The Overlook
Unitarian Universalist Church of Huntsville 
3921 Broadmor Rd., Huntsville AL 35810  
May 3, 2018
Vol. 18 Issue 18
In This Issue
Upcoming Events

Fri. 5/4
Awareness Thru
Movement Class 
10:00 a.m.

Sun. 5/6
CYRE Committee Meeting
9:15 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
Justice Room

Church Services
10:45 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

with The Angel Squad

First Sunday Spring Potluck
Immediately after Service

Annual Congregational Meeting 
12:30 p.m.

YoUUth Group
12:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m.

Tue. 5/8

5:15 p.m.-6:15 p.m.
Adult Religious Education Room 

Wed. 5/9
The UUkulele Fun Group
5:45 p.m.-7:00 p.m.

UUCH Choir Practice 
7:15 p.m.-8:30 p.m.
Music Room

Fri. 5/11
Awareness Thru
Movement Class 
10:00 a.m.

Sun. 5/13
Mother's Day

114 items, 5 complete homeless meal packs, lots of very nice toiletries products plus items for making meal packs were donated by you wonderful souls! Thanks to all!

The Social Justice Committe
e has a monthly goal to collect at least 100 items during each month for the food pantry.
Please put your nonperishable food items or personal care products donation in the basket in the church foyer for the Huntsville Assistance Program (HAP).  
THANK YOU for your continued generosity! 
Yoga at UUCH!
Adult Religious Education is offering a beginning Hatha Yoga Class each Tuesday evening at 5:15 p.m. led by Jessica Schulz. Yoga brings inner quiet and peace of mind, something that could enrich us all.
Each class will last around an hour, so there will be time to get to your important Tuesday evening church meetings afterwards.  

Come dressed in comfortable clothes and bring a mat if you have one (we will have some extras). We will meet in the Adult Religious Education Room. For further information, contact Nancy Finley at 

Everyone is welcome!
Come Sing a
Song with Us

The UUCH choir practices on Wednesdays at 7:15 p.m. in the Music Room. Whether you know how to sing or would like to learn, we would love for you to join us!
UUkulele Fun Group
The Ukulele Fun Group occurs every 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 5:45 p.m. and is open to everyone, regardless of skill level.
Awareness Thru Movement Class 

For a healthy new you, join our
Awareness Through Movement (ATM) class.

Awareness Through movement Class will stop for the summer after May 11th.

These classes focus on gentle movements that can assist us in being more comfortable and pain-free in our everyday activities. Come learn how to use the core of your body to improve movement, balance, and chronic pain.
Everyone is welcome!

Classes, led by Sally Locklear, are drop-in with no experience necessary
. Wear comfortable, loose clothing and bring a bath or beach towel to use as head support for comfort in side-lying. ATM is held on Friday mornings at
10:00 a.m. 
For more information, contact Nancy Finley at UUCH Adult Religious Education focuses on the whole spiritual person--mentally and physically. Join us!

Quick Links...
Join Our Mailing List
UUCH 17-18  
Board Members
Laurel Bollinger

Denise Runnels

Nancy Finley

Greg Howard

Susan Coddington
Kathy Heath

Lynsie Lamitie

Ex Officio:
Reverend Alice Syltie

Do you have an Agenda Item for the Board?  
The Board respectfully requests that all agenda items for the meeting be submitted to Board President Laurel Bollinger, no later than one week prior to the meeting, i.e. the Tuesday before. You may phone her at home or send a copy of your request to
President@uuch.orgThe next UUCH Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 22nd.

The Overlook is a publication of The Unitarian Universalist Church, 3921 Broadmor Rd. Huntsville, AL 35810


The Reverend Alice Syltie

Board President:  

Laurel Bollinger   

Editorial Board:  

Susan Coddington 

Kathy Heath 


Newsletter deadlines are each Monday at midnight.
Please send submissions to news collator Willette Battle at  


Office Hours:

10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  
Monday - Friday


Office phone: 256-534-0508
email: .

Minister's email:



Sunday Services are held 10:45 a.m. to 12:00 noon; Children's Religious Education held concurrently. Nursery available for age 3 years and under.


For further info on any event, call the church office:

Upcoming Service

Sunday, May 6, 2018
A People of Creativity:

A Farewell Sermon

The Reverend Alice Syltie 

So often, we think of creativity as belonging to the realm of artists and poets. The truth is, life itself is a creative process. Relationships and interdependence remind us that we are co-creators with all that exists. As I prepare to close this chapter in my life, and in our shared ministry, we will look at what together we have created, while also considering a question about the future. Do you know what are you building, constructing, composing, planting, or recreating with your life?

