Check Fire Extinguishers: Make sure fire extinguishers are visible and easily accessed. Check the extinguisher pressure and other parts to know that everything will work in an emergency. Review instructions for using your extinguishers.
Test Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors: Change detector batteries and push the test button to ensure they work. Carbon monoxide can sneak up on you since it is odorless and colorless. Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are first-line defenses.
Clean and Inspect Your Fireplace and Chimney: Fireplaces and chimneys must be in good shape to keep you warm. More importantly, if not cleaned annually, they can be fire hazards. Get your fireplace checked out by a pro who has equipment for cleaning chimneys and makes sure dampers work properly.
Give Your Furnace a Checkup: Once a year, it's a good idea to have your heating system inspected by a professional. To avoid the last-minute rush, consider scheduling this task in early fall, before the heating season begins. If in poor repair, a furnace can fail to keep you warm during a storm and a broken fresh air exhaust vent can cause carbon monoxide poisoning.
Schedule Annual Generator Maintenance: Check your whole-house generator or any portable generators that keep your household going during Vashon’s occasionally quite long power outages. Review the steps to connect your generator and start it safely. You don’t want to find out a generator isn’t working when you need it to get through a power outage!
Get a Solar Checkup Too: Make sure solar panels are cleaned annually. If your system also has a solar battery for backup power, know how to test it and what is connected to it when grid power goes out. Call your solar installation contractor if you need help to understand your system, or if it’s not working correctly.
Inspect Outdoor Lighting: Ensure outdoor lights work correctly and change bulbs as needed. Outdoor lighting protects your personal safety because it helps you see icy patches and avoid trip hazards.