October 10, 2019
YC Christmas Cash!
In order to maintain the lowest tuition fee possible, each family is asked to participate in 2 fundraisers per year (actual cost per pupil is over $9,000.00).  We have decided to move away from the traditional fall Magazine Drive and offer an alternative option that is less expensive for patrons and more rewarding for all. 

The YC Christmas Cash Calendar Raffle will be sold from October 11 through November 1. Calendars will be sold for $25.00 each.  Each calendar purchased will have a four-digit number and will enter the buyer in a daily drawing for the month of December.  Each day of December has a different payout assigned.  When a purchaser's calendar number is pulled on a specific date in December, they will win the amount noted on that date.  Every purchaser has 31 chances to win, coordinating with the 31 days of the month.  Winners will be posted on the YC website,  www.yorkcatholic.org , and will be notified by email.  The winner does not need to be present to win.  Winning raffle amounts will be mailed weekly.

Quick Links

Return order forms and money to the YC Christmas Cash calendar homeroom representative in a sealed envelope marked with student name(s) and homeroom(s) beginning October 23.  Please make sure the order forms are legible and filled out completely. Numbered calendars labeled with the purchaser's name will be sent home for distribution via the oldest student in the selling family after November 4.  Parents will be notified via email when calendars are being sent home.

As always, these fundraisers would not be possible without our many volunteers.  If you are available to help process orders, or have any questions about the YC Christmas Cash calendar raffle, please contact Mrs. Gick at  sgick@yorkcatholic.org, 717-846-8871 x317, or drop a note to her at the main office.

Students will be learning about the new fundraiser tomorrow.  Detailed information about the raffle and prizes was mailed home yesterday; please check your mailbox.

Thank you in advance for making this a successful fall fundraiser! 
A Night at the Races
The York Catholic Athletic Booster Club is hosting "A Night at the Races," on Saturday, November 9, at YC. Doors open at 5:30 PM. Post time is 6:15 PM.  Join us for 8 simulcast horse races, silent auction, raffles, rip tickets, and all you can eat food and beverages with catering by Mission BBQ for $25.
Fun sponsorship opportunities are available. You can buy a table, name a race, and name your horse(s).  Volunteer opportunities are also available.  Dress is casual. This event is for ages 21+. 

Please support one of our biggest fundraising events and come prepared to play and have fun while supporting YC Athletics.  

Click  here for the flyer.
Click  here for sponsorship opportunities.
Click  here for a ticket order form.

If you have any questions, please contact Brittany Nicholas at 717-846-8871 x322 or  bnicholas@yorkcatholic.org.
Mission Collection

The October Mission Collection will be held in homerooms on Wednesday, October 16, and will support the Knights of Columbus Disaster Relief.  One hundred percent of the funds raised go directly to relief efforts. If parents would like to participate, make checks payable to "Knights of Columbus Charities" and specify "Disaster Relief" on the memo line of your check. Checks can be mailed directly to: Knights of Columbus Charities, Inc., PO Box 382154, Pittsburgh, PA 15251-8154.
Employment Opportunity
Cafeteria Aide
York Catholic is seeking a Cafeteria Aide to help prepare lunches and assist with clean-up Monday through Friday from 8 AM-1 PM throughout the school year. Please send resume, Diocesan application, (available on the York Catholic website), and letter of interest to the following:
Jackie Stubbs
Cafeteria Manager
York Catholic High School
601 East Springettsbury Avenue
York, PA 17403
Open House
York Catholic High School is hosting a Fall Open House on Sunday, October 20, from 12-2 PM. Prospective families considering educational options for their child for grades 7-12 will have a chance to take a tour of the school, talk with teachers who will be answering questions, and hear from York Catholic's current parents who will be mingling with guests and sharing YC experiences. For more information, contact Heather Hoffman at hhoffman@yorkcatholic.org or 717-846-8871 x220.
Click here to pre-register.
Early Dismissal / Teacher In-service

We will have an 11:30 AM dismissal on Friday, October 11, while our teachers attend an In-Service. Buses will adjust their schedules for the earlier pickup time and we ask parents to also pick-up by 11:30 AM.
Cemetery of Innocents