* On the first Sunday of each month, we Share the Plate during the offering, Share our Lunch with each other during Potluck, and Share our Bounty by filling the Food Basket! Please don't forget to bring non-perishable food and hygiene items for the food basket to be donated to the Huntsville Assistance Program.

All donations are welcome and appreciated. 
  This Sunday in Children and
Youth Religious Education (C Y RE)
Calling all children and youth! This Sunday we will prepare for the annual Religious Education Appreciation Service that will be held on May 13th. Each room creates a short showcase of what they've been learning and doing this year to share with the congregation. Come this week to prepare with the rest of your group. Come on the 13th to share with the congregation.

All are welcome! There are parts for all!

Nursery (ages 0-3) and childcare (ages 4-12) will be available in the Religious Education area.
If you haven't already, please register your child/youth for this year's CYRE program. For more information, contact Erin Reid, Director of Religious Education, or Audrey Fox, CYRE Chair.
Annual Congregational Meeting 
May 6th, 2018 at 12:30 p.m.
After services this Sunday, May 6th, we will be holding our Annual Congregational Meeting.

Because we are a democratic community, UUCH members are collectively vested with responsibility for the congregation. At our Annual Congregational Meeting, members will vote on items such as next year's budget and electing the upcoming governing Board.

Please make every effort to attend; we need a quorum.

If you have not received your materials for the meeting, please notify Willette Battle in the church office ( or 256-534-0508) as soon as possible. Thank you!
Share the Plate*
This Sunday, we will share the Plate with The Angel Squad, a 501(c)(3), Helping Hands Projects volunteer organization.

The Angel Squad coordinates a network of people with different skills and big hearts who are ready to help anyone in any situation. Included in the Helping Hands Projects are homeless outreach and charity item distribution. This group collects donated items, sorts them, and delivers them to the homeless, other individuals, or local organizations or sells the items for the Angel's fund. Collected funds go directly to their clients' needs including items like diapers, food, and clothes.

They are helping hands with big hearts who are committed to showing charitable acts of love and kindness to the community through fellowship. They partner with other organizations on projects such as paying for medications, utilities, cleaning a house, fixing a car, you name it! They help when others won't. There are no restrictions.

For more information, go to

May First Sunday Spring Potluck 

Join us for Reverend Alice's last First Sunday Potluck on May 6th. This will be a special potluck with so many ways for you to express your cooking and sharing gifts. Spring specialties abound! Your place at our UUCH community table is waiting for you to claim it.

After the potluck, please stay for the Annual Congregational Meeting.

-- Sponsored by Hospitality
All-ages Camp-out
May 18-19

Join church friends for an All-ages Camp-out on Friday, May 18th, to Saturday, May 19th, at the country home of Amanda Schuber and Wanda Snoddy ( 200 Jo Mar Road, Ardmore, AL).  The camp-out will begin at 6:00 p.m. on Friday and end at 11:00 a.m. on SaturdayYou are welcome to come earlier  on Friday afternoon for set-up and spend time on the farm. All church members and friends are welcome. Children and youth should attend with parents/guardians.

Plan to bring with you: tents, sleep gear, jacket, sturdy shoes, change of clothes, camp chair, flashlight, outdoor games you'd like to play, food to share, and your spirit of adventure and community fun. Follow this link to RSVP for the camp-out and to sign-up to bring a camping classic food item: hot dogs and veggie dogs, beans, chips and dip, s'mores, hot chocolate, and more!  
This event is sponsored by the Children and Youth Religious Education program. Email for additional information. All ages are welcome!
New Class in June
Steady Steps - Balance in Sitting, Standing and Walking

Join us for a 4 week-long, fun class designed to help anyone improve their balance in sitting or walking. This easy class will help you take steps to improve your balance. With better balance, you will be safer and more efficient in your daily activities.

Come as you are, no need for exercise clothes. We will meet at 11:00 a.m. every Wednesday in June and finish in time to go to lunch. Everyone is welcome.

The class will be taught by Sally Locklear. For more information, contact Nancy Finley, Chair Adult RE, at

Care List
This Sunday, April 29, 2018,  
at our Circle of Candles:
Susan Coddington: lit a candle of joy; Tim's back surgery went well and he is moving around, slowly but surely. I'm thankful that my step-daughter, Lynn Gilbert, came in yesterday to relieve me so that I could get a good night's sleep.
Carolyn Reyes: lit a candle of joy; We celebrated Michael's birthday Monday. We enjoyed a long overdue sequel.

Kathy Fisher: lit a candle of joy; I'm so glad my friend, Peggy Mansfield, got to go home from the hospital after her second hip replacement surgery cracked her femur and necessitated another surgery to repair everything.