A weekly news update from The Alaska United Methodist Conference
Conference News

Professional Church Workers' Retreat

In Alaska, we have a broad range of people engaged in professional ministry, so this retreat is open to all professional church workers - pastors, deaconesses, home missioners, LLPs, CLMs, elders, deacons, camp directors, and more, both active and retired. This retreat is specifically geared toward those who have been actively engaged in ministry during these challenging times and need space to breathe, process, and play. The purpose of this retreat is to embrace play as a sacred act, to offer an intentional respite to those who have been ministering in a variety of ways during this very difficult time, and to connect and build relationships with one another. See more information linked in the invitation letter and updated draft agenda. Please direct questions to Lisa Talbott.

Register here


Disaster relief for Western Alaska

As we have watched the devastating storms that have hit the western coast of Alaska over the weekend, many have wondered what they might do. Alaska Conference Disaster Response is actively involved with partnering agencies and state emergency response to help with response and have a view to recovery. 

We are inviting churches to hold special offerings this coming week, using the Conference Advance #310 to remit funds to the conference. Anything collected will be used in state as we respond to the communities in need. 

In the coming weeks, we hope to announce some training opportunities for those interested in being part of an Early Response Team. These are short-term teams that go into disaster areas to help with muck outs and clean ups. While we do not have specific plans to deploy these teams, this training will prepare you to be ready when we are able to determine the need. 

If you have any questions, please contact Dan Wilcox, Conference Disaster Response Coordinator, danielpwilcox@gmail.com, 907.414.7078.

Checks can be sent to Conference Treasurer, Brant Henshaw, at PO Box 13650, Des Moines, WA 98198-3650

70th Anniversary reflections

Fairbanks First UMC recognized 70 years of service to the community on September 17-18, 2022. Rev. Bob Jones hosted two previous pastors, Rev. David Dyrenforth and Rev. Jim Hardenbrook, both of whom made comments about their time in Fairbanks. Conference Lay Leader Jo Anne Hayden and Conference Historian Larry Hayden were able to speak briefly. About 100 people watched a slide show of days gone by after dining on a catered barbecue dinner. A fine time was had by all. The Sunday worship service was given by Rev. Christina DowlingSoka on the topic "Running with the Witnesses." When is your church's anniversary? Time to make a plan!

Registration opens for the 2022 Western Jurisdictional Conference

Registration is now available for the 2022 Western Jurisdictional Conference (WJC), to be held at Christ UMC in Salt Lake City on Nov. 2-5. Delegates to this year’s WJC expect to elect new United Methodist bishops, celebrate the retirements of Bishops Hoshibata, Hagiya, and Stanovsky, and consider other actions that will move us forward together. Visit the Western Jurisdiction’s website for more information about the conference and register. The WJC will be livestreamed, allowing people to observe without needing to travel to Salt Lake City.

Laity Sunday 2022

This year's Laity Sunday theme from Discipleship Resources is Rise Up! Reveal. God's love for us is revealed through Jesus Christ. This year, you may choose to celebrate Laity Sunday on October 9, while the clergy and professional church workers are on retreat. Attached are a draft bulletin and notes based on the theme. All you need to do is recruit volunteers and choose hymns! Also, there are additional resources from the Greater New Jersey Conference for your reference. Special thanks to David Means, Donna Singleton, and Betty Hertz who wrote and compiled these resources. We give God thanks for the priesthood of all believers!

Laity Sunday Notes

Laity Sunday Bulletin

GNJ Laity Sunday Preaching Resource

GNJ Laity Sunday Worship Resource

Charge Conference paperwork ready for download

Conference Superintendent Christina DowlingSoka is planning Church/Charge Conferences with all the Alaska churches. As those meetings get scheduled, now is the time to start filling out the paperwork. The superintendent is asking that the paperwork is completed and emailed at least one week prior to your scheduled meeting.  You can find the Church/Charge Conference page here.

National and International News

Webinar for Church and Society

Join Church and Society for their upcoming webinar, Justice Talks: Christian Nationalism on Wednesday, September 28 at 3pm (EST).

Register to hear from Church and Society staff and ecumenical partners about the rise of Christian nationalism, why we should be concerned, and what we can do to protect religious freedom for all.

WCC Assembly closes with call to 'act for justice'

At the end of the 11th General Assembly of the World Council of Churches, delegates called for the "healing of our living planet." The message, titled "A Call to Act Together," read: "We will find a strength to act from a unity founded in Christ’s love." The group also adopted statements on peace, including one denouncing the "illegal and unjustifiable" Russian invasion of Ukraine and another on the Israeli and Palestinian conflict.

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Read sidebar on peace statements

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Hungarian camp houses Ukrainian Roma refugees

At the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, about 800,000 refugees crossed through Hungary. The United Methodist Church in Hungary has helped to house hundreds of refugees, including at a summer camp.

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Health and Wholeness

Join Church and Society as they celebrate National Day of Prayer for Mental Illness Recovery and Understanding.