October is Respect Life month.  YC students installed a Cemetery of Innocents on the front lawn to remind us to pray for the souls of the babies who have been lost to abortion. 
Picture Day - Underclassmen Portraits
Lifetouch is the exclusive photography vendor for York Catholic. All students in grades 7-11 will have their yearbook pictures taken Friday, October 11, from 8:30-11:30 AM at YC. Students must be in uniform. Families are under no obligation to purchase a package, but all students will be photographed for the yearbook. For those families wishing to place a photo order, please know there are no paper order forms.  You can place orders online by going to  www.mylifetouch.com  PRIOR to Picture Day and using Picture Day ID# LT219798Q0 (the last digit is a zero and not the letter O). Orders must be placed by October 11 at 8 AM. Pictures will be distributed to students in approximately 4 weeks.
If there is ever an error with your photo order, please contact Lifetouch at 1-717-545-6833 or ltcustomerservice@lifetouch.com . Their Customer Service Department will be best equipped to correct your order or answer your questions.
National Honor Society Inductees
Students selected for membership in the National Honor Society were officially inducted into the chapter last night. Congratulations to our new NHS inductees:
Gina Bolli
Wanting (Sevi) Cai
Julianna Bona
Gabrielle Coley
Gavin Bonner
Miles Cox
Antony Catterall
Victoria Ellis
Sophia DeBolt
Paige Gordon
Matthew Doyle
Mengfan (Ellen) Li
Emilio Gurany
Gabriella Malone
Anna Hale Benjamin Nelson
Grace Hatchard Madison Perry
Laura Laux Nylah Roland-Washington
Megan Lehr Annie Steinfelt
Lena Ndasi Elizabeth Steward
Corinne Oswald Chunfeng (Marin) Zhou
Kelleigh Pollock
Joseph Rizzuto
Riley Santiago

Bernadette Schintz
Shannon Staples
Jonathan Stromberg
Shannon Toomey
Joseph Zelis

College Information Night
A College Admission Information Night will be held for families on Thursday, October 17, at 6:30 PM at YC. Mrs. Eva Phillips, York Catholic College & Career Counselor, and Ms. Sharon Mulligan of the York College Admissions Office, will review the college admission process, student transcripts, recommendation letters, and a Junior and Senior timeline. To register, contact Ms. Kelsey Kman at 717-846-8871 x354 or kkman@yorkcatholic.org.
PSAT Testing
Eleventh graders will take the PSAT on Wednesday, October 16.  For best results, students should have a good night's rest and eat a good breakfast on testing day.  Students need to come prepared with #2 pencils as well as a graphic or scientific calculator.  The PSAT tests students on Reading, Writing, and Math, and is an invaluable practice test preceding the SAT.  Practice test manuals were distributed in homeroom three weeks prior to the exam, and sophomores and juniors are encouraged to take time to become familiar with the test format.  Any questions regarding the test or scoring may be directed to Mrs. Eva Phillips in the guidance office at 717-846-8871 x432 or ephillips@yorkcatholic.org.   
Science Fair Informational Meeting
An informational meeting will be held Thursday, October 17, from 3-3:45 PM in the lecture hall for students who are either required to participate or those who are interested in participating voluntarily in the Science Fair. Please advise your teacher if you are unable to attend.
Senior High
Honor Science students are required to complete a Science Fair project. Any other senior high science student who has previously completed a project is not required to design a project for the current school year, but may choose to participate. Alternate assignments may be used by teachers in place of a Science Fair project for those students who have not completed one previously.
Junior High                     
Interested 7th and 8th grade students are encouraged, but not required, to participate in YC's Science Fair. Please review the Science Fair - 8th Grade document found on the Forms & Documents page of the YC website. 
Service Day at Leg Up Farm
The Student Council invites all students to participate in a morning of community service at Leg Up Farm on Saturday, October 12, from 7:30-10 AM. Students will be assisting with vendor set up in preparation for Leg Up Farm's Fall Fest. Service hours will be given. Students should see Mrs. Wertz in room 103 with questions. Leg Up Farm is located at 4880 North Sherman Street, Mount Wolf, PA 17347.
Box Tops for Education
Please check your boxed and canned goods for the Box Tops for Education logos.   

If your box top is marked with this logo, please cut it out and send it to school. 

If it is labeled with this box top, please scan your receipt. 

