More Maine ... More Mystery?
More Maine. More Mystery?
I've been on the road, meeting "Deadly Trespass" readers and fans of Maine's outdoors. (Thanks to all who visited, asked questions, and shared feedback.)

I am also writing the return adventures of Patton, game warden Moz, and of course, Pock, the wayward Lab. Look for them in bookstores and on-line early in 2019.
My screen saver pic. Helps me create imaginary animal conversations for "Deadly Turn." This time with eagles. 

" You don’t know much about eagles do you?

(Patton) Not yet, but I’m worried I might.

We can dive a hundred miles an hour, soar to 10,000 feet, spot a rabbit two miles away, and knock a full grown goat off a cliff so he’d be a good meal smashed below."
Researching "Deadly Turn" during a Maine Wind Power and Wildlife Conference. ( They wouldn't let me keep the hard hat.)
In "Deadly Trespass" game warden Moz calls wolves the "most dangerous endangered species" because of the emotions they generate. I crafted a murder mystery around these explosive feelings. So, what's going on? This NYTimes article digs into the wolf controversy.

Please Visit! Here's My Upcoming Schedule:

Maine State Library:
Tuesday, July 31, 6:00 PM 7:00 PM
Boothbay Harbor Yacht Club Author Dinner
Tuesday, August 14, 2018; 5:00 PM 8:00 PM
Simpson Memorial Library Author Talk
Thursday, September 6, 2018; 6:30 PM 7:30 PM
Carmel, Maine 

Like to set up a visit? Please share this newsletter or my email with your librarian or event organizer. (I like to donate free Kindle copies to share out ahead of time.) [email protected]
I'm now a member of Maine Crime Writers, a creative, diverse community crafting Maine mayhem. Check out the Maine Crime Writers blog. Thank you!
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