A weekly news update from The Alaska United Methodist Conference
Conference News

Annual Conference related dates released

Last week, preliminary dates were announced for clergy sessions, annual conference sessions and special-called sessions to consider church disaffiliations in both hybrid, online-only or livestreamed gatherings. The email incorrectly labeled the time for the PNW Conference clergy session. It will be held May 24. More details on each session will be coming soon.

Alaska Specific information is:

  • Service of Installation for Bishop Bridgeforth & GNW Opening Session, May 20, livestreamed
  • Alaska Clergy gathering, May 25, online only
  • Alaska Conference Session, June 4-6, hybrid
  • GNW Closing Session, June 15, livestreamed
  • Alaska Special Called Session, May 6, online only

Read more of this story on the GNW News site.

Below are some tentative dates related to the Alaska Conference Session. Please note that some of the dates may shift a little:

  • Send out Report Requests - February 14
  • Send out Award Nominations Requests - March 14
  • Registration Opens - April 4
  • Reports Due - April 15
  • Award Nominations Due - April 23
  • Petitions Due - April 23
  • Publish Pre-Conference Handbook - May 1
  • Registration Closes - May 16
  • Memorial Information Due - May 16

Congratuations to OTF

We are excited to announced that Ola Toe Fuataina United Methodist Samoan Fellowship will be chartering on Sunday, March 19. The Conference will have the opportunity to celebrate with them. More details to come!

Get ready to register for summer camp!

It's almost time to register for summer camps! Registration opens February 1st at www.birchwoodcamp.org.

Spaces are limited, so register early! Only 12 spaces for each session of outdoor camps and 40 spaces for age level camps.

Learn more about the camps, and how to register online.

Updated Mission u call for Study Leaders

Alaska United Women In Faith leadership team is seeking leadership for the first year of a two-year study, with a distinct curriculum created for both 2023 and 2024 under the broader theme of Living the Kin-dom.

In this first year of Living the Kin-dom, we will explore the heart of the good news of the kingdom. Why do preaching the good news of the Kin-dom and acts of curing and healing seem to go hand in hand (Luke 9: 2, 11)? More questions will be answered as well.

This will be an online study.

Please contact staatslori@gmail.com if you have any questions.

mission-u-2023-call-for-study-leaders (1).docx

Payday Loan Jubilee in Progress

Payday loan interest rates in Alaska regularly reach 435% APR, a predatory lending practice affecting over 15,000 of our most economically vulnerable neighbors each year. In solidarity, Mutual Aid Network of Anchorage (MANA) launched the Payday Jubilee this month to pay off payday loans for qualified Alaskans. Local churches are encouraged to share this information widely, and any congregations interested in learning more about predatory lending reform and related economic justice work here in Alaska are encouraged to reach out to Erin Baldwin Day.

Greater Northwest Area News

GNW Abundant Health Ministries offers a Lenten Meditation

Rev. Linda Quanstrom is leading this special event "A Lenten Meditation" on Zoom Wednesday, Feb 15 from 6 to 7:15 pm PT. It's a wonderful opportunity to learn more about contemplative practices and Lent is a great time to follow this practice.

If you have questions, contact Emilie Kroen.

Register for this Virtual Educations Event

Scholarship opportunities for United Methodist students in the Alaska and Pacific Northwest Conferences

Are you a United Methodist college student with membership in a church in the Alaska or Pacific Northwest Conference? If so, the Pacific Northwest Conference has a scholarship program available for students pursuing a degree through an accredited program, college or university. Applications must be completed by the end of the day, March 31st!

These scholarships are being offered to students who are members of a United Methodist ministry setting (church or campus ministry) in the Alaska or Pacific Northwest Conference. We will be offering a limited number of $1,500 scholarships.

Learn more

Greater Northwest Area Clear Appointment Openings

The appointive cabinets of the Greater Northwest Area and the Bishop are continuing the practice of sharing ‘clear openings‘ as the appointment process unfolds. When the appointive cabinets publish clear openings, they are giving clergy the opportunity to express an interest in a particular appointment. An expression of interest will not circumvent the usual discernment process and does not guarantee that the interested clergy will receive preferred consideration.

View the openings here

National News

29 ways you can participate in Black History Month

Black History Month is an opportunity for all of us to celebrate and reflect upon the remarkable contributions African Americans have made to American history. No matter who we are or what our background is, Black history is a part of our history. Through its R2 Hub, The General Commission on Religion and Race has provided 29 unique ways to participate in Black History Month and make a difference in your community.

