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Fourth Sunday of Advent

Sing Songs of Hope

Luke 1:46-55 

Jo Forrest

One Worship Service

10:00 a.m.

Sanctuary and Livestream

View/download bulletin here.


All are welcome to join us for Christmas Eve worship services.

5:00 p.m. - Family Worship in the Sanctuary and via Livestream

7:00 p.m. - Contemporary Candlelight Worship in the WROC and via Livestream

9:00 p.m. - Traditional Candlelight Worship in the Sanctuary and via Livestream

Children of all ages are welcome to join their family for any of the Christmas Eve worship services.

Christmas Eve Loose Offering

In this season of joy and giving, there are those in our communities who experience hardships and lack basic necessities. We think of and pray for these men, women and children experiencing homelessness. We recognize all that we have in our lives and seek to bring some light to theirs. The Christmas Eve offering will be given to Street Moms, a community outreach initiative that hand delivers needed items to and establishes personal connections with those experiencing homelessness in Wheeling, WV. WPC engages in hands on mission with Street Moms, making meals, supplying tents and other necessities. The offering also will be shared with Proud Haven, a local shelter for homeless LGBTQIA+ youth, an organization selected by the youth of Westminster as a meaningful cause.

Sunday School and the Westminster Seminars will not meet on December 24 or 31. Please join us on January 7.


The church office is closed on December 22, 25, and January 1.


The Chancel Guild wishes to thank all who contributed Christmas poinsettias. They add greatly to the beauty of Westminster Presbyterian Church. Poinsettias may be picked up on December 24 following the 7:00 and 9:00 p.m. services, and from December 26 through 28, between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.

New Year's Eve, Sunday, December 31

10:00 a.m. - One worship service in the Sanctuary and via Livestream

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Register now for Winter fitness classes at the WROC!

Burn and Sculpt

Thursdays, January 4 – February 22

10:00 – 11:00 a.m.

WROC Fitness Room

This nonstop class combines basic cardio moves with continuous strength exercises, using weights and resistance bands for a total body workout.  Visit our website for a list of all fitness classes. 


Prayer requests may be shared through the link on the church website, by emailing Rev. Ann Morris at, or by calling the church.

Westminster Presbyterian Church

Dr. Jo Forrest, Senior Pastor, Head of Staff

412-835-6630 |

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