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August 2014
New AAVMC Officers Assume Duties at Annual Assembly 
Dr. Trevor Ames
Dr. Trevor Ames, dean of the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine, began his term as president of the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges (AAVMC) during the organization's annual business meeting held on July 28, 2014 in Denver. Dr. Eleanor M. Green, the Carl B. King Dean of Veterinary Medicine at the Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, is the association's new president-elect. Former president Dr. Kent Hoblet, dean of the Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine, assumes the duties of past-president. Learn more about the latest officer changes at the AAVMC.
World's Oldest Veterinary College Joins AAVMC
The oldest veterinary college in the world, VetAgro Sup at the University of Lyon in France, has joined the AAVMC. As an international member institution, VetAgro Sup will enjoy the benefits of full voting rights and a voice in the affairs of the association as specified in the association's bylaws, eligibility to join the Veterinary Medical College Application Service (VMCAS), and the opportunity to participate in many innovative programs and services relevant to academic veterinary medicine. Learn more.

Veterinary Medicine Mobility Act Becomes Law
A longstanding AAVMC legislative priority came to fruition on Friday, Aug. 1, when President Barack Obama signed the Veterinary Medicine Mobility Act (H.R. 1528) into law. The law amends a restrictive provision in the Controlled Substances Act and allows veterinarians to transport and dispense controlled substances outside of their DEA-registered locations, across state lines if necessary, in order to provide the best care for their animal patients. Learn more.

NIH Visits Showcase Academic Veterinary Medical Research
On July 21, three AAVMC member representatives joined three staff members to meet with National Institutes of Health (NIH) leaders, including representatives of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the Office of the Director.
The meetings are part of an ongoing outreach effort to share the AAVMC's story and educate many high, institute-level NIH officials about research activity at member institutions and the importance of continued funding and collaboration. Learn more.

NIH Funds Respiratory and Infectious Disease Research at Oklahoma State 
Dr. Lin Lui
Thanks to the leadership of an Oklahoma State University College of Veterinary Medicine professor, OSU has earned a $11.3 million Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence grant from the National Institutes of Health and established a major multi-disciplinary respiratory diseases research center. Dr. Lin Lui, Regents professor, Lundberg-Keinlen Professor in Biomedical Research and director of the Lung Biology and Toxicology lab in the Department of Physiological Sciences at OSU-CVM, has led efforts to establish the Oklahoma Center for Respiratory and Infectious Diseases. Learn more.

Note: The above story is part of a series of stories that the AAVMC highlights in the Vet-Med Educator on a regular basis from member institutions that demonstrate the many benefits of federal investment in schools and colleges of veterinary medicine. 
Academic Veterinary Medicine in the News

Association of American Veterinary
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