Tune-in Tuesday, October 4, 2022 on Church and Society's YouTube page and Facebook Live. The broadcast begins at 1:00 p.m. EST.

Mental illness is a condition that burdens millions of people throughout the world. Between the personal stigma and often difficult life experiences, many are left to feel as though they are alone and without hope of wholeness.

Too often, our society and religious organizations have played a role alienating those suffering from mental illness, casting them aside or contributing to their brokenness and dejection. As United Methodists, we believe those coping with mental illness are human beings made in the ever divine, ever loving and ever image of our almighty God. “Persons with mental illness and their families have a right to be treated with respect on the basis of common humanity and accurate information. This should be evident in how we welcome, assist, uplift and support those with mental illness in our congregations and in our communities.” ( Social Principles ¶162.x ).

#StillInMission Episode 47

United Methodist Missionaries are #stillinmission and we hope that you will join us to learn more!

We are excited to invite you to join us for #StillInMission Episode 47 which will be on October 6 at 8 am AK time!

To register, click here. Registration is required.

World Communion Sunday - Oct. 2

United Methodists join Christians of different traditions to recognize our oneness in Christ and to bring us together in a spirit of unity and peace. In the ResourceUMC pastor and leaders’ kit, you can find Spanish, Korean, French and English resources to help you prepare for your World Communion Sunday service.

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United Methodist addresses mass incarceration

Toska Medlock Lee, national co-coordinator for the Oct. 19-22 National Summit on Mass Incarceration, talks about the upcoming event on “The Francene Marie Show.” She also tells how her family has been affected by the problem. The summit, sponsored by Strengthening the Black Church for the 21st Century and Exodus Foundation.org, will be held at Charlotte's University City United Methodist Church.



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UMC bishops seek donations for Puerto Rico in wake of hurricane

The Council of Bishops (COB) of The United Methodist Church is appealing for donations to assist the recovery efforts in Puerto Rico following the devastation left on the island by Hurricane Fiona last week.

The Methodist Church of Puerto Rico sent a letter to the COB asking for help and donations. In the letter of appeal, Bishop Lizzette Gabriel Montalvo, said: “our beloved brothers and sisters from different locations, we kindly ask for support on this journey in which once again we humbly give what we have received by grace. Your act of love by sending monetary donations for us to continue purchasing first aid supplies to thousands of families around the Island will make the difference in the lives of many people experiencing difficulties in their recovery process.”

Click here to read the letter from Bishop Montalvo to see how you may donate.

Faith and futbol: Church scores big with kids

Aldersgate United Methodist Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, started a youth soccer program in 2017 to teach children how playing soccer helps build faith. “This area used to be full of trees, snakes and glass. But with the help of the moms, we cleaned this soccer field and turned it into a sanctuary,” said Pastor Juan Julio Paredes. United Methodist Communications shares how the program is making a difference in the community.

Watch the video

The banners she made blessed many

Ruth Gene Tucker, who died on June 24, created hundreds of Christian-themed banners that hang in her church, Christ United Methodist in Farmers Branch, and other places. She used pieces of her wedding gown in making a series of 13 banners for the church. Many of her banners were made to bless marriages or baptisms. Her pastor, the Rev. Scott Holcomb-McClain, reflects on Tucker’s life and ministry.

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Conference Calendar

15-30: Lisa out of the office

30-Oct 2: United Women in Faith Annual Gathering

7-9: Professional Church Workers Retreat

10: Indigenous Peoples' Day

13-17: GNW DCM Retreat

18-20: GNW Cabinet Meeting

31: Halloween

Upcoming Clergy Birthdays

September 28 - Darla Bradley

October 8 - Andy Bartel

October 10 - Luke Jones

October 18 - Dan Wilcox

Conference Office

Superintendent - Christina DowlingSoka

Director of Connectional Ministries - Lisa Talbott
Submissions - If you have an article or event that you would like to share with the rest of the conference, submit it to the conference office by Tuesday at 9:00 am for consideration.
Values Statement
We acknowledge that the Methodist Church is complicit with and rooted in the colonization of Alaska and recognize that we live in that ongoing legacy. We lament the harm and trauma that our faith community causes. John Wesley, founder of the Methodist Movement, summarized God’s directives with three Rules: do no harm, do good, and attend to the ordinances of God. We also celebrate the grace, the love, and the good that our church does that calls us to re-imagine mission through intentional discipleship with one another.
We will live into the transition to a Mission District committed to:
Alaska Conference Values
  1. The love of God, neighbor, and self, demonstrated by the deliberate embracing and valuing of differences, the leveling of imbalances between people and systems, and the intentional dismantling of inequities in whatever forms they present themselves.
  2. Healing, grace-filled mission with communities and churches that prioritizes local experiences and shares resources across time and distance through equitable relationships.
  3. Living into connectionalism by belonging to and trusting in one another to nurture relationships that celebrate the gifts each of our communities bring, allowing us to move forward in a decolonized way.
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