January 2020

Compensation Update

It would be so simple if practice owners could open a fortune cookie for each one of their employees and find the method by which to fairly compensate them.  While there are commonly accepted methods of compensation, their implementation in veterinary practices varies because different entrepreneurs have different business goals.  

Also, "fairness" is a relative term that introduces variability into an equation that might otherwise be consistent from practice to practice.  This article describes the factors that practice owners should consider when determining compensation for veterinarians and paraprofessional staff. 

Maintaining the Human-Animal Bond: Telemedicine- Video on Demand

There are many challenges facing the veterinary profession and an estimated 30% to 40% of pets never see a veterinarian for care.
Charlotte Lacroix, DVM, JD recently presented on the topic of " Maintaining the Human-Animal Bond Through Telemedicine" - available for viewing On Demand and eligible for 0.25 hr of CE credit. In this segment Dr. Lacroix discusses how telemedicine can serve to connect veterinary professionals with pet owners as well as promote better health care for their patients and convenience for clients. Discussion includes best practices for implementing telemedicine in the context of current legal standards.
This segment is part of the  Human-Animal Bond: Insights for Veterinary Professionals Program produced and hosted by 
® This series provides up to 8 hours of accredited Continuing Education (AAVSB RACE, NY, and NJVMA-approved) for veterinary professionals. Topics provide brief learning opportunities that will directly impact their day-to-day experiences working with people and their animals, their financial bottom line, and their quality of life.

VBA HR Webinars

Upcoming Webinar:

Webinar #2: HR Changes for 2020
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
3:00 PM to 4:00 pm ET

Each year, employment laws are changed and we face new challenges with managing our employees. This interactive session will provide attendees with the ability to address some of the new legal updates and hot topics in employee relations and compliance.

Click Here for More Dates and Info
In This Issue
Book Club Contest!

Join the VBA team as we read and discuss motivating and thought-provoking books.
Each week we will post a summary to begin conversation. 

At the end of the book, the  most interactive team wins a VBA gift basket.  
Sign up is free!

If you would like to be entered to win a basket full of gifts and prizes, including VBA services (valued at least $300), 
there is a $50 
entry fee per team to enter the contest.

To sign up or for more information, contact

A Renewed Attempt in Congress to
Eliminate Non-Compete
Originally Published by Jackson Lewis

A bipartisan bill aimed at generally banning non-compete agreements across the
country has been introduced in the Senate by Senators Chris Murphy (D-Conn.)
and Todd Young (R-Ind.). The Workforce Mobility Act of 2019, which closely
tracks the Democrat-led Workforce Mobility Act of 2018, is a stark contrast to
the limited and more measured approaches that have predominated at the state

WVC: Quick Cup of Knowledge

Quick Cup ok Knowledge - Dr. Charlotte Lacroix - Corporate Medicine

As an attorney and veterinarian, Dr. Charlotte Lacroix brings a wealth of experience to this week's Quick Cup of Knowledge. Dr. Natalie Marks and Dr. Lacroix talk about what you need to do when you are preparing to sell and how to know if a corporate or private sale is right for your practice. For practice owners who want to learn more about practice management, come to Annual Conference in 2020 to hear more from professionals like Dr. Lacroix.

Upcoming Speaking Events

NAVC                                                                Michigan Vet Conference
Dr. Charlotte Lacroix                                        Dr. Charlotte Lacroix

January 18-22, 2020                                          January 23-25, 2020
Orlando, FL                                                          Lansing, MI

Topics:                                                                   Topics:
Risk Management                                               Medical Records and Informed Consent  L egal Issue Must Knows                                    HR Quagmires
Cannabis in Pets                                                  Use of Cannabis in Practices
Telemedicine                                                        Negotiating with Corporate
Effective Leadership                                           Malpractice 
Competing with Corporate                                Veterinary Pharmacy Laws

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