Click here for more information and to download the Box Tops for Education app to scan your receipt. Be sure to select York Catholic High School as your school of choice. Our first student reward deadline is October 18, so please have your box tops into school and/or scanned by this date. This is the major fundraiser for junior high student council and junior high activities. You don't have to buy anything or sell anything! Please try to join forces with friends, family, and neighbors to collect or scan as many box tops as possible. The homeroom collecting the most box tops will be rewarded! 
7th Grade Young Women's/Men's Conference Field Trip
Students in 7th grade will participate in the county-wide Young Women's/Men's Conference Tuesday, October 15. The boys' conference will engage in discussions and activities pertaining to being healthy and respectful young male citizens and will be held at LCBC Church. The girls' conference will engage in discussions and activities pertaining to discovering one's self-worth, gifts and talents and to stand out and lead confidently. The girls' conference will be held at the York College Performing Arts Center. Students will return to school at approximately 12:45 PM and attend the remainder of classes held during periods 7-9.
Homecoming Court 2019
The following seniors were named to York Catholic High School's 2019 Homecoming Court. 
Pictured left to right:
Row 1: Joe Fiorenza, Kennedy Eckert, Natalie McGarvey, Giulianna Santamaria, Abby Brenneman, Owen Leese.
Row 2: Sean Lavallee, Josey McKeon, Gabby Malone, Payton Murphy, Lori Schlosser, Fausto Prezioso.
Row 3: Philip Jahn, Cormac Sterling, Ben Nelson, Dylan Smith, Matthew Burnside, Russell McPaul.
Missing from picture: Paige Gordon, Ariyanna Fisher. 
Ben Nelson and Gabby Malone were announced as king and queen prior to the start of the homecoming football game versus Fairfield.
Alumni Homecoming Thank You
T he Alumni Homecoming Weekend was a huge success! We gave tours to over 50 alumni Friday evening before the football game. Our Alumni Social at Central Market was attended by over 120 alumni that reminisced about fun memories while making new ones! Sunday's Memorial Mass in honor of Coach Forjan was our largest attended Homecoming Mass in recent history, with over 200 attendees. Thank you to everyone who visited and supported YC this past weekend!
Our weekend would not have been possible without the help and donations from the following alumni: Clark Wherley '68, Ward Walsh '64, Chris Wagman '67, Jeff Lau '76, Timothy Spangler '81, Christina Marsala '74, Donna Hoffman '72, Van Hoffman '72, Heather Hoffman '91, Kay Kuhn '67, Mary Beth Steelman '76, Joe Steelman '74, Rose Stein '70, Kim March '81, Lisa Pantano '83, and LeAnn Citrone '90. Thank you for making our alumni weekend one for the memory books!
Music Association Meeting
Parents of music and choral students are welcome to attend the York Catholic Music Association meeting on Tuesday, October 15, at 6:30 PM.   The meetings usually last approximately one hour and everyone's input and feedback are welcomed and appreciated. Your help in planning and implementing the efforts of the YCMA are critical.
Futures Trick or Treat

The York Catholic Student Council invites all children ages 12 and under to attend this year's Futures Trick or Treat Wednesday, October 23, from 6-8 PM at York Catholic.  Children will have the opportunity to go trick-or-treating throughout the school and play Fall-themed games. Costumes are encouraged.
Notre Dame Club
The Notre Dame Club of Harrisburg is hosting Kenneth Dye for a lecture entitled "The Traditions and Developments of the American Marching Band" on Tuesday, October 15, at 7:00 PM at Bishop McDevitt High School. In addition to his roles as a Notre Dame Music Professor and the Director of the Notre Dame Marching Band, Professor Dye is an accomplished composer, arranger, and choreographer who is responsible for over 1,800 musical works and shows performed throughout the US and overseas.
The "Hesburgh Lecture Series" brings the Notre Dame campus to its alumni and friends throughout the country. Professor Dye's lecture is one of the most popular and well-reviewed of the several hundred lectures offered. The lecture is open to the public and free of charge.
Asbestos Management Plan
Please click here  for the Diocese of Harrisburg's Asbestos Management Plan. 
Irish Eye Archives

Previous issues of York Catholic's Irish Eye e-newsletter can be found on the home page of the YC website at www.yorkcatholic.org.

York Catholic High School 
601 E Springettsbury Ave
York PA  17403

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