Dear Friends in Christ,
After months of praying and preparing, I am delighted to finally join you in worship this Sunday.
Amidst all the devastating news this week of violence and division, some good news might be ignored. This past week Pope Francis issued a Spiritus Domini (Spirit of the Lord) that preclude Catholic dioceses from excluding women from the altar area. Women may permanently serve as lectors and acolytes carrying the word and sacrament to the people. Women are no longer excluded from being next to the sacred.
As Father James Martin states: “Those who have said the church can never change, or that doctrine can never change, will have to grapple with this clear change in both church practice and law.”
Thankfully, the Presbyterian Church USA and Westminster have a long history of hearing the word of God and embracing change.
I am honored you called me to serve you.
This Sunday we continue to celebrate the season of Epiphany and will begin a four-week sermon series to consider how God calls each of us and Westminster in this new year and into the future.
The lectionary passage we will hear this Sunday relates the story of a young Samuel, who heard God’s call while resting near the arc of the God.
God’s call set in motion a new path for him and all of Israel.
Do we hear God call?
How will we respond?
I look forward to seeing you in worship this Sunday.
Jo Forrest