forming! We are bringing small groups into the Soul Matters shared thematic ministry alongside our Worship and Religious Education ministries. Our "Soul Circles" will meet monthly. Each month, prior to meeting, group members will receive preparatory information designed to help them engage more deeply with the monthly theme we are experiencing in our congregational worship. Group members covenant with one another to practice deep listening, speaking from both the heart and the head as they share their soul-journeys through living into the monthly themes. Monthly meetings are scheduled to last no more than two hours.

If you would like to join a Soul Circle please contact John Czachurski at and let him know which of the following times you can be available: 

  • Sunday Afternoons (after Sunday Worship or Potluck)
  • Sunday Evenings
  • Wednesday Afternoons
  • Wednesday Evenings
Please indicate all of the days/times that could work for you, so that we can more smoothly match available group members with available facilitators.
Care List
At our Circle of Candles on Sunday,  December 18th:
Heather Kyemba, a candle of concern: " Henry, Sophia, and Torin were in a car accident on the way to school Tuesday morning. Sophia broke her jaw. We are grateful no one was hurt worse."
Ben Lambert, a candle of joy: "I have two reasons to light a candle of joy! 1. Thank you to Pam Siegler and the choir for having me play piano with them and pushing me way outside my musical comfort zone. 2. I am joyful that Kathy Fisher will be returning soon as the choir pianist."
James Riddlesperger, a candle of sorrow and joy: "Mother had to be put in Critical Care last week and had to have a pacemaker put in. And joy that she is now home resting."
Laurie Keller, a candle of joy: "My sister Heidi is visiting from Portland, Oregon."
Deedee Moore, a candle of joy: "Thanks to all involved in the Solstice Service held Friday night. It was a welcome respite from the hectic holiday rush and a lovely reminder of the reason for the season--axial tilt!"

If you have pastoral care needs, please contact the Reverend Alice Syltie at Minister@uuch.orgBarbara Hitt is Chair of the Care Committee, and may be reached at home, (256) 881.2531; on her cell, (256) 348.5845; or by email at
UUCH 16-17 Board Members


President: Laurel Bollinger 

Vice-President: Denise Runnels  

Secretary: Ed Bernstein           

Treasurer: Greg Howard   

Trustees: Susan Coddington, Kathy Heath,

   and Lynsie Lamitie 


Do you have an Agenda Item for the Board?  
The Board respectfully requests that all agenda items for the meeting be submitted to Board President Laurel Bollinger, no later than one week prior to the meeting, i.e. the Tuesday before. You may leave a copy of your request in her Mailbox at the church office, or contact her at

The next UUCH Board Meeting will be held
on Tuesday, January 24th, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. Thanks for your cooperation!

From the Overlook is a publication of

The Unitarian Universalist Church,

3921 Broadmor Rd. Huntsville, AL 35810

Minister: The Reverend Alice Syltie

Board President: Laurel Bollinger  

Editorial Board: Laurel Bollinger, Kathy Heath 


Newsletter deadlines are each Monday at midnight!
Please send submissions to news collator Willette Battle at  


Office Hours: 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Mon-Fri.

Office phone: 256.534-0508, email: .

Minister's email:



Sunday Services are held 10:45 a.m. to 12:00 noon;  

Children's Religious Education held concurrently.   

Nursery available for age 3 years and under.

For further info on any event, call the church office:
256. 534-0508.