A Publication for
January 2015
From the Heart vertical

Celebrating Success




Congratulations to all recently trained radKIDS instructors we welcome you with open arms and look forward to sharing the important work you will be doing in your communities:

Laredo Independent School District

Laredo, TX
December 12, 2014

radKIDS MEXICO here we come!
Welcome to our First radKIDS Instructor from Mexico.  We welcome Lily to radKIDS and thank her sponsor and cousin from TAMIU (Texas A& M International University) and the Laredo/Webb Child Advocacy Center for making the class possible.



The following Events and Instructor Training programs are on the schedule for 2013. We encourage you to help spread the word and if in your area please stop by to say "HI!".  

Rape Advocacy, Counseling and Education Services (RACES)
Urbana, IL
January 12-16, 2015
Marietta Police Department/Marietta School District
Marietta, GA
January 26-30. 2015
radKIDS National Headquarters
South Dennis, MA
February 9-13, 2015
Delaware City Police Department
Delaware, OH
April 6-10, 2015

radKIDS Resources at
your Fingertips

Wouldn't it be great if we could just push a button and get to the radKIDS website?
Yup, you guessed it! You can. Bookmark the radKIDS website on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. It's easy!!!

Human Trafficking
Educational Resources



NOT MY LIFE - Human Trafficking Resources and Curriculum for Educators


Not My Life is a documentary on modern-day slavery that can be used to raise awareness about human trafficking in classrooms, on campus, and at special screening events. Not My Life resources and materials for educators and students include:

  • Not My Life Educational Use DVD and download, available in feature-length (64 min.) and a classroom version (30 min.). 
  • Educational curriculum for secondary school audiences developed by the US Fund for UNICEF's END Trafficking Project. This free curriculum conforms to Common Core State Standards.

In an effort to make students leaders in the anti-trafficking movement, Not My Life partnered with breaking the Links, a new campaign designed to empower young people in the fight against human trafficking and modern slavery. Students follow four simple steps, which include watching Not My Life, wearing a campaign bracelet, educating others about human trafficking and modern slavery, and sharing on social media. This fall, breaking the Links is partnering with high schools and colleges throughout the United States. The campaign will assist students, educators, and student-led organizations in developing tailored strategies for raising awareness about human trafficking.


To preview both versions of Not My Life:

Feature-length Preview:


password: nml


Abridged Preview:


password: preview


A Commitment
to Quality

The quality of a teacher is often said to be the most important predictor of student success. The radKIDS KIDS Khronicle is an extension of the radKIDS Instructor Training Certification Course and designed to provide credible, timely, consistent information and  resources to our national network of instructors.

We strongly value your input in our continuing battle to stop violence against children. radKIDS welcomes and encourages articles and thoughtful commentary for publishing consideration in the KIDS Khronicle. 

Submissions should be typed
(Word document preferred), spelling error free and e-mailed to: KIDS Khronicle Editor

Article acceptance and placement will be at the discretion of the editorial team.

Like us on Facebook
Happy New Year, Instructors from radKIDS Headquarters. We hope that your holiday season was all you wanted it to be, and more. We also hope that you are rested and ready to get back to the business of building a safer world for the children and families in your community. 

Human Trafficking Ever Increasing in Our News


It was two years ago this month that President Obama declared January Human Trafficking Awareness month. Last year, we did not notice too much about it. So here we are in January of 2015 and it is early in the month but I am truly hopeful that our government will again attempt to educate our nation more on this pandemic of Human Trafficking that is all too common here in the United States.


As an organization and an alliance of Instructors who are helping educate and empower children to live safer lives in their world today, the topic of "Human Trafficking", although uncomfortable for many, must be information we are familiar with and keep in our minds as an increasing reality in our world today.


In many of the informational pieces that are being published we see that many of these children are targeted by their predators due to their lack of confidence and their lack of self-value and self-worth. Once groomed by their predators they are then isolated and controlled through fear and mental and physical violence and victimization. As this is a common theme in many of the articles and studies, it would seem to me that you as radKIDS Instructors are on the front line and for that I am both thankful and grateful.


No, we do not discuss human trafficking directly with our children but we do help them fight off the evil of predatory violence including human trafficking when sharing your radKIDS skills and personal empowerment educational philosophy.  


Our three foundational principals are the front line and a large part of the prevention of victimization we can help empower our children with. When a child accepts as their own foundational boundaries that:


No One has the right to hurt them BECAUSE they are SPECIAL (important, valuable, one of a kind) it builds their Self Value and Self Worth.


radKIDS also know that they don't have the right to hurt anyone else, UNLESS that person is trying to hurt or trick them and they HAVE THE RIGHT TO STOP THEM. In radKIDS you can and do show them how to stop both emotional and physical abuse. This in turn can shift the power and opportunity for a child to recognize, avoid, resist and if necessary escape and lessen the fear power and opportunity of the predator.


And possibly the most important principal of all for our radKIDS to know especially in the area of victimization and coercion by ANYONE is


If ANYONE ever hurts you, makes you feel bad (inside or out) or maybe has hurt you in the past it is NOT YOUR FAULT! And since it is not your fault, YOU CAN TELL and KEEP TELLING until someone helps you. (Because remember you are Special and NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO HURT YOU.)


