Effect of Laughter Yoga on Loneliness, Resilience and Quality of Life
A recent study examined the impact of laughter yoga on loneliness, psychological resilience and quality of life of older adults living in a nursing home. Results indicated the eight-week program reduced loneliness and increased resilience and quality of life of participants.
Impact of Grandparenting on Life Satisfaction
A study investigating the effect of grandparenting on the life satisfaction of community-dwelling older migrants in China, and the mediating roles that loneliness and self-esteem may play. Results demonstrated that grandparenting can improve life satisfaction by reducing loneliness and increasing self-esteem.
Effects of a Social Robot Intervention on Cognitive and Emotional Health
This study explored whether a social robot intervention improves cognitive function, depression, loneliness and quality of life in older adults living alone. Following 12 storytelling sessions of a parrot-shaped robot hatching from an egg and growing into an adult robot, results showed the social robot intervention improved cognitive function and reduced depression and loneliness among participants.
Trends in Older Adult Loneliness
The results of a January 2023 University of Michigan National Poll on Healthy Aging showed that 34 percent of adults between the ages of 50 and 80 felt isolated from others in the past year, down from 56 percent in 2020 but still more than findings from a 2018 pre-pandemic poll (27 percent).