Sunday, January 3

All are welcome to join us for livestream worship services. See below for YouTube links to the services.
Lord's Supper
As part of our service, you will be invited to participate in the Lord’s Supper. Please have bread and drink on hand.

9:00 a.m. Bridge Contemporary Worship
11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship
Dan Merry
Reverend Dr. Daniel B. Merry is our guest preacher today. Dan has served the Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh, faithfully for decades prior to his recent retirement. He was the senior pastor of Southminster Presbyterian Church in Mt Lebanon, PA and John McMillian Presbyterian Church in Bethel Park, PA. He also served on staff at Pittsburgh Presbytery for many years supporting medium sized congregations. Dan has a heart for mission and established a partnership with the Synod of Blantyre in Malawi, Africa. You may find Dan at Camp Crestfield where he encourages young people to grow in their faith in that beautiful setting. Welcome Dan to Westminster Church!
Livestream Worship Services
9:00 a.m. Bridge Contemporary Worship
11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship
Prayers of Concern and Thanksgiving

Please send your prayer concerns and joys to Louise Rogers at [email protected]. Personal visits are somewhat available so please call to make arrangements.  
Giving to Westminster

As 2020 comes to a close, we still have a shortfall of about $270K in pledge receipts, or 19% of our total pledges budgeted in 2020 – a significant gap. If you are behind in your contributions, please prayerfully consider fulfilling your 2020 pledge the best you can so that we as a church can make a strong push into the new year.

Give Online
Give a one-time gift, or set up a recurring gift through MyWPC.

Text Message
  • Text WPCUSC to 73256. Standard text messaging rates may apply.
  • Click the link you receive in your text message response.

By Mail
Mail your check payable to Westminster Presbyterian Church to Richard Mills, Westminster Presbyterian Church, 2040 Washington Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15241. Designate the fund in the memo line.

For questions about your giving, please contact Richard Mills at 412-835-6630x201. He will be in the office on Wednesday, December 30, from 10:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m.
Welcome, Dr. Jo Forrest!
After a two-year extensive search, Westminster is pleased to welcome Reverend Dr. Jo Forrest as our next senior pastor and head of staff. Jo and her husband, Hamish, are in the process of relocating from Chicago and Jo will officially join our church family in the office on Monday, January 4. Westminster is excited for Jo’s arrival and looking forward to begin God’s work with her.

You can read more about Jo on our website here.

A heartfelt thank you to Dr. Bruce Lancaster who faithfully served Westminster as interim senior pastor prior to Jo’s arrival. We wish him the best as he approaches a new chapter in his life.
Pastor Transition Team (PTT)

In November, the Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) was disbanded, based on a vote from the congregation, the same day we voted to bring Jo Forrest to us as our new senior pastor and head of staff. With no more PNC, that group recommended that there be a new group – the PTT, or Pastor Transition Team. This group was created by bringing together representatives of key areas of church life. The PTT will provide Jo with a list of resources and will respond to questions she may have as she learns who’s who and what’s what at Westminster. 

Offering Envelopes

If you indicated on your pledge card that you would like to receive offering envelopes for 2021, you may now pick them up in the church Gallery (office entrance). If you have not requested 2021 envelopes and would like to receive them, please contact Peg Kinsey at 412-835-6630x211 in January.
Per Capita for 2021

Going back to our earliest days, Presbyterians in our country collected an equal contribution from each member to help the church accomplish its regional and national work. The per capita payment for this year is set at $34.79 per member. You will find a blue envelope for this payment in your offering envelopes or the payment can be paid online through the Westminster website under Give Online Now. Per Capita is listed on the drop down menu. Thank you for your support!
The Spire Online

Our monthly newsletter is now available in an easy to read online format.

If you prefer a printable version, all previous issues of the Spire are available on our website.
Game Night with the Deacons

Friday, January 8
7:00 p.m.

Are you a Trivia Genius? A Fantastic Family Feuder? Or a Scattergories Superstar? Join the deacons for a fun evening of games over Zoom. Looking forward to seeing everyone for a fun evening of friendly competition and laughs. Please register each member of your family who will be playing.
WROC Fitness Classes for Winter 2021

Classes begin January 8.

Registration for select in person and virtual fitness classes is now available. Class selection and number of participants are limited to ensure safety and follow PA Department of Health guidelines. Please visit our website for a complete list of class offerings, registration details, and safety protocols and guidelines.
Westminster Seminars Online

January Series
Disparities, Justice, and Loving All Our Neighbors

The seminars begin the new year with a focus on how we can better understand the realities and challenges of working toward justice for all.

January 10 – Why Justice Is Essential for a Beloved Community, Ralph Lowe
January 17 – The Color of COVID-19, Fatima Cody Stanford, MD
January 24 – From Slavery to COVID-19: Understanding the Origins and Impact of Health Disparities, Jamy Ard, MD
January 31 – Let’s Try Systemic Justice (For Once), Tony Norman

Join via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 874 8815 1092
Passcode: 737182
Last Week's Worship Service

The combined service from last Sunday is available to watch on our YouTube channel by clicking here.
Contact Us

Westminster Presbyterian Church
2040 Washington Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15241

Senior Pastor, Head of Staff

Associate Pastor for Congregational Care
Stay Connected Online
Visit us on Facebook and YouTube to stay connected.