It is our hope here at radKIDS HQ to continue to provide you up to date information in the battle we are fighting for our children. As a nation we can no longer deny that violence and victimization of our children is much worse than in the past. Thanks to technology our children are exposed to much more information both good and bad than any generation before them. We have the information but where is the "context"? (the right and the wrong, the when we can and when we can't). Many families and educators like yourselves are helping our children but sadly many lack the familiar resources or structure to build their own self-value and self-worth and establish their personal boundaries.


That is why the front line in this fight is you. Empowering these children with life skills education including, self-value, self-worth and the establishment of their own boundaries makes it harder for the predators to manipulate/abduct our children.  It won't 100% stop this pandemic, but it will make it harder, and then we can enhance the reactionary steps of trying to recognize, report, stop and recover.   


Most likely we will continue to lose the battle if we insist on hiding the information from the public or just focus a light on the outrage. (awareness and condemnation) The fact that many, if not the majority, of these children are targeted because they are unprepared for the tricks and skill of their predators. Along with a diminished or lack of confidence and or personal boundaries (self-value and self-worth) and the skills on how to escape if threatened or in fear clearly shows the need to fight back through prevention not just awareness.


Together we are making a difference and with every child you share radKIDS with, you are not only helping them create their own boundaries and skills but you are reinforcing their self-worth through your belief in them. Thank you again for all you do and we look forward to your class rosters and great success in 2015.


Respectfully and always in support

Mr. Steve 

We are starting 2015 by sending out Teachable Moments, our radKIDS newsletter for parents. The intent of Teachable Moments is to begin conversations that develop parents ability to look at situations and safety issues with a different perspective, a child-centered/child-focused perspective; "Through the Eyes of the Child." The newsletters provides parents with the tools to begin tough conversations in an easy way developing the safety partnership that began between parent and child while taking the radKIDS program. 

National Missing Children's Day Poster Contest
This month, we take a look at the Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention's (OJJDP's) National Missing Children's Day Poster Contest for 5th graders. The NMCD poster contests began in 2009.Annually, the Department of Justice hosts the art contest for fifth graders, with this theme - Bring Our Missing Children Home.
2014 Winning Poster
The poster contest provides an opportunity for schools, law enforcement, and other community organizations to engage children and their parents in informative discussions on safety and prevention bringing greater awareness to the issue of missing children, according to Nadia Tunstall, Project Manager for OJJDP's Missing and Exploited Children's Program.

Students are asked to d
raw and design an original poster that reflects this theme as well as complete an application describing the importance of the theme and raising safety awareness.

The poster contest is connected to the commemoration of National Missing Children's Day.
Each year the Department of Justice, in conjunction with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and others, commemorate National Missing Children's Day with a ceremony in Washington, D.C. to honor the heroic and extraordinary efforts of agencies, organizations and individuals who protect children. They are awarded for their courageous and often valiant efforts to recover abducted children and to protect children from exploitation. Among the awards given at this ceremony, is a special award for the National Missing Children Poster Contest.

It's a great way to start off the year thinking about safety but in a way that is more reflective and attractive to artists, writers and thinkers. It's another way for us to see this topic "through the eyes of the child."

For more information and resources about the Poster Contest visit the MECP Poster Contest website. There you will find information, fact sheets, fliers, applications and more.
Entry deadline is March 16, 2015. 

 We couldn't agree more. The poster contest provides Teachable Moments to remind and review our radKIDS of the importance of their radKIDS training and skills so they will be armed both physically and mentally to avoid, resist and if necessary escape violence and abduction. http://www.ojjdp.gov/pubs/childismissing/contents.html

May 25th is the anniversary of the day in 1979 when six-year-old Etan Patz disappeared from a New York street corner on his way to school. It was Etan's first time making the walk alone, and his family never saw him again. Though law enforcement have recently named and arrested a suspect in Etan's disappearance, he still remains missing. Etan's disappearance increased nationwide awareness of the issue of missing children as no other case had before. Etan's face was the first to appear on a milk carton. Then in 1983, National Missing Children's Day was proclaimed by President Ronald Reagan.

Things you should know

  • On average 2,200 children are reported missing each day in the U.S. Child Abductions, in a one-year period, included 3,200 non-family abduction and 354,000 family abductions.
  • A 2006 study indicated that 76.2 percent of abducted children who are killed are dead within three hours of the abduction. 
  • Acting swiftly and effective when a child goes missing is essential. Our radKIDS On...What to do if Your Child Goes Missing provides parents with essential information and resources for what to do and where to go for help if and when their child goes missing.
kills so they will be armed both physically and mentally to avoid, resist and if necessary escape violence and abduction. http://www.ojjdp.gov/pubs/childismissing/contents.html
Copyright 2015(c) radKIDS, Inc.The radKIDS program and techniques are exclusive trademarks of radKIDS, Inc.
radKIDS Inc | 9 New Venture Drive | South Dennis, Massachusetts 02660 | (508) 760-2080