Discover new ways to participate

UMCOR awards flood assistance grant

In response to the worst statewide storm damage in California history, the United Methodist Committee on Relief has awarded a $10,000 grant to the California-Nevada Conference. This grant is for funding immediate relief efforts. The timing of the grant is ideal, says Steve Elliott, the conference disaster response coordinator.

Read the story

Get bookish in 2023

We are excited to invite you to join us for #StillInMission Episode 51 on February 2, at 12:00 PM ET. You will find the details for the episode here


To register, click here. Registration is required.


United Methodist Missionaries are #stillinmission and we hope that you will join us to learn more!

What is the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity?

The Imago Dei (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) Lenten Bible Study is a five-week study written in the style of Lectio Divina. In this form of Bible study all participants are equal, all insights are of equal value, and there are no wrong answers to correct. This form of Bible study is built upon prayerful listening to the Holy Spirit and to each other. Each person takes turns sharing by mutual invitation. In this Bible study we seek to share with one another the image of God, celebrating our diversity, our equity and our inclusion. During the study we are looking for the same image of God displayed in the lectionary texts used with the hope that the use of this model might facilitate our ability to live in the image of God and to perceive that same sacred image in others.

You can click the button below to view and download it for free on our website: www.r2hub.org.

Download Imago Dei Bible Study

2 new churches launch, offer hope

Out of death comes new life. That's at the heart of the Christian story, and it's also at the center of the story of two new Alabama-West Florida faith communities. Both Restoration and Open Door United Methodist churches represent fresh starts after the ravages of Hurricane Michael, COVID and disaffiliations.

Read the story

Tiny House village houses homeless

Twenty "tiny house" structures are housing about 40 formerly homeless people on the grounds of Riverton Park United Methodist Church. Pastor Jan Bolerjack said it operates a little differently than other such villages because there's no perimeter fence or check-in system. Neighbor Jerry Diaz said the people in the tiny houses haven’t been a problem, except for some noise issues.

Read the story and watch video

Coins for Lent 2023

During Lent, many of us are reminded once again to examine our lifestyles and ask, "What can we do for others?" Part of faith formation at any age is compassion and offering a serving heart to our neighbors.

One way to involve the whole family is to collect coins during the season of Lent and then following Easter, donate the money.

Read More

Download the "Lent for Giving" Calendar (pdf)

Mexican bishop became pastor in the U.S.

The Rev. Joel Mora Peña had a unique ministry trajectory, serving as a bishop in the Methodist Church of Mexico before immigrating to the U.S. and becoming a cherished pastor of Hispanic congregations in The United Methodist Church. He died Jan. 3 at age 88.

Read the story

Conference Calendar

26: Mission District Task Force

29-31: National Association of Directors of Connectional Ministries meeting - Lisa attending

1: First Day of Black History Month

2: Leadership Team meeting

6-14: WJ College Deans & DCMs Retreat - Lisa & Christina attending

14: Valentine's Day

15-21: Superintendent on vacation

20: Presidents' Day - Office Closed

22: Ash Wednesday

Upcoming Clergy Birthdays

The United Methodist Church

Bishop's Blog




Conference Office




Superintendent - Christina DowlingSoka


Director of Connectional Ministries - Lisa Talbott


Submissions - If you have an article or event that you would like to share with the rest of the conference, submit it to the conference office by Tuesday at 9:00 am for consideration.
Submit news articles here!
Values Statement
We acknowledge that the Methodist Church is complicit with and rooted in the colonization of Alaska and recognize that we live in that ongoing legacy. We lament the harm and trauma that our faith community causes. John Wesley, founder of the Methodist Movement, summarized God’s directives with three Rules: do no harm, do good, and attend to the ordinances of God. We also celebrate the grace, the love, and the good that our church does that calls us to re-imagine mission through intentional discipleship with one another.
We will live into the transition to a Mission District committed to:
Alaska Conference Values
  1. The love of God, neighbor, and self, demonstrated by the deliberate embracing and valuing of differences, the leveling of imbalances between people and systems, and the intentional dismantling of inequities in whatever forms they present themselves.
  2. Healing, grace-filled mission with communities and churches that prioritizes local experiences and shares resources across time and distance through equitable relationships.
  3. Living into connectionalism by belonging to and trusting in one another to nurture relationships that celebrate the gifts each of our communities bring, allowing us to move forward in a decolonized